Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories. Donate for Christian Freedoms Please spread the word—forward this to Christians you know and encourage them to sign up to receive their own copy. Highlights, Abortion and End of Life, Social, Sexual Orientation,Religious Freedom, Islam, Events Attempt to make sex education compulsory Labour MP Chris Bryant intends to propose a ten-minute rule bill on 8 September 2010 which would seek to make sex education compulsory in schools, threatening the freedom that parents currently have to withdraw their children from sex education. Although ten-minute rule bills do not often become law, it is important to raise a Christian voice in response to Chris Bryant’s proposal, as new rules on sex education could be part of a Government bill later in the year. For the rest of this story and details of how to contact your local MP please click here. Homosexual activist speaks at ‘Christian’ festival Leading homosexual activist Peter Tatchell appeared at the Greenbelt festival on 28 August to speak about “the struggle for queer freedom in Africa”. In his talk he spoke about homosexual rights and the church, and accused the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, of “colluding” with the persecution of homosexuals in Africa. Anglican Mainstream encouraged people to boycott Greenbelt because of Mr. Tatchell's presence on the programme. Spokesman Lisa Nolland argued that giving Mr. Tatchell such a platform gives credence to his radical views on sexual ethics which include advocating the ‘positive’ impact of pornography, lowering the age of homosexual consent to 14 and writing approvingly of orgies, sadomasochism and public cruising for sex. For further details of the story please click here. Wales Online: Most teen pregnancies end with abortions. CCFON: Two arrested over assisted suicide of disabled British man. CCFON: Pensioner with ‘locked-in’ syndrome now racing cars. Press Association: Humanist group backs assisted suicide Bill in Scotland. Montreal Gazette: Better palliative care would end euthanasia debate, group says. One News Now: Church intervenes in pastor's euthanasia battle. CCFON: Senior Catholic blames UK’s ‘moral wasteland’ on equal rights. Daily Telegraph: A sexual disaster for teenagers and society. Daily Mail: Ban TV to protect children’s health, top psychologist tells EU politicians. Daily Telegraph: Stephen Hawking: God was not needed to create the Universe. Daily Telegraph: Stephen Hawking: religious leaders dismiss 'God not needed' comments. Daily Telegraph: Chinese students learn chastity from US Christian ministry. World Net Daily: Commentary: If marriage is lost, we lose everything. Christian Post: Commentary: Public schools and the Bible. C-FAM: Sex Toys on Display at the World Youth Conference. Daily Telegraph: Crispin Blunt: I'm homosexual and leaving my wife. One News Now: US: Combating homosexual promotion in schools. Liberty Institute: US Court reverses 'same-sex divorce'. Christian Science Monitor: British Catholic adoption agency closes. Manchester Evening News: Outlaw Christian Pride demo, says town hall chief Pat Karney. Guardian: China: The future of Christianity? NC Family: US groups fight for religious freedom. Christian Post: Commentary: Christians need to tackle secular culture from 'belly of beast'. One News Now: US: 'Offensive' messages OK as free speech. CCFON: Terror threat from Islamists radicalised in prisons. Telegraph blog: The BBC's propaganda for fundamentalist Islam. Daily Telegraph: Tony Blair: I did not understand Islam at time of 9/11 attacks. Longford Leader: Longford Muslims to get new Mosque. Europe News: Video: Correcting BBC crusades propaganda. Europe News: Italy denies religious status to Islam. Daily Telegraph: Pakistan relief organisations ‘discriminating against Christian flood victims’. Catholic Culture: ‘Brutal execution’ of three American Christians in Pakistan. State of the Nation Speaker: Andrea Minichiello Williams Date and time: 7 September 2010, at 7.30pm Venue: Lower Ford Street Baptist Church, Lower Ford Street, Coventry CV1 5QJ Andrea Minichiello Williams speaking Wednesday 22nd September: Northern Ireland, more details to follow Where did you pick that up? Schools and the sexualisation of our children – a conference in Central London sponsored by Anglican Mainstream – click here for the flyer. Date: Saturday 2nd October Andrea Minichiello Williams Christian Concern for our NationHighlights
Abortion and End of Life
Sexual Orientation
Religious Freedom
Saturday, 4 September 2010
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Britannia Radio