Check this out. Oorah! I am kvelling. (hat tip Katherine)
Weasel Zippers Reports:
Report: Top 50 U.S. Conservative Blogs as of July…Data sample: Domestic traffic only, June 1 – June 30
Source: Compete Site Analytics
Rank | Name | Unique Hits |
1 | Drudge Report | 3,507,630 |
2 | WND | 2,057,945 |
3 | BreitbartTV | 1,722,413 |
4 | Fox Nation | 1,476,113 |
5 | Free Republic | 1,128,003 |
6 | Town Hall | 987,486 |
7 | Powerline | 924,301 |
8 | NewsBusters | 752,692 |
9 | Hot Air | 742,180 |
10 | American Thinker | 688,679 |
11 | Red State | 672,614 |
12 | Big Government | 653,899 |
13 | Daily Caller | 572,754 |
14 | Michelle Malkin | 510,812 |
15 | Instapundit/Pajamas Media | 462,949 |
16 | Atlas Shrugs | 387,781 |
17 | Corner National Review | 380,882 |
18 | Big Hollywood | 349,958 |
19 | Big Journalism | 316,478 |
20 | The Right Scoop | 298,200 |
21 | Gateway Pundit | 246,854 |
22 | Right Wing News | 224,073 |
23 | Jihad Watch | 211,386 |
24 | Weasel Zippers | 209,305 |
25 | Lucianne | 196,080 |
26 | Frontpage | 183,444 |
27 | Dick Morris | 179,078 |
28 | Right Pundits | 174,744 |
29 | Newsreal | 166,494 |
30 | Washington’s Blog | 134,462 |
31 | Moonbattery | 131,382 |
32 | DBKP | 130,032 |
33 | Volokh Conspiracy | 121,931 |
34 | The Anchoress | 109,962 |
35 | Ace of Spades | 106,269 |
36 | Wiz Bang | 100,290 |
37 | Riehl World View | 97,578 |
38 | I Own the World | 97,190 |
39 | Jawa Report | 90,736 |
40 | Althouse | 89,107 |
41 | Sweetness and Light | 84,363 |
42 | Jammie Wearing Fool | 83,240 |
43 | Outside the Beltway | 83,082 |
44 | Black Five | 82,159 |
45 | Doug Ross @ Journal | 78,846 |
46 | Don Surber | 72,727 |
47 | Say Anything | 72,236 |
48 | The Peoples Cube | 69,802 |
49 | Yid With Lid | 67,995 |
50 | Legal Insurrection | 66,312 |