Monday, 23 August 2010

Al Qaida under new management
Dear Harold,
For 18 months we have been ringing alarm bells about the wisdom of President Obama’s campaign of apology and appeasement to the Muslim world.
We have contended that this will not improve our image in the Muslim world, and will in fact produce the opposite effect—
emboldening Islamists and expanding their ranks.
The results are in.
  • A recent poll shows the Muslim world’s disapproval of the United States is
    • virtually unchanged since 2008.
  • Successful, unsuccessful and foiled terrorist attacks against the U.S. have skyrocketed (think Times Square bomber, Christmas Day bomber, Ft. Hood).
  • Al Qaida has restructured its leadership, staffing it with long-time residents

  • and citizens of America. See the chilling Investor’s Business Daily column below

  • by Paul Sperry, who spoke at the June ACT! for America National Conference

  • and Legislative Briefing.
Appeasement of those driven by a supremacist ideology, which radical Islam is, has

never worked in the past. Not surprisingly, it’s not working now.

IBD Editorials

Under New American Management,

Al-Qaida Now Poses Inner Threat


Posted 08:17 PM ET August 13, 2010

If al-Qaida looks and sounds different as we approach 9/11's ninth anniversary, it's because it's under new
American management. No fewer than four U.S. citizens and a permanent U.S. resident have risen to senior leadership posts.

These five English-speaking leaders are actively planning or facilitating attacks against their countrymen, while recruiting and radicalizing other American turncoats to carry them out.

By remaking itself into an American enterprise, al-Qaida is now more lethal than ever. Its new generation of
leaders understands the way America works, having lived here for decades. They have a better sense of our
security blind spots. They also know which kinds of attacks will produce both mass panic and maximum
economic damage.

Al-Qaida's indigenous rebirth, moreover, befogs our military strategy. We're no longer at war with just a
foreign enemy, but fellow Americans recruited by the enemy. They're supplied, in turn, by a seemingly endless
stream of homegrown foot soldiers, fed by a native Muslim population once believed quiescent and

Shockingly, the War on Terror has morphed into a mini-civil war, and it's posing major new challenges to its prosecution. We're now battling our own citizens. How do we deal with wartime traitors? Can the CIA
assassinate them? Can it spy on them? What about their civil rights?

This muddies an already muddy war, and it's all part of al-Qaida's plan.

After 9/11, the group vowed to convert our own people against us, something once thought impossible.
But it's managed to groom a startling number of American citizens and residents and install them in top
leadership slots, including:

* Adnan Shukrijumah: The long-time Florida resident, who obtained a green card while living in the U.S.
for more than 15 years, has replaced 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammad as chief of al-Qaida's terror operations.

Believed to be directing U.S. terrorist cells from Pakistan, Shukrijumah, 35, recently was indicted as a
conspirator in last year's plot to blow up the New York subway. There's a $5 million reward for his capture.

* Adam Gadahn: The California-born Muslim convert assists Shukrijumah and Osama bin Laden as
al-Qaida's chief propagandist. He tailors the group's message to American Muslims, as well as disaffected
minorities ripe for conversion.

In 2006, Gadahn invoked U.S. Muslims to attack military bases, singling out California's Camp Pendleton
as a candidate for "a shooting spree." Three years later, a Muslim soldier went on a shooting spree at
Fort Hood. Gadahn, 31, praised the attack and urged more.

The first American to be charged with treason in 50 years, Gadahn is hiding in Pakistan with a $1 million
bounty on his head.

* Anwar Awlaki: Articulate and media savvy, the American-born cleric is al-Qaida's top recruiter of
Western suicide cells.

Awlaki has recruited or radicalized countless homegrown terrorists, including the Fort Hood shooter and
the Times Square bomber, both English-speaking citizens. Authorities also believe he ordered the
Christmas airliner attack, which puts Awlaki in the middle of the last three major terror acts on U.S. soil.

Thought to be bin Laden's heir, Awlaki has called on American Muslims to turn against their government,
and has even justified killing American civilians. "Jihad against America is binding on every other (American) Muslim," he said.

The 39-year-old Awlaki lived in the U.S. for 21 years before fleeing to Yemen after 9/11. Treasury last
month designated him a "key leader of al-Qaida" and froze his assets. He's also on the CIA's terrorist hi
t list.

* Samir Khan: A U.S. citizen who grew up in New York and Charlotte, N.C., the Web-savvy 24-year-
old is now in Yemen helping Awlaki target American audiences as al-Qaida's newest propagandist.

Khan is editor of al-Qaida's splashy new organ, "Inspire," a Webzine that provides jihadists step-by-step
instructions in English on making bombs that can elude bomb-sniffing dogs.

* Omar Hammami: The ex-Baptist convert to Islam grew up in the Alabama suburbs before joining al-Qaida.

He's now, at 25, a field commander in Somalia, another key al-Qaida hot spot, where he's recruiting and
training U.S. jihadists. His trainees include dozens of Minneapolis college kids, including one who earned
the dubious title, "first American suicide bomber."

This new cadre of al-Qaida leaders is enlisting a growing faction of the U.S. Muslim community, many of
them African-American and white converts who don't fit the Arab terrorist profile. As many as three dozen
U.S. converts are said to have gone through al-Qaida training in Yemen, where they've received Awlaki's
blessing. They reportedly include blond-haired, blue-eyed types, fitting a profile of Americans that al-Qaida
in the past could only dream of recruiting.

Its recruiting effort is made all the easier by some 15,000 jihadi Web sites, 80% of which are operating off
servers based inside the U.S. Across the country, moreover, mosques and Islamic bookstores sell Awlaki's recorded sermons as CD box sets. It's all protected "free speech."

"Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie," Awlaki boasts. More and more, he warns, terror attacks will
come "from within" ‹ even within our own military.

Meanwhile, the so-called moderates of the Muslim establishment are sitting on their hands. Major Muslim
groups have refused to cooperate in terror probes until the FBI backs off mosques. Their cold war turned
hot last fall, when a Muslim leader in Detroit died in a shoot-out with agents, triggering outcry throughout the
Muslim community.

It's just a matter of time before a homegrown nut inspired by a radical mosque or Web site overcomes their
bomb-making learning curve and successfully detonates one, blowing up a building or a mall or a plane inside America. And then we'll all wonder why more wasn't done to shut down these sites. Of course, by then we'll
be sweeping up the remains of victims, and it will be too late.

"America cannot and will not win," Awlaki hisses. With Washington running from the war, disengaging from
an enemy that now counts our own citizens among its senior ranks, we cannot afford to dismiss his words as

Sperry, formerly IBD Washington bureau chief, is a Hoover Institution media fellow and author of "Infiltration"
and "Muslim Mafia."


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