The Establishment Media Smear Machine Is Officially Dead
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The establishment media smear machine is officially dead and buried. Rand Paul has extended his lead over Democratic opponent Jack Conway to a massive 15 points, proving that when the distrusted and discredited corporate media attacks anyone now, it actually increases their popularity.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
The White House Attempts To Refute The Scariest Jobs Chart Ever
You’ve certainly seen the chart that we’ve dubbed The Scariest Jobs Chart ever, which shows how meager the jobs recovery has been since the start of the recession, compared to other recessions.
• Obama To Propose New $50 Billion Stimulus
The Milgram Experiment
Why do people, in all times and places, obey the commands of the government, which always constitutes a small minority of the society?”
• Why The Fourth Branch Of The US Government Needs To Be Abolished, And Why “Authority” Should Never Be Trusted
Obama Did Create 3 Million Jobs — in China
President Obama should be saying, “My economic stimulus plan has preserved or created 3 million jobs — in China.” He keeps leaving out the words “in China.” His plan is stimulating American demand for imports, not demand for American products.
Krugman: This Is 1938 All Over Again, And We Need Something Like WWII To Save Us
The latest Paul Krugman op-ed may be his most complete and clear summation of his views on politics and the economy, smartly drawing a comparison between the current state of things, and the state of play in 1938. His first paragraph says it all.
• Roubini: The Economy Is So Weak Now That Any Shock Will Cause A Double-Dip