A Unfortunately for Angel, the FBI intercepted the email and contacted police in the UK. No criminal action will be taken against the teenager, but he has been placed on a list of people banned from entering the United States. Bedfordshire police spokeswoman Sarah Wilkinson said the email "was full of abusive and threatening language" but added that the incident was basically a case of a boy "being silly". "We were informed by the Metropolitan Police and so we went round to see him," she added. "He said 'oh dear, it was me'." Angel, who admitted he was drunk when he fired off the email, told police that he could not remember exactly what he had written. Speaking to the Bedfordshire on Sunday newspaper about the ban, he said: "I don't really care. My parents aren't very happy about it." British boy gets US ban for calling Obama a ‘prick’
Luke Angel sent ‘abusive and threatening’ email after watching 9/11 show
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
British boy has been banned from America for life after he sent an email to the White House calling Barack Obama "a prick". Seventeen-year-old Luke Angel, from Silsoe in Bedfordshire, sent the expletive-laden message to the White House after watching a TV programme about the 9/11 attacks.
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Britannia Radio
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We can't get our government to do the job they are suppose to do to keep the illegal druggies, murderers and thieves out of our country, but this kid calls Obama a prick and he is banned for life for coming into our country? Bad judgement on his part? Absolutely. Banned? No.
Posted by Stephanie Garmon at 5:34pm on September 14, 2010
Only the truth hurts. The boy must have got something right which the USA wants to punish and supress. The drunken comments of a 17 year old boy are not otherwise interesting!
Posted by Peter Gardiner at 5:54pm on September 14, 2010
The police said the email "was full of abusive and threatening language".... They need to get out more
Posted by Bill Fraser at 5:59pm on September 14, 2010
â??No criminal action will be taken against the teenager...â?? Exactly what charges could be brought by whom and for what? Besides, all this teenager did was tell the truth.
Posted by Hostile Knowledge at 11:35pm on September 14, 2010
Lol!Boys will be boys!Drunk boys will be drunk boys!
Posted by phildavi at 3:17am on September 15, 2010
But Obama is a prick, so I understand why they can't arrest the lad for stating the obvious. P.S. Want to ban me as well USA?
Posted by D Sparrow at 10:25am on September 15, 2010
I agree with Luke Angel. I don't even care if I get banned from going to the US because I don't want to go there anyway. Reason? I don't like the way in which visitors to the US are treated like common criminals having to give fingerprints etc because the Septics are so damnably paranoid. But, what a response Luke Angel received from a country that prides itself in free speech.........!
Posted by Paul Beaumont at 10:38am on September 15, 2010
Pity about the ban, potential Tea Party recruit there.
Posted by michael sheldon at 11:23am on September 15, 2010
Just a tad touchy and clearly NO free speech (via e-mail). If I were an American I would feel a bit embarassed that the president and his 'men' are so, so, so..... paranoid! Time for a change
Posted by polly at 1:18pm on September 15, 2010
I would say everybody above is now a candidate for the Thought Police in America. Their powers are above the judicial system. I just hope that next time I go to the USA I do not slip through and then get a waterboarding.
Posted by Peter Gardiner at 1:22pm on September 15, 2010
Weren't the police concerned about the underage drinking?
Posted by Greg Redman at 1:40pm on September 15, 2010
Funnily I wasn't surprised by the FBI's response, but I was disappointed that the Bedfordshire police took time out to visit the boy. Blair may have been Bush's poodle, but the Bedfordshire Police are plainly the FBI's hamsters. Shame on you Chief Constable Gillian Parker, or maybe it came through the Home Secretary. I think we need to tell the Americans sometimes to get a life and stop wasting our time.
Posted by Jerry Lincoln at 2:44pm on September 15, 2010
Ahh 'land of the free (really??) and home of the brave' - George Washington and the founding fathers must be turning in their grave.. what happened to the right of free speech?
Posted by Robin McHood at 3:09pm on September 15, 2010
This is the same administration that sues the State of Arizona for enforcing immigration laws. The difference? Illegal immigrants are future Democratic voters once Obama grants them amnesty. The boy would most likely be a Republican since they all share his opinion of Obama. My advice to the boy is that all he needs to do is go to Mexico and he can sneak into the country with all the millions of others coming across the border.
Posted by MadJayhawk at 3:32pm on September 15, 2010
Nice to see the usual America haters on line. I'm sure they would be prefer Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the like. Perhaps they would like to call their leaders "a prick". Surely they would be allowed in to those "lands of the free"
Posted by woodside at 5:05pm on September 15, 2010