Blair has evidently long regarded it as "absurd" that clever, talented people like him should leave the world stage simply because an ungrateful electorate has had enough of them. Read between the lines... CHERIE: "I DEVOURED HER LOVE" The tiny details of the relationship between TB and GB fascinate me. Brown is the one, Blair admits, who coined the soundbyte "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" for example. However, by far the most interesting aspect of the book is Blair's barely disguised hatred of...ednesday, 1st September 2010
Blair for sale
FRASER NELSON 6:02pmOne of the most revealing sentences in Blair's book is what he says about Condoleezza Rice. “She is a classic example of the absurdity of people with experience and capacity at the highest level not having big political jobs after retirement from office,” he writes. “But that’s another story!” Indeed it is. It's the cover story of tomorrow's Spectator.
Blair: the sex scenes
ED HOWKER AND PETER HOSKIN 12:43pmNot just a Prime Minister, not just a global statesman, in A Journey Tony Blair also demonstrates he knows how to treat a girl:
"…that night she cradled me in her arms and soothed me; told me what I needed to be told; strengthened me; made me feel that I was about to do was right … On that night of the 12th May, 1994, I needed that love Cherie gave me, selfishly. I devoured it to give me strength. I was an animal following my instinct,...Blair's contempt for the left
ED HOWKER 10:10amIn tomorrow's papers the reviewers will compare 'A Journey' to those "real-life" misery memoirs that seem to be publishing catnip. It is not inaccurate to conclude that this is tale of one man's struggle in an abusive relationship, and all the more unstatesmanlike for it.
ony Blair's advice for Labour: be more like the coalition
PETER HOSKIN 8:56amThere's a remarkable self-certainty about what we've seen of Tony Blair's book so far. Sure, there are the fleeting moments of doubt and insecurity: the drinking that was becoming less a pleasure and more a habit, for instance. But, apart from that, the dominant motif is how His Way was the Right Way. And so, he was right to keep Brown on as Chancellor. He was, it seems, right to prosecute war in Iraq – even if the WMD intelligence was "mistaken". And his chapter on Northern Ireland is written up as...
Tony Blair's memoirs: the first extracts
PETER HOSKIN 12:00amEven the literary critics have to wait until tomorrow for the Blair memoirs – but the book's contents are slowing spilling out onto the Internet this evening. Aseries of extracts has just been published on the official website, and the Guardian has extensive coverage, including an interview with the man himself. So far, there's nothing too surprising. Blair, for instance, lays into Brown – but adds that it would have been wrong to sack him as Chancellor. And he declines to endorse a candidate for the Labour leadership, beyond offering a...
Thursday, 2 September 2010
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Britannia Radio