US-Israel space co-operation agreement strengthens already-strong ties By Gayle Putrich, Flightglobal President Barack Obama’s push to bring space exploration into the diplomatic arena has been boosted by the signing of a formal co-operation pact between NASA and the Israel Space Agency (ISA). The memorandum of understanding, signed in Washington DC by NASA administrator Charles Bolden and his Israeli counterpart Zvi Kaplan, is the culmination of talks that began in January when Bolden travelled to Israel for the fifth annual international Ilan Ramon Space Conference, named in memory of the Israeli astronaut payload specialist who flew on the ill-fated 2003 Space Shuttle mission STS-107 and was tragically lost, along with his crewmates, when Columbia disintegrated on re-entry. The main stated intention is to expand the exchange of information and provide inspiration for the next generation of researchers, scientists and engineers. But NASA is particularly interested in Israeli... Thousands brave heat to celebrate Israel in downtown Dallas By KIM HORNER / The Dallas Morning News At an outdoor celebration of Israel on Sunday, there was plenty of live music, dancing, kosher food – and heat. But the 105-degree scorcher did not spoil the fun for the thousands who came downtown to the “Party on the Plaza: A Celebration of Israel” in front of American Airlines Center throughout the afternoon. Organizers estimated at least 5,000 attended. Rabbi Adam Raskin, president of the Rabbinic Association of Greater Dallas, said the large crowd, especially given the temperatures, showed the strength of Dallas’ support for Israel. “There’s so much passion, so much excitement here,” Raskin said in a speech at the event, which was shown on several large screens in the plaza. The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas organized the first-ever festival showcasing Israeli culture, history and achievements at... JHM stopped short of officially announcing it... From Wikipedia’s “Divisions of the World in Islam,” and this is not the first time we have seen the phrase “Dar el Harb” (House of War) Dar al-Harb (Arabic: ??? ????? “house of war”; also referred to as Dar al-Garb “house of the West” in later Ottoman sources; a person from “Dar al-Harb” is a “harbi” (Arabic:????)) is a term classically referring to those countries where the Muslim law is not in force, in the matter of worship and the protection of the faithful and Dhimmis. The militant “Muslims” say it themselves; they are at war with us because we have not submitted to Islam (as opposed to the Dar al Islam = House of Islam, also known as the Dar al Salaam, the House of Peace). Ours is the Dar al-Harb, the House of... Just like the story about the late Israeli politician Moshe Sneh, who raised the tone of his voice because his arguments were not persuasive, Professor Shlomo Avineri raises the tone in his reply to Salman Masalha, both of whose opinion pieces appeared on these pages earlier this month, and paints him as a racist. But Masalha did not claim that there is no Jewish people or that Jews do not have the right to self-determination. His argument is simple: If the state is defined by religion, it cannot treat all its citizens equally, as required of a democratic system of government. Its true that from its inception, Zionism intended to turn the Jewish people from a religious community into a modern nation, but... [I love MARK LEVIN, HE'S AS GOOD AS IT GETS. YAMIT] Calls to Blacklist Ernest Borgnine Over Political Views Click here to view the embedded video. Click here to view the embedded video. By Prof. Paul Eidelberg Part I The great philosopher-mathematician Alfred North Whitehead said, “The Jews are the first people that refused to worship the State.” This suggests that the Jews are the first people to recognize a “Higher Law,” one that transcends the laws of the State. The idea of a Higher Law, one that transcends the acts of parliaments and kings inspired America’s Founding Fathers and justified their Revolution against Britain in 1776. Christian America is therefore spiritually indebted to the Jewish people. America’s Declaration of Independence affirms that the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” constitute the ultimate standard of whether laws enacted by the State are just or unjust, hence whether the State merits obedience. The Declaration speaks of “government by the consent of the governed.” Consent is a rational as well as a volitional concept: we speak of a young person reaching the age of consent. The Declaration thus envisions a... The announcement Friday that Middle East peace talks would be launched Sept. 2 was not exactly met with an outpouring of enthusiasm. Yet progress on security and other issues suggests there is reason to believe peace talks can produce results. [Are Americans really that dumb?] By The Associated Press Americans doubt that Islam is likelier than other faiths to encourage violence, but their overall view of the religion has worsened over the past five years, a poll revealed on Tuesday. In a survey that underlined the complex views people have about Muslims, 51 percent agreed that a Muslim center should not be built near the former site of New York’s World Trade Center, compared to 34 percent who said it should be permitted. But more people have unfavorable than favorable views of Islam by... By Ted Belman I have been invited by The Hill along with three other bloggers to write an essay dealing with the peace process and American foreign policy in the ME. So it was with interest that I read this Haaretz piece. Iraq pullout makes Israeli-Palestinian peace crucial for U.S. But it is hard to believe the White House is unaware of the strategic implications of its unilateral withdrawal from Iraq for the balance of power between pragmatic regimes, like Egypt and Jordan, and fundamentalist forces led by Iran. And Washington sees thawing the frozen peace process between Israel and the Palestinians – and not only the Palestinians – as the key to bolstering the region’s pro-Western axis. As it turned out I came to the opposite conclusion. Because of the withdrawal, the US should stand squarely behing Israel as a bulwark to stop expanding Iranian hegemony. Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia don’t care a whit about the peace process except they need...U.S.-Israel Sign Space Cooperation Pact
Dallas Celebrates Israel
John Hagee Ministries cuts funds from Im Tirtzu
Militant Islam has Openly Declared War on Civilization
A Secular Leftists Laments…….Of Having To Be Jewish In A Jewish Land
Mark Levin: Leftist McCarthyism…….
The State of Israel and the Time for Truth
Mideast peace talks to look forward to?
Poll: Americans believe Islam no more prone to violence than other faiths
All believe a strong Israel is needed to contain Iran
Thursday, 26 August 2010
John Hagee Ministries said it was misled by the organization.
Im Tirtzu’s main donor expressed its deep displeasure on Monday with the
controversial organization over its campaigns against New Israel Fund and
Ben Gurion University signaling that it plans to discontinue its funding.
John Hagee Ministries (JHM), the organization named after the pro-Israel
evangelical pastor who founded it, told the Jerusalem Post it gave to Im
Tirtzu in 2009 under the impression that it dealt only with Zionist
“Im Tirtzu misrepresented its focus when they told us their mission was
strictly Zionist education,” Ari Morgenstern, the spokesman for JHM, said.
“We had no prior knowledge of Im Tirtzu’s political actions and we never
seek to involve ourselves in Israel’s internal political debate.”
Multiculturalists wouldn’t recognize a hostile act if it bayoneted them in the guts; what part of “House of War” do they not understand?
by Bill Levinson
Instead of bringing about the secularization of Judaism, Zionism turned religion into the central element of the definition of national identity, and turned the State of Israel into a tool of the religious redemption project.
And yes, the misguided meme that “Jews should know better than to act like their former oppressors” was used against this old American patriot. Disturbingly sickening sight to witness, and the main stream media present chose not to film it. KGS
There has been a surge in cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) ever since Hamas ousted security officials and the mainstream Fatah Party from Gaza more than three years ago. I recently spent five weeks in the region, where I met with more than four dozen Israeli and Palestinian officials, including President Mahmoud Abbas. Cooperation is increasingly evident in several areas.
Security cooperation between the PA and Israel has substantially improved. In 2002, 410 Israelis were killed by suicide bombings and other attacks emanating from the West Bank; in the past three years, Israel has suffered one fatality from one such attack. Speaking in Washington this year,...
Yet at the same time, a majority – 62 percent – said Muslims should have equal rights to build houses of worship. Just 25 percent said communities should be allowed to block the construction of mosques. The poll was conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
The poll found that by 42 percent to 35 percent, most think Islam does not incite violence more than other religions, about the same as said so last year.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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Britannia Radio