Monday, 16 August 2010

The Hockey Stick is toast, says WUWT. And a satellite failure means that temperature data are doubtful.

Will it make any difference? Methinks the High Priests are not going to give up that easily, while the politicians have too much money at stake. But it does seem to be unravelling rather fast.


This was the day the RAF lost 48 aircraft, with many damaged, and claimed an outstanding victory. But then, everything is relative. The Germans lost 71 aircraft, and they also had a number of damaged aircraft to deal with.  In fact, it was a victory and the RAF had no need to exaggerate.  It did, of course, claiming 182 "kills". The Germans also exaggerated, tagging up 101 aircraft, including five Curtiss Hawks, a type which the RAF did not even operate.

Read more on DAYS OF GLORY