Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How Japan Sees China's Big Gain
Sensitive to the political implications of its new status, China insists it is still a developing nation, as reported here.A French economist agrees; and China, not surprisingly, plays up his view. Click here for the report.In Memoriam: Bobby Thomson
The Miracle of Coogan's Bluff--click below for the archival footage.An Ahmadinejad-Obama Summit?
Will the appeaser-in-chief meet face-to-face with the maniac-in-chief?
Click here to read how and why such a shameful summit could happen.Iran Proxy Preparing to Fight Israel
Appeasement of Islamist Iran--and Islamism in general--has made war with Iran inevitable.In Focus: China's "Three Warfares"
In 2003, the CCP Central Committee and the CMC approved the concept of “Three Warfares” (san zhong zhanfa—三种战法), a PLA information warfare concept aimed at influencing the psychological dimensions of military activity:
Psychological Warfare seeks to undermine an enemy’s ability to conduct combat operations through psychological operations aimed at deterring, shocking, and demoralizing enemy military personnel and supporting civilian populations.
Media Warfare is aimed at influencing domestic and international public opinion to build public and international support for China’s military actions and to dissuade an adversary from pursuing policies perceived to be adverse to China’s interests.
Legal Warfare uses international and domestic laws to gain international support and manage possible political repercussions of China’s military actions.
The concept of the “Three Warfares” is being developed for use in conjunction with other military and non-military operations. For example, China has incorporated the concept of Legal Warfare into its attempts to shape international opinion and interpretation of international law.
An overwhelming majority of nations throughout the world, including the United States, believe that customary international law, as reflected in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), effectively balances the resource-related sovereign rights of littoral states in their EEZ with the freedoms of navigation and overflight and other internationally lawful uses of the sea of other nations. This majority view is based upon a sound reading of the negotiating history of UNCLOS, the actual text of UNCLOS itself, and decades of state practice. The PRC, however, appears to be making concerted efforts, through enacting domestic legislation inconsistent with international law, misreading the negotiations and text of UNCLOS, and overlooking decades of state practice in attempts to justify a minority interpretation providing greater authority by littoral states over activities within the EEZ.
--Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2010PLA's Secret Rise Concerns Pentagon
Read the Pentagon report here.
No wonder shares of a supplier of Chinese military uniforms are soaring. Click here for that story.
In the meantime, the United States is re-hollowing its military, according to this analysis.Rick Scott on Obama's Ground Zero Mosque
"Islam Under Obama"--click here for an up-to-the-minute analysis.
EXTRA! HAMAS SUPPORTS GROUND ZERO MOSQUE, SAYS 'WE HAVE TO BUILD IT!'Iran Threatens 'Israel's Existence' if Attacked
Iran threatened to destroy Israel if it attacks Iran's nuclear power plant. Click herefor the story.
America's former UN ambassador, John Bolton, says Israel has only eight days to attack Iran, as reported here, if it wants to prevent the Islamist nation from becoming a nuclear weapons state. Bolton described the new Iranian reactor as "a significant victory" for Tehran.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
China has surpassed Japan as the world's second-largest economy. A symbolic achievement or a wake-up call for Japan and the United States? Click here for the story.
A giant of baseball passed away yesterday.
A large-scale border deployment by Iran's Lebanese proxy reflects secret war plans and preparations, as reported here.
China's opaque military buildup continues, as reported here.
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Britannia Radio