Our special report, "Glenn Beck Wants You!" has broken all sales records for its type. This edition has become one of the "must reads" of the political season. When Newsmax magazine sat down with Glenn Beck we had no idea he would reveal so much to us about himself. And we had no idea our readers would respond with so much interest. You may have missed this recent email and we want to make sure you see it one more time. Glenn told his radio audience that the Newsmax magazine profile of him was one of the best ever. After Glenn Beck's enormously successful "Restoring Honor" rally this past weekend, you need to get this edition of Newsmax magazine and find out what Beck really thinks. Beck also reveals his real fear — a coming "Reichstag" moment in America. Check out our free offer BELOW for a free copy of the Glenn Beck edition PLUS our free gift worth $30! Newsmax.com Fox News host Glenn Beck’s TV show has been breaking records — attracting more than 3 million viewers a night — since it burst on the scene in January. He’s the only author ever to have a No. 1 New York Times best-seller in the fiction, nonfiction and paperback fiction categories. His syndicated radio show airs on more than 400 stations, his Web site and Web casts are thriving, and his live comedy performances are jam-packed. Why, and how, is Glenn Beck resonating so powerfully with a huge swath of the American people? Newsmax magazine takes an in-depth look at the “Happy Warrior” Glenn Beck and reveals how he rose to prominence — and has become such an enemy of the Obama White House and the establishment media. This insider report on Glenn Beck includes an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with the media sensation who befuddles critics, rallies voters and draws back the curtain on low deeds in high places. In his interview with Newsmax, Beck reveals his worst fear: that a “Reichstag moment” — a catastrophic event may soon take place so that the powers that be in Washington can end the Republic and our cherished Constitution. Beck insists he’s not fearmongering — but he is personally afraid for the United States. When you get Newsmax magazine’s special report on Glenn Beck, we’ll also provide you with a special URL so you can watch the video of our interview with him. This is not available publicly — but it’s a special bonus to our readers! Beck himself loves Newsmax. Recently he gushed enthusiastically about the blockbuster “Glenn Beck Wants You!” Newsmax report, telling radio listeners: “Gosh, thank you, Newsmax. What an in-depth article, and a fair article. Thank you.” And he told Newsmax: “We are fighting people who want power over us.” You can also check out our FREE offer — the Emergency Radio — a $30 value and something every home must have. Go Here Now. This exclusive Newsmax report explores: Find out how you can get this report FREE — PLUS get an Emergency Radio worth almost $30 with our FREE offer. Go Here Now. This edition of Newsmax magazine is not to be missed. In addition to hard-hitting investigative reports and special commentary fromBen Stein, Dick Morris, John Stossel, Christopher Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Ed Koch, James Hirsen, George Will, Kathleen Parker and others, you get much more in Newsmaxmagazine, including: Plus: Ronald Kessler’s Washington Again, there is so much more in Newsmax magazine, which won a Silver Eddie Award in the News/Commentary category of Folio magazine’s prestigious journalism awards, the Eddies. Ben Stein says Newsmax reveals the “unafraid, uncomplicated, bare-knuckles truth about today’s dangerous world.” And nationally syndicated radio host Michael Reagan, son of the late President Reagan, says: “I guarantee that you’ll love Newsmax magazine. The liberal media moguls hate Newsmax.” Find out why more than half a million people read Newsmax magazine each month. Better: Be one! Get our "Glenn Beck Wants You!" issue and an Emergency Radio with our FREE offer — Go Here Now.Dear Newsmax Reader: A Newsmax Special Report:
Why “Glenn Beck Wants You!”
Thursday, 2 September 2010
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Britannia Radio