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A Long To Do List for EU Financial Regulators | Company Comment ... By Dea Markova On July 1, the European Commission formally adopted a set of technical implementing measures for UCITS IV--the revised UCITS Directive designed to increase the efficiency of the single market for investment funds and give ... A busy summer will be followed by an even busier autumn for EU and national regulatory authorities. The Commission will revise the current regulation of short selling and credit default swaps, as well as launch a Securities Law Directive (SLD). ... Company News From Hemscott - http://www.hemscott.com/news.do | |
European “Three Strikes” Initiatives Move Beyond Concept and ... By Hali Pedersen Now almost one year into the life of the law, results have been mixed. The French government has said that it is prepared to begin issuing warnings and sanctions under the law, but no action has been taken yet. ... Certain commentators have claimed that the complete denial of Internet service may violate existing European Union principles and regulations intended to preserve EU residents' “basic rights and freedoms”, one of which is the right to access and use the ... HHR New Media, Entertainment... - http://digitalhhr.com/ | |
EU Plans Stock Market For Small Companies By robertstevenduncan@gmail.com (EurActiv) Smarter regulation, an EU-wide register of companies, an overhaul of accounting directives, cross-border trade and helping SMEs to access finance are just some of the elements of the Single Market Act borrowed from the SBA. Similarly, the new document is likely to overlap broadly with ... However, several key components of the single market demonstrate how difficult it can be to bring down national barriers in areas like company law, intellectual property and healthcare. ... Eurasia Review - http://www.eurasiareview.com/ | |
Striking a Balance between Data Protection and Lawful Interception ... By Franklin Akinsuyi Data protection laws have basic principles that need to be adhered to. Indeed if one analyses for example the European Union Data Protection Directive one will notice that there are a number of principles that form parts of the body of ..... taken a sectoral approach to privacy regulation so that records held by third parties, such as consumer marketing profiles or telephone calling records, are generally not protected unless a legislature has enacted a specific law[67]. ... NigerianMuse - http://www.nigerianmuse.com/ |
EU Privacy Of Communications Directive | NigerianMuse Posts Tagged 'EU Privacy of Communications Directive' ... is Founder and Course Director at DataLaws a UK based Information Technology Law Consultancy. ... of Communications Directive,EU Telecoms Regulations, Information Security laws, ... www.nigerianmuse.com/.../eu-privacy-of-communications-dir... |
BERGER LECTURE: Steps Toward a Uniform Corporate Law in the ... Introduction Outsiders might think the European Union (EU) has grown into a homogeneous unit. ...As a result, these corporate laws amount to operational cost factors. ..... The very first corporatelaw directive, enacted in 1968, ... https://litigation-essentials.lexisnexis.com/.../app?... |
By Yahoo Financial News
The deadline for changes is the end of October, and the reform is to be approved at a summit of EU leaders. TREATY CHANGES UNLIKELY. The ministers were likely in Monday's talks to steer clear of any changes that would require a change ...
Financial News - http://finance.blogrange.com/