If anyone is tempted to believe Mark Thompson's ludicrous assertion that BBC bias was in the past, take a look at Roger Harrabin's attempt to discuss dispassionately the recent attack by Inter Academy Council (IAC) on the snake oil salesmen techniques of the IPCC. BBC reports about the IAC such as this one have already done their best to minimise the importance of the damning IAC verdict. Our Roger pretends in his opinion piece that he is carefully weighing up the pros and cons of how the IPCC has behaved. And to be fair, he even admits that he himself got it wrong in being so uncritical. But - try as he might to be "fair" - his true colours show at the end. He states: A B-BBC reader spells it out... Strange item here concerning the system that Labour uses to elect it's new leader. On the one hand, the item makes is abundantly clear that one person can have multiple votes when it comes to voting for the Labour leader. You would have thought this was vigorously challenged but I thought John Humphyrs was exceedingly gentle with Labour Party Chairman Tony Lloyd. (Note how Humphyrs speaks highly of John Prescott). In fact there was an air of bonhomie about the interview and Loyd was allowed to obfuscate his way out if it and the BBC then kindly lead with the heading "People are revolted by this new Government and want to join Labour." More pro-Labour propaganda. One Man = Many Votes is OK when it's socialists playing the game. Sometimes BBC bias sickens me and then, sometimes, it enrages me. This item this morning falls into the latter camp. I'll pass on Jeremy Bowen's loaded commentary, we all know how anti-Israel he is. But I simply couldn't believe way how Hamas apologist Professor Beverley Milton Edwards was allowed to come on to the Today programme this morning and apologise for Hamas (Islamic resistance) This wretched academic, who disgracefully infests my Alma mater, even had the NERVE to refer to the Hamas murder of four innocent Israelis as "armed attacks" She did everything possible to present this gang of murdering killers as the very personification of reason when they are in fact the incarnation of evil. She tried to use what she alleges as the Northern Ireland template to justify talking to these savages. Here is the little daughter of two of the victims of Hamas reasonableness - look at her anguish, listen to the way this fool Edwards is allowed to pontificate, and share my rage at the BBC.BIASED FRIDAY
I'll post a new Open thread shortly but the BBC has been biased beyond belief on Today his morning and I wanted to cover a handful of these items.
It all kicks off with the news that BBC DG Mark Thompson had been spotted going into Downing Street and photographers had been able to take images of the papers he was carrying. The suggestion was that Thompson could be trying to collude with the Coalition over the coming cuts. Oh no! As if to make up for that horrible thought, Today went into pro-Labour overdrive....
Ed Balls was given a slot just leading up to the prime-time 8am news slot to rant and rave about how he would save the economy. (Ignoring how he had been there as it ran into the bumpers. Remember Year Zero - all troubles started when the Coalition came to power) He was allowed to serially criticise and misrepresent George Osborne and then talk economic gibberish. No Coalition come-back, naturally.
Then, straight after the 8am news, we have Lord Prescott on to attack the "Murdoch Press", quoting favourable from those organs of reason, The Guardian and the New York Times. There was a distinct air of bonhomiebetween Humphyrs and the fat oaf who was our Deputy PM. No opposing voice allowed, naturally.
Just when I thought this was going to a Conservative-free zone, up pops Bercow to pontificate on the Hague sideshow. Ah, but it's SALLY Bercow,that well known Labour enthusiast. Given the BBC's embrace of the gay agenda in almost every other walk of life, I find their sniping at the Foreign Secretary revolting.
Then, to finish, in all fairness the BBC moved away from Labour for a minute. Time to talk about Hamas. There was yet ANOTHER apologist for Hamas being given free rein. Yet again he was allowed to get away with spouting the most obnoxious pro-Islamic terror propaganda with no voice of opposition. Why does the BBC have SUCH a love-in a for the vicious Islamic killers from Hamas?
This was a thoroughly disgraceful programme from start to finish, an example of why the BBC needs axed. They must not be allowed to broadcast their bias at OUR expense. Maybe when they are stripped of our License taxes, they can turn to the Trade Unions for funding, like their pals in Labour. That way we can see them as the bought and paid for whores they so transparently have become.THOMPSON UNBIAS...
When the right-wing American critics who are likely to welcome much of this report raise a glass in celebration whenever Dr Pachauri does go, they should remember who put the chairman in his current place.
It was George W Bush. This was seen by some as a move to install a compliant developing country economist who wouldn't stand in the way of industrial growth. He arranged the appointment of a former railway engineer who proceeded to drive right over his toes.
So that's it, then - Mr Thompson's (now) unbiased BBC in action. Let's spell it out: according to Mr Harrabin, critics of the IPCC are right-wing Americans, and George W.Bush was the stupid b*** who is the cause of this whole car crash.
They can't help themselves. It's what they do.WAS, NOT IS?
Pleased to read that BBC DG Mark Thompson shares our view that the BBC is biased towards the left. Read what he says here. Of course he is quick to point out that this confirmed BIAS was in the past, not the present and the BBC now proudly has an "honourable tradition of journalists from the right" working for the corporation. How fascinating, who are they? He confesses to that bastion of the Left the New Statesman! Wonder does Mark "do" irony?AL GORE'S STORM-TROOPERS...
How the BBC downplay the environmental gunman shot dead by police in the USA.
This from US news:
'Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.” ‘The planet does not need humans’ '
Not on the BBC. It compares this situation with the man who knifed the Muslim taxi driver in NY after the Mosque protests...and the blame put on the 'Islamophobia' supposedly raised by that protest. BBC story misses this Al Gore comment and doesn't mention the environmental angle until late in story.
My my - such a tricky one for the BBC. A crazed loon, wound up by Saint Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" goes on the rampage and the BBC does its best to erase the Gore angle.ONE MAN, MULTIPLE VOTES
Friday, 3 September 2010
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Britannia Radio