Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005China Confidential
Monday, September 20, 2010
Kimist Succession Set for Sept. 28
The Washington Times: Islam is a Government
U.S. President Barack Obama is still bent on "engaging" Islamist Iran, as reported here.
New Terror Threat Aimed at France
Video Proves Liberal News Organizations Lied About Size of Sept. 11 Rally Against Ground Zero Mosque
Lindsey Graham Says US Must Prepare to Bomb Iran
South Korean Christian Group Gives VOA Copy of Apparently Authentic, Secret NK Military Manual
Somali Islamists: Media Must Serve Islam
Report: Chinese Solar Firm Plans Hong Kong IPO
Ahmadinejad Sees Iran as a Superpower
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
After a mysterious delay, North Korea's Stalinist/Kimist regime at last seems set to stage a rare meeting of the country's ruling political party in order to anoint an heir-apparent to the ailing, deranged dictator. September 28 is the big day.
Islam is a government, not a faith, according to this signed comment by The Washington Times. Click on the link or scroll down to read.
Related: NY Times Compares Indonesian Islamist Terror-Backers With Americans Opposed to Ground Zero Mosque
Background: Islam Requires an Islamic State
Engagement is code for appeasement and alignment. Yes, alignment. In contrast with Neville Chamberlain, who sincerely sought to preserve the peace in Europe but stupidly believed that imperialist Nazi Germany could be appeased--that is, satisfied with limited territorial concessions--Obama aims to prevent war by appeasing and actually aligning with the foremost fountainhead of fascistic, fundamentalist Islam.
His policy is bound to fail, of course, as a country that is determined to radically change its power relationships with other nations cannot be appeased. Instead of preserving the peace, Obama's engagement policy will/has already made war with Iran inevitable--on Iran's terms.
France is on alert following reports that a female Muslim suicide bomber may be planning an attack as a reprisal for the ban on wearing the barbaric burqa in public.
Click here for the story, another dispatch from the front-line struggle against Islamist terror.
Related: US Ignores Sharia Threat
God bless Lindsey Graham.
Click here for the story.
A little-known South Korean Christian group is doing its best to expand what outsiders know about neighboring North Korea. The Caleb Mission has gained some recognition in recent months for releasing clandestine video of life inside the reclusive North. And now it has provided VOA with what the group says is a secret North Korean military manual that analysts consider authentic.
Reverend Kim Sung-eun runs the Caleb Mission in Cheonan, about 80 kilometers south of the capital, Seoul. His wife, he says, is a former lieutenant in North Korea's army. She is one of about defectors from the North who are frequently seen at the mission.
Kim says he is in regular contact with collaborators inside North Korea. Some secretly videotape what is going on in the country, which is virtually sealed off from the outside world. Others, he says, smuggle out official documents.
The pastor gave VOA a partial copy of what appears to be a 2005 North Korean military manual that details electronic warfare countermeasures to camouflage jets and ships.
He did not go into detail about how the Caleb Mission acquired the manual.
U.S. and South Korean officials who have seen it consider the document authentic.
How to Conceal Jets, Warships and Tanks
The five-year-old handbook gives instructions on how to make radar-absorbing paint to help conceal jets, warships and tanks. It also explains how to fabricate decoys, pave bogus runways and deceive the enemy by having stationary units mimic the characteristics of those on the move. Such tactics have long been used by Western militaries.
News of the document was first reported by the Chosun Ilbo. The Seoul newspaper quoted a South Korean intelligence expert as saying the North’s stealth tactics are more extensive than expected.
North and South Korea remain technically at war, since they never signed a peace treaty at the end of the Korean War in 1953. North Korea has more than a million troops, most of them based close to the Demilitarized Zone dividing the peninsula. South Korea has about 600,000 active duty troops, and the United States bases about 28,000 soldiers in the South.
While the North has more soldiers, they are underequipped and their weapons are mostly old and outdated, especially compared with the high-technology arms of the U.S. and South Korea.
The North, however, is suspected of having both biological and chemical weapons, and says it is building nuclear weapons as well.
The maniacs--who have murdered journalists and banned music--insist that radio and TV must serve Islam. Click here.
Chinese thin film photovoltaic module producer Trony Solar Holdings Co Ltd. intends to raise maximum USD224m (EUR171m) from a listing in Hong Kong that is being arranged by JPMorgan reportedly informed sources told Reuters today.
The firm is offering 385m shares, including 40m secondary stock, at a price band of HKD3.10-4.50 (USD0.399-0.580/EUR0.305-0.443) apiece, according to the sources.
Not since Nazi Germany has the world faced such a menace--a powerful country ruled by madmen aiming for world dominance, committed to a truly evil ideology, playing for time while preparing for war with the most advanced arsenals.
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Britannia Radio