Sunday, 15 August 2010


Walmart says

S. Africa is the riskiest destination in the WORLD to send money to...

Date Posted: Sunday 15-Aug-2010

[One of our regular readers in the USA, Lars sent this comment which is worth posting separately. This gives you an indication of what sort of criminal state South Africa is.

The South African Postal service is so worthless... Google wants checks to go to a physical address - which is a really bad idea. The blacks who deliver the mail don't care. I have found my Google checks lying on my lawn outside my house, or when it rains it lies there absolutely sopping wet. The blacks don't care. They just ram the post into my postbox and don't care if it even falls out again (not that its full - but that's just their don't care attitude). As things stand I have 2 more checks that have disappeared and I have to wait 60 days before cancelling them again. This entire year I've only received 2 checks. I am so annoyed by this.

Lars wrote this below:-
Couldn’t you set up a bank account in the US and have Google wire the money into it?

Actually, I have been thinking the same thing. But the problem that concerns me is whether I would be asked for a Social Security number - if not by the bank then by google. But it is worth a try. I am also wondering in which other country I could open a bank a/c where Google could pay me. Clearly, bringing my bit of money into South Africa is not a good idea.

Below is what JoAn discovered when he went to a Walmart store. Just look at what Walmart, the world's largest retailer thinks of South Africa as a crime hotspot!! Jan]

I recently went into a WalMart store to see if they send money wires to SA. I know it must be the least expensive way to send as all the Mexicans line up there to send to their other home. The woman said, YES, we send to SA but why do you want to send money there?
It is the HIGHEST risk country to send to on our list. We caution anyone sending there. TRULY I was surprised to hear that ANYONE else in my town was sending money there. She wondered if I knew the people and also asked if someone there had promised to send me something like a phone card,credit card or something of that nature. I said no, they were personal friends and I know them well. I only wante to send a birthday gift. It cost $35 to send a wire of ANY amount through my bank and so if you are only sending a little money, it hardly makes sense. Wal-Mart is much less.
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Justify Full
Author of: Government by Deception

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
(George Orwell)

My all time favourite movie quote is from the Dwarf in Lord of the Rings:
"Certainty of death, small chance of success... what are we waiting for?"