Kill them and then cluster-bomb their funerals I come to thee for charitable licence, Respect for the dead has been a standard of warfare since the days of the Iliad, in which truces were often called and observed so both sides could retrieve and bury their dead comrades. The custom of firing a volley during a military funeral may have originated in the pike and shot era, when the volley signified that the soldiers had completed the funeral and were ready to resume combat. This tradition and courtesy is reserved for soldiers as opposed to terrorists who ambush and murder civilians. Our position is accordingly that Israel should deliberately target the funerals of Hamas terrorists with cluster bombs and similar munitions whose purpose is to kill as indiscriminately as possible–noting that many Hamas... Laura: Regarding the genocidal islamic jihadists who slaughtered four Jews near Hevron, including a pregnant woman. These are the sub-human monsters Israel is expected to negotiate with and surrender Jewish land to. The idea of land for peace is ludicrous. What it really amounts to is land for more terror and the shedding of Jewish blood. There is no peaceful coexistence to be had and nothing to compromise with those whose aim is the obliteration of the Jewish homeland and the genocide of Jews. Bibi should declare that talks are null and void. As far as the media is concerned, the murder of Jews by islamic terrorists is caused by Israel’s “occupation” and these people were “settlers”, therefore understandable and justifiable according to the msm. The only problem the media sees with this slaughter of Jews is how it will effect the bogus “peace” process. Daniel Greenfield, the Sultan Knish On Monday all... PALESTINIANS CELEBRATE PREGNANT WOMAN’S VICIOUS MURDER AND THREE OTHERS BY PASSING OUT SWEETS……. How does one explain to a two-year-old that his ima will not return? Photos How does one share the news with an eight-year-old girl that the mother she loved, the one who brought her up and cared for her, can no longer brush her hair or make sure her collar is straight when she leaves the house for school? How do you tell a new bride that her husband, the one with whom she planned her future, her children, her life will not be coming home? May Hashm help these families through this very difficult time. May... By Dale Hurd, CBN News Sr. Reporter PARIS – Friday in Paris. A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force. This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene. It shows that even though some in the French government want to get tough with Muslims and ban the burqa, other parts of the French government continue to give Islam a privileged status. An ordinary French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see what was happening to his city. He used a hidden camera to start posting videos on YouTube. His life has been threatened and so he uses the alias of “Maxime Lepante. ” His camera shows that Muslims “are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave... If there were even the slightest chance of the talks succeeding, I would say it was worth making one more attempt. However, in this situation, there is almost no such chance, whereas the grave implications of failure are both clear and painful. I call upon the U.S. administration to hurry up and change the goal of the talks. They should deal with what the parties are prepared to implement, and not with what they are forced to do as a result of American pressure: open negotiations on a partial and temporary agreement. Netanyahu’s Constraints This is no simple matter. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would find it difficult to persuade his voters to uproot settlements and withdraw from most of the West Bank without any mention of the finality of the dispute, or of other advantages that would arise from a permanent peace agreement. By Ted Belman At the WJC I struck up a conversation with a Jewish lawyer from Hungary who was a delegate. I expected he shared my views on the Muslim problem in Europe but he didn’t. We talked about the EU v nationalism. He was all for the former. I asked for his views on the Muslims and he said that they are needed for the economy and do not represent a threat. Germany, he said is doing a good job of integrating them. No problemo. When when I got back I had this email from Crystal K who runs the group list Europeans who Support Israel New attacks against Thilo Sarrazin, a great German accused of ‘racial incitement’ by a politically correct german gov’t, after his new book speaking up the truth on turkish and arab immigration. Shame on Angela Merkel. Even more shockingly, the misplaced attacks come also from the jewish side, again! as we remind in a previous post, here below. “The... by Caroline Glick As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu heads to Washington for another stillborn round of talks with Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas hosted by US President Barack Obama, he will probably be preoccupied with one issue. It won’t be Obama’s bigoted demand that Jews be prohibited from building synagogues, schools and homes in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. Netanyahu won’t be wondering how long Abbas can keep up with his “Palestinian president” act before his people chase him out of town. Abbas’s term ended in January 2009. Israel’s elected leader will be thinking about Iran. He will be wondering how the US government will react if he sends the IAF to bomb Iran’s nuclear installations. Will the US permit IAF jets to overfly US-controlled Iraqi... By Ted Belman The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent out a newsletter on the direct talks which said Components of peace Israel approaches these negotiations with great hope, in a belief that a workable peace agreement can indeed be achieved. From Israel’s perspective, such an agreement should address three basic principles: security, recognition of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, and a complete end to the conflict. Today at the WJC meeting, after listening to the panel on Israel’s security needs, I complained that all we hear about from Israel is that we demand security. Big deal that that is the first order of business. These security needs include, demilitarization, IDF on Jordan border and international force within... Threat would create Palestinian country outside of coordination with Jewish state By Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily JERUSALEM – If Israel and the Palestinian Authority fail to reach an agreement within the next year, the Obama administration could support a United Nations resolution that would unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state, senior PA officials told WND. The officials were speaking ahead of a major summit that starts today in Washington to launch direct talks between Israel and the PA. The foreign ministers of Egypt and Jordan will also take part in the summit. Sources in both the PA and Israel told WND the Obama administration did not impose any preconditions for the summit, a move that is somewhat out of character for the U.S. president. It was Obama who urged Israel to halt all Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem as a precondition for indirect negotiations last November. Today I am live blogging from the conference of the WJC. Dore GoldDon’t Even Allow Hamas to Bury its Dead
by Bill Levinson
That we may wander o’er this bloody field
To book [count, identify] our dead, and then to bury them;
Montjoy the herald in King Henry VNo Peace Is To Be Had With Genocidal Jew-Killers
Shooting Victims Buried
How disgusting is this? Remember folks, these are the people the “aid flotilla” activists are trying to help run the anti-weapons blockade Israel and Egypt have set up for the whole of Hamastan. KGS PhotosFuneral For Five Victims: Avishai Shendler, 24; Kochava Even-Haim, 37; Talya Imes, 45; her husband Yitzhak Imes, 47; and their unborn baby
‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West
Lepante’s ViewEven Yossi Beilin says talks will fail
The Palestinians would be afraid that any temporary agreement would become a permanent one because the...Thilo Sarrazin is the German Ghert Wilders
From: k_
To: EUROPEANS_WHO SUPPORT ISRAELAmerica Continues To Treat Her Vassal Israel, With Deserved Disdain
Borders first, not security
What this tells me is that if they agree to our security needs, Netanyahu will accept the ’67 borders with mutual swaps of land so that we get to keep the settlement blcks of Gush Etzion, Ariel and Maaleh Adumin.Obama ‘blackmailing’ Israel amid U.S. summit?
Under intense pressure, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu froze Jewish...World Jewish Congress Conference
- futher redeployment is req’t of Oslo
- spose to be up to Israel
- US wanted a second redeployment of 35%.
- politics and diplomacy came before security early on
- Netanyahu reversed this now. Security first.
- the Arabs are now concerned about Iran and not Israel
- Dore says this is a rare opportunity for Israel
- in Washington Israel will discuss security first
Maj Gen Uzi Dayan
- not only a territorial one.
- land for peace doesn’t work
- the more you give, the more they demand
- must change the policy, diplomacy based security, to security based diplomacy
- i.e. defensible borders come first and is a national right and provided in Res 242 and the Bush letter
- what are those borders?
- borders must provide 1) enough area for Israel to conduct defense from conventional attacks from east – Jordan Valley 2) must enable strategic...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio