Sunday, 8 August 2010

UK property: 50 years of going in cycles

Can data from half a century of recessions predict property trends?

Jemima Lewis

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has covered world politics and economics for a quarter century, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels. He is now International Business Editor in London.


Agflation fears as Russia halts all grain exports

Russian halts all exports of grains, raising the stakes dramatically in the crisis over wheat supplies.

05 Aug 2010

Wheat storm will soon blow itself out

Drought has lifted wheat futures, but this is a very different story from the global food crisis two years ago.

04 Aug 2010

US bond yields fall to record low on Fed hopes

Short-term US Treasury yields drop to historic lows on mounting expectations of extra stimulus from the Fed.

03 Aug 2010

Italy trapped in economic slow lane

July car sales have plummeted in Italy, compounding the country’s woes as political crisis threatens months of wrangling.

02 Aug 2010

Hot political summer as China throttles rare metal supply and claims South China Sea

The United States and Europe have been remarkably insouciant about supplies of rare earth minerals so crucial to frontier technologies, from hybrid engines to mobile phones, superconductors, radar and smart bombs.

01 Aug 2010

Europe's €30 trillion headache

European banks face a serious funding threat over the next two years as authorities withdraw emergency support, S&P says.

29 Jul 2010

Drip after drip of deflation data

27 Jul 2010

World splits as East tightens while West stays loose

India's move to raise rates underlines the stark contrast with West.

27 Jul 2010

Spain shines on stress test, Germany flunks

Europe's bank stress tests have reduced pressure on Spanish lenders but so far done little to ease broader strains in interbank credit markets.

26 Jul 2010

The Death of Paper Money

As they prepare for holiday reading in Tuscany, City bankers are buying up rare copies of an obscure book on the mechanics of Weimar inflation published in 1974.

25 Jul 2010

Swiss endure safe-haven agony from euro flight

Switzerland is fighting a losing battle to stop massive inflows of funds from investors fleeing sovereign risk in the euro area and the rest of the world.

21 Jul 2010

Hungary's IMF revolt augurs ill for Greece

The collapse of talks with the IMF is a chilly reminder that sovereign debt crises do not end with a rescue package and a click of the fingers.

19 Jul 2010

Stress-testing Europe's banks won't stave off a deflationary vortex

Euroland's authorities are inflicting a triple shock of fiscal, monetary, and currency tightening on a broken economy. They are doing so in a region where industrial output is still 14pc below its peak, where growth barely scraped above zero over the winter "recovery", and where youth unemployment is at 40pc in Spain, 35pc in Slovakia, 29pc in Italy, and 26pc in Ireland.

18 Jul 2010