Wednesday, 8 September 2010

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
Euro MPs urge EU action to protect Roma
BBC News
She said she had reminded France that it must fully incorporate into its law the EU's 2004 directive on free movement of people. ...
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RSPCA says new EU law could be a threat to UK lab animal welfare ...
By naidre
It is now up to the UK government to ensure that its own laws meet the minimum requirements of the EU directive. The standards set by the directive are basic standards and the UK already goes further in many areas. ... RSPCA senior scientist Barney Reed said: “This directive sets out absolute minimum standards for the regulation of laboratory animal care and use. Any attempt by the UK government to use this as a cover for reducing our own laws to this basic level would be ...
Pet Trade World -
The UK should sign up to the EU anti-sex trafficking directive.
The Coalition government has decided not to sign up to a EU directive that is ... The accession of new Member States renders the current laws ineffective .... European Regulation on Business does more Harm ... EU Member States must ...

Federal Union | An opportunity for democracy
Submission by Federal Union to the House of Lords European Union Committee inquiry into the impact of the Reform Treaty on the institutions of the EU. ...
YouTube - Timothy Kirkhope
queue A TV debate on the EU Reform Treaty: Part 3/3by RichardCorbettMEP394 views · 6:55 +. Added to queue A TV debate on the EU Reform Treaty: Part 2/3by ...