Christians Warned Not to Preach in Birmingham’s Muslim No-Go Area
Two Christian evangelists have received an official police warning not to preach in the Muslim-colonised area of Alum Rock in Birmingham or face being “beaten up” in the latest example of Islamic no-go areas in Britain.
Alum Rock, Birmingham - know it well!
According to news reports, the preachers, Americans Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham ventured onto the streets of that heavily colonised suburb to preach the Christian Gospel.
They were warned off by a Muslim police community support officer, identified as PCSO Naeem Naguthney, who told them that they could not preach there and that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity was a “hate crime.”
The two preachers claim that the Muslim community officer told them that “You have been warned. If you come back here and get beat up, well, you have been warned.”
They also allege that another police constable who was present during the incident told them not to return at all.
According to the traditional schools of Islamic jurisprudence, apostasy, or the rejection in word or deed of that religion by a former adherent by a Muslim, is punishable by death.
Mr Cunningham, an American Baptist missionary, also revealed that PCSO Naguthney “realised we were Americans and then started ranting at us about George Bush and American foreign policy.
“He said we were in a Muslim area and were not allowed to spread our Christian message. He said he was going to take us to the police station,” Mr Cunningham was quoted as saying.
“I am dumfounded that the police seem so nonchalant,” he added. “They seem content not to make it clear that what we were doing was perfectly legal. This is a free country and to suggest we were guilty of a hate crime for spreading God's word is outrageous.”
Mr Cunningham shock stems from the fact that he obviously has no understanding of the implications of the steady Islamic colonisation of Britain.
The British National Party has long warned that left unchecked, mass Third World immigration will inevitably result in the destruction of British culture and tradition, which is carried only by the British people.
Once the indigenous population of Britain becomes a minority and the dominant population becomes Third World in origin, the nature of society will change to reflect that new population.
Alum Rock is an area of east Birmingham in the Washwood Heath ward, roughly three miles from the city centre. It was first developed as a residential suburb in the 1920s and had been a traditional working class British suburb until the evil Tory-Labour mass immigration invasion was started.
According to the 2001 census — which is, of course, more than a decade out of date — the white British population accounts for only 21 percent of all residents. This figure is likely to be considerably less by now.
* It later transpired that PCSO Naguthney played a leading role in the recent launch of the West Midlands branch of the National Association of Muslim Police.
Recommended reading: The Immigration Invasion: How Third World Immigration is Destroying the First World and What Must be Done to Stop It.
By Arthur Kemp. A shocking book detailing the full extent of the Third World immigration wave which is swamping the Western World. Using the latest numbers and projections, it explains why Third World immigration will destroy the First World, with individual chapters on Britain, Europe, Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Shows that, if left unchecked, the First World will be overrun within the next 50 years.