Staggers Diane Abbott Victory Party
The word is that the New Statesman are having a little bit of trouble drumming up the numbers for their party at Labour conference this Sunday. Guido is surprised the finest and shrewdest political journalists of the left aren’t more popular. Their circulation may have plummeted, but there is free booze after all. Who wouldn’t want to go along to what will be the Diane Abbott victory party:
Well there goes Guido’s spot on the guest-list…

A Moment of Unity – Crick
Leadership Hand Signals – FT
Whitehall Press Offices to be Merged – PR Week
Whitehall’s Revolving Doors – Douglas Carswell
Vince Cable’s v Marxism – BBC
State of the Political Blogosphere? – Charlotte Gore
Shadow Cabinet Elections in Graphs – Political Scrapbook
Councillor Norman Bates – Mirror
A student blogs of Brown’s Harvard lecture…
“His entrance was rather bizarre, because rather than coming straight to the front of the class, where our teacher was waiting, he barged through the audience, trying to shake as many hands as possible, before realising he’d edged himself into a dead end and retreating back to the blackboard.”