Friday, 17 September 2010

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
Draft EU maternity laws branded as 'madness'
He also attacked the proposals, saying, "This directive should be about setting minimum EUstandards for the health and safety of pregnant workers - not ...
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The EU Directive on Cross Border Healthcare… where are we now?
IMTJ provides an update on the latest developments in the saga of the EU Directive…. In July 2008, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a ...
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UK passes buck on Europe's cookie law with copy-paste proposal
This week the government had the chance, when transposing EU law into UK law, to find a way to provide UK firms with much-needed clarity, but it passed it ...
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A compromise was reached by which national regulators will engage in closer co-operation on pan-EU regulation, but by which no central regulator independent ...
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Noisy picture
Sofia Echo
The transition to digital broadcasting in Buglaria began in an unconstitutional manner, with the procedures appearing to have breached EU law as well. ...
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Sofia Echo
Consumers to be protected from random bank charges
Cyprus Mail
The law, which must be put into effect as part of Cyprus' EU obligations, covers loans of over €200 and under €5000, as well as overdrafts and credit cards. ...
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Unity requires basic rights
Boston Globe
Her unspoken point that a unified Europe should demand that members abide by EU laws is well-taken. The French riposte, however, asserted just the opposite. ...
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Landlords reject Lovell deal over EU legal issue
Inside Housing
Mr London said new EU directives, which came into force last year, mean the High Court can suspend a contract. It could also take up to a year for any ...
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Deep Politics Monitor: Consequences of the Lisbon Treaty: EU´s ...
By webabuser
The EU accounts for 72% of the UK's Regulation expenses - and 50% of its laws. The EU is now a self-declared super-state over powerless nation states - despite all promises to the contrary before the treaty referenda, .... These policy instruments include the responsibility for the free movement within the European Union; civil justice and contract law; consumer legislation, starting from the Package Travel Directive and reaching to the proposal for a Consumer Rights ...
Deep Politics Monitor -
Consequences of the Lisbon Treaty: EU´s Power Grabbing Has ...
By Anders
The EU accounts for 72% of the UK's Regulation expenses - and 50% of its laws. The EU is now a self-declared super-state over powerless nation states - despite all promises to the contrary before the treaty referenda, and despite the .... The ECJ has never rejected an EU directive. The commission even wants to control our national budgets before they are sent to readings in our national parliaments! We are being imposed a totally unwanted EU-citizenship as a first move to ...
Euro-med -
Say NO to Camden Lab: Protection of Animals EU Directives
By Tracy
Council Directive 86/609/EEC of 24 November 1986 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes [See ...
Say NO to Camden Lab -
EU: Key intervention in Roma expulsions - Bikya Masr
By Bikya Masr Staff
Infringement proceedings are a mechanism the European Commission can use against member states that breach EU law, including, where necessary, bringing them to the European Court of Justice. The Freedom of Movement directive allows for ...
Bikya Masr -
Noisy picture - Business - The Sofia Echo
By Alexei Lazarov, Capital
In its letter, the EC reminded Bulgaria about several passages in European directives that might contradict the decisions taken by the tripartite coalition. Specifically, it refers to article 4 of thedirective on competition, ... The transition to digital broadcasting in Buglaria began in an unconstitutional manner, with the procedures appearing to have breached EU law as well. The Commission's letter could be the first step in a very unpleasant journey that could end in ...
SofiaEcho RSS feed Business -

The European Convention and the Court of Human Rights
By admin
a considerably established future name for the European Union [which in 2007 a British-French-German amendment as a Reform Treaty has removed reference to most state-like terminology and symbols of, e. g. , the word ?constitution?, ...
Ron Paul -
TropIKA: EU research tomorrow
In December, 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon, also known as the Reform Treaty, restructured the EU'sconstitutional framework. In addition to devising a new ...