Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends


Item #1

How Republicans and Democrats Play Americans as Fools by Using the Third Way
By Brannon Howse
Brannon explains how republicans and democrats often work together to manipulate the American people into accepting the progressive agenda.

All 10 Branson Worldview Weekend 2010 Keynote Presentations on 5 DVDs

Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance

Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction

When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

What is in and what is out on America's High School and College Campus by Dr. David Noebel

What is right with America by Dr. David Noebel

Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity?
By Dr. Ron Carlson

Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur

Matthew 24: Jesus' End Time Prophecies by Dr. David Reagan

Finding Strength for the Journey by Dr. David Jeremiah
All 5 Branson 2010 DVDs

To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:

EPA to regulate … dust
Under Obamanomics, Government Workers Win, You Lose
Deflation Threats Are Best Contrarian Indicator Across Nation
Mosque Projects Meet Opposition
Plans to Build Massive Islamic Centers Raise Concerns in Tennessee
Students at Lincoln Memorial Told to Stop Singing National Anthem
Lacking votes for amnesty? No problem

Item #2

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Sheriff Tony DeMeo of Nye County, Nevada stands up to the federal government and defends the state and U.S. Constitution. This is a Sheriff that understands the state and federal Constitutions and teaches it to his deputies. We need more Sheriffs like Sheriff DeMeo. Starting in 1991, the federal government was trying to seize the cattle of a rancher so they could then justify taking his water rights. When Sheriff DeMeo took office in 2003, he told his deputies that illegal cattle seizures were prohibited and that any federal agents attempting to confiscate cattle would be arrested. Shortly after this the Bureau of Land Management arrived at the ranch owned by the Hage family to perform a seizure. The Sheriff’s Deputy told the federal agents that there would be no seizure or taking of cattle as it would be unconstitutional. The Deputy was told that the BLM federal agents intended to arrest DeMeo and use armed force to take Hage’s cattle. Sheriff DeMeo advised the federal agent that their SWAT team would be faced with Sheriff DeMeo’s SWAT team if they proceeded. Sheriff DeMeo also said he would arrest any federal agent trying to enforce any unlawful, unconstitutional order. Hear the Sheriff in his own words.

If you have the DVD Grave Influence Part One From Last Year, You Need To Order Grave Influence Part Two and Three That Was Just Filmed at our April 2010, Branson Worldview Weekend:

Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance

In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Aldous Huxley, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Julius Wellhausen, Betty Friedan and Christopher Columbus Langdell have all helped to lay the foundation for the worldview revolution taking place in America. This revolution involves the globalist declaring war on Christianity, capitalism and national sovereignty. One of living radicals leading this revolution is Maurice Strong who was head of the United Nation's Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and is one of the leading forces behind global governance and Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong has proclaimed, "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" And guess who the globalist and radical environmentalists blame for the world's ecological crisis? You guessed it, Christians and the Biblical worldview. Understand sustainable development and you will understand why the radicals are pushing abortion on demand, active euthanasia through the rationing of healthcare, radical environmentalism, paganism, the elimination of private property, parental authority and religious liberty. Brannon explains how the radicals are using the four E's to push their sustainable development: Education, Economy, Ecology, and Ecumenicalism.

Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction

In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Roger Baldwin, John Dewey, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, and William James are seeking to seize the hearts and minds of America's children. These radicals laid the foundation for outcome-based education, values clarification, situational ethics, promotion of homosexuality, promotion of sexual promiscuity, psychological manipulation, behavior modification, computer tracking of a student's worldview, national youth service, social justice curriculum, collectivism, group think and elimination of parental authority. Brannon's twenty years of research on this topic is evident in this cutting edge presentation that every parent and grandparent must view.
Brannon Howse 2010

Item #3

Hiding in Plain Sight: The One-World System
By Heidi Swander
"On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London." So begins an article written by author and commentator Dick Morris on April 7, 2009, titled, "European Socialism to Run Our Financial System." According to Morris, a communiqué from the meeting "essentially announces a global economic union with uniform regulations and by-laws for all nations, including the United States." Please note: This took place last year.

When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

The elimination of Christian holidays in the schools, paganism mixed with Christianity, seminaries, churches and Christians rejecting the authority of the Word of God, dividing one's worldview between the secular and the sacred, an economic crisis and the rise of socialism are just a few of the worldview issues facing America. However, another nation in another time confronted all of these issues and more. How the German people and the church in Germany responded to the rise of Hitler and his Nazi party can teach the American church many important lessons for how we should respond to America's worldview revolution now taking place. In this gripping keynote presentation, Dr. Erwin Lutzer reveals seven lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany. These lessons include: 1. When God is separated from government, judgment follows, 2. It's always the economy, 3. That which is legal might also be evil, 4. Propaganda can change a nation, 5. Parents—not the state—are responsible for a child's training, 6. Ordinary heroes can make a difference, 7. We must exalt the cross in the gathering darkness.

Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Dr. Lutzer’s keynote presentation is based on his experience visiting the locations of the seven churches of Revelation. He’ll share the lessons we need to learn from these churches, which experienced significant conflict with Islam. He’ll answer questions such as:

• Does Islam’s victory over these churches prove its superiority over Christianity, as they claim?
• What options do Christians have if they live in a Muslim country?
• What does this conflict mean to the future of Europe and America?

There is no example in history where Muslims have given Christians equal

rights. All Muslims who take the Koran seriously believe that they should work toward having a Caliphate, that is, the Muslim rule of the world. Clearly, our conflict with Islam is here to stay. Because Islam is also an ideology, only the church can confront the ideological/theological issues that are involved in this religion. Passivity is not an option so how should Christians respond is one of many questions Dr. Lutzer answers in this timely presentation.
Erwin Lutzer 2010

Item #4

Is Another Great Divide Coming?
By Jan Markell
Amnesty for 20 million illegals? That is what the faith community is pushing for including Catholics, Mainline Protestants and the National Association of Evangelicals. Compassion and common sense are at war. To brand all illegals as suspects hardly seems fair, but talk to Americans living near the southern border. The character of some illegals is that of destruction. They have destroyed property, livestock and human life. They have broken into homes and stolen everything not tied down and some things that were tied down! In recent weeks, 23,000 Mexicans have been killed in the drug war along the border. Kidnappings in Arizona have broken all records.

Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity?
By Dr. Ron Carlson

After hearing this presentation, several men in attendance repented of their involvement with the Masonic Lodge, cancelled their membership, and committed to returning home to reveal to their friends and family members the need to also reject the unbiblical teachings of the Masonic Lodge. In this presentation, that includes multiple graphics, Ron reveals the beliefs, doctrines, and rituals of the Masonic Lodge and the Shriners from their own authorities. Dr. Carlson has studied the original writings of these groups and through their own words and through Dr. Carlson's study of the Word of God, he reveals why no confessing Christian can take part in the works of darkness of these two groups.
In this fast paced, graphically rich, presentation Dr. Carlson reveals the following: Their historical background, the Blue Lodge and initiation ceremony, the goal of a universal religion, the religion of morality and works, revival of the ancient mystery religions, their view of the Word of God and Jesus Christ, the secret password to Masonic deity, Masonic salvation versus God's truth in the Bible and finally the worldview of the Shriners. Hear the stories of church pastors, deacons and elders who have been members of the lodge and how their church ministry exploded when their leadership repented and rejected the false teaching of the Masonic Lodge. Hear the story of one church that sand blasted the Masonic symbol off their church after hearing this presentation.

Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur

David Arthur of Precept Ministries International examines 2 Peter 3:1-18 and brings incredible application for today's Christian. So many voices are flooding the Christian space with teachings of prophecy. Charts, scary pictures, proclamations, predictions are running wild in the evangelical world. It has become such a buzz that some people seem to be drunk with “new” insights, definitions and descriptions of what is to come. Prophecy is not about making charts – but rather shaping hearts! Peter says he wants to “stir up our minds” – How, with what, and why? The application that comes loud and clear from the text starts in verse 11 and continually grows stronger through the end of the chapter. David Arthur takes you through an in-depth study using the inductive Bible study approach. David's talk is appropriately non-denominational and stays away from millennial views so regardless of your eschatology; you are certain to gain Biblical insight and instruction from this powerful presentation.

David Arthur / Ron Carlson 2010

Item #5

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Religions Unite to Save the Planet Carl Teichrib is Jan's guest. He was an "observer" at the "G8 World Religions Summit" in Winnipeg in late June. Even evangelicals gathered there to praise "mother earth," invoke spirits, and focus on "social justice." The formation of the "one-world religion" is shaping up, although none of the participants see it. Teichrib gives stunning illustrations of the unity around paganism he observed. Even humanism was celebrated at the event. This is more proof that the hour is late and the end-time players are aligning.

What is in and what is out on America's High School and College Campus by Dr. David Noebel

For almost fifty years, Dr. David Noebel has been teaching, lecturing, and writing on the various worldviews competing with Christianity. As the President and Founder of Summit Ministries, Dr. Noebel has trained thousands of students each summer through his two-week worldview, academic camp in Manitou Springs, Colorado. In this presentation, Dr. David Noebel lays out specific philosophies and ideas that are competing on today's high school and college campus. On today's campus, Christian values, morality, and absolute truth is demonized and ridiculed? The values, ideas, and philosophies of humanism such as globalism, multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, animal rights, evolution etc. are aggressively inculcated into young hearts and minds. While you may not expect it, this presentation is filled with lots of laughing from the audience as Dr. Noebel uses humor to show the foolishness and failure of the worldviews ruling on the American campus.

What is right with America by Dr. David Noebel

In this second keynote presentation, from our Branson 2010 Worldview Weekend, Dr. David Noebel continues to keep the attention of his audience by keeping them laughing as he reveals what is right with America. What do all these things have in common: America's founding, promotion of free-market capitalism, freedom of worship, travel, establishment of schools, universities, hospitals, highways, water systems, food chains, inventions, courts, ministries that assist the poor, adoption agencies, orphanages and pregnancy crisis centers? All of them are the result of Christians living out the Biblical principles and values that make up a Biblical worldview. America's success has been rooted in Christianity and America's decline has been a result of the rejection of Biblical truth. Those that promote "social justice" want to tell you that all that is wrong with America has been because of Christianity but Dr. Noebel documents with 100% proof that all that has been right with America can be attributed to those living out a Biblical worldview.
David Noebel 2010

Item #6

John Lennon and God
By Ray Comfort
John Lennon once said, "People always got the image I was an anti-Christ or anti-religion. I'm not. I'm a most religious fellow. I was brought up a Christian and I only now understand some of the things that Christ was saying in those parables." Most people believe in God's existence. It's hard not to, with creation staring us in the face. Still, there are some who deny their God-given common sense and believe the unscientific thought that nothing created everything. Atheists can't have their cake and eat it too. Either something made everything, or nothing made it.

Matthew 24: Jesus' End Time Prophecies by Dr. David Reagan

In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus Christ Himself tells us what the last days will look like and how to know that the return of the Lord is near. While we are not to set dates and while no man knows the day or the hour; Christians can recognize the signs of the time that Jesus detailed in Matthew 24 that reveal that His return is imminent. The signs of Jesus also reveal the supernatural nature of God's Word. The signs Jesus foretold in Mathew 24 include: Explosion of cults, violence in world politics, natural disasters, persecution of believers, apostasy in the church, disintegration of society and preaching of the gospel worldwide. Dr. Reagan reveals what the message of Matthew 24 is for us today as Christians who are living at the very time and with the very signs of which Jesus predicted all around us. This fast paced presentation, with lots of pictures and news headlines, is also over-flowing with Scripture. This is not a time for Christians to be afraid, to retreat, to be filled with doom and gloom. This is perhaps the greatest hour for the Church of Jesus Christ if we understand the incredible opportunities that are now before us. Watch this presentation and be challenged, inspired, encouraged, and equipped to live as a good solider of Jesus Christ in the very days that Jesus Himself predicted.

Finding Strength for the Journey by Dr. David Jeremiah

Do you find yourself becoming weary, exhausted, and discouraged as you run the Christian race? Then Hebrews 12:1-3 will speak directly to you. Dr. David Jeremiah opens the Word of God and reveals the important message of how to run the race of faith in Jesus Christ with endurance. In today's world, Christians are increasingly experiencing persecution. Hebrews tells us that we should remember or consider the persecution, attacks, and hostility that Jesus Christ Himself endured from sinners lest we become weary and discouraged in our souls. Hebrews 10:37-18 promises us that Jesus Christ will return and as true converts of Jesus Christ we must live by faith and we will not draw back or to return to a life of willful sinfulness and apostasy. We must run with determination the race marked out before us no matter how grueling it becomes to do the will of God. As faithful servants of the Most High we are promised that at the end of our race will we will receive the price, the reward of eternity with our Lord and Savior.
David Jeremiah / David Reagan 2010

Item #7

Judging a nation
By Dave Welch
Judges – we can't live with them and we can't live without them. Ancient Israel discovered that judges had a vital purpose, albeit different than under our Constitution. The most evident truth of that period in their history is that the nation depended not so much on the quality of the judges, but the obedience to God among the people.

Grave Influence Part One:

The philosophies of a handful of people have shaped our country just as the Father of Lies would want. Whether in law, science, economics, history, family, social issues, education, or religion, the worldviews that corrupt godly values are traceable to four major forces. Brannon Howse reveals the demonically-inspired connections between occultism and pagan spirituality, the apostate church (strong in America), our educations establishment, and the government-corporate complex.

Through this DVD, Brannon reveals 9 of the 21 enemies that he exposes in his book Grave Influence that are enemies of a Biblical worldview. Today's followers of these radicals do not want their agenda unveiled for the American people. Above all, they don't want us to train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. Brannon traces the influence of seminal thinkers who, even after they're long gone from this world, still win battles for the hearts and minds of the unaware. Brannon reveals three specific things you must do to win this spiritual battle and ten reasons why and how this can be the greatest hour for the American church.

Grave Influence the DVD, will help you see the world and events rocking the globe as a part of a big picture, not in bits and pieces. You'll recognize the lies that have been cleverly packaged in positive, masking terms and how they conceal a destructive spiritual agenda brought upon us by the legacies of:

Saul Alinsky
Karl Marx
John Dewey
John Maynard Keynes
Friedrich Nietzsche
Alice Bailey
Helen Schucman
The Frankfurt School
Soren Kierkegaard
Grave Influence DVD

Order your free copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest.

Articles In this issue of the
Worldview Weekend Digest:
  1. Why Christianity and Marxism Cannot Co-Exist
  2. Why The Globalist Will Not Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste
  3. The Most Important Test You Will Ever Take: 10 Hallmarks of A True Convert From The Book of First John

Item #8

The wolves are at the door!
By Henry Lamb
America is not a democracy. It was never intended to be a democracy. The founders worked hard to see that the new government they created was not a democracy, but a growing segment of the population seems hell-bent on transforming this great nation into a democracy in which the rights of the minority are systematically ignored.

This package includes the Grave Influence book and DVD by Brannon Howse for only $20.00
Grave Influence: Special Package

Item #9

Wallbuilders Live
American Heritage Series - The Influence of the Bible in America

21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave

This is it, the one book you need to read if you want to understand the big picture, connect all the dots, and understand current times, and future events and trends that will be unfolding. This ground-breaking book by best-selling author Brannon Howse is the result of thousands of hours of research over many years and is must reading for every teenager and adult.
Grave Influence Book

Item #10

Serious Questions Raised About Obama Tactics in 2008 Election
By Roger Aronoff
Recently AIM interviewed Gigi Gaston, director of the documentary film, "We Will Not Be Silenced." The film documents voter intimidation and corruption by forces working for then-candidate Barack Obama at Democratic precinct caucuses and state conventions during the 2008 Presidential primary. The filmmaker is surprising in that she is a lifelong Democrat, whose grandfather was the mayor of Boston and later the governor of Massachusetts, and she is a Hollywood screenwriter.