Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories. Donate for Christian Freedoms Please spread the word—forward this to Christians you know and encourage them to sign up to receive their own copy. Highlights, Papal Visit, Abortion, Bioethics and End of Life, Sexual Orientation, Social, Religious Freedom, Islam, Events CCFON calls for public apology over Ray Gosling affair Veteran television presenter Ray Gosling has been spared jail this week after he admitted fabricating a confession that he killed a previous homosexual partner who was dying of Aids. His case was used by a pro-euthanasia lobby group to advocate a loosening of the law. CCFON is calling for a public apology from both Ray Gosling and the BBC following the broadcast of his false claims. CCFON is also calling for the BBC Board to investigate whether its own guidelines relating to fair and impartial broadcasting have been breached. Andrea Minichiello Williams said: “Ray Gosling’s false claims came at a time when there was sustained pressure by a vocal and well-organised minority campaigning to weaken the law on euthanasia. The BBC have a duty to the public to substantiate such sensational stories especially if they are deisgned to change public opinion on matters of life and death.” For further details, please click here. Peter Saunders, CEO of Christian Medical Fellowship, comments on Ray Gosling CCFONtv 17 Sep 2010 (0m 53s) Awake, Arise 2011 Our Awake, Arise day conferences provide an overview of the state of the nation and inform and empower Christians to speak out on issues of pressing concern. The conferences were very well received in 2010 and we are now looking to roll out a nationwide programme of events in 2011. If you could help us host a day conference then please contact us at admin@ccfon.org or 020 7935 1488. Awake, Arise, O Church highlights CCFONtv 17 Sep 2010 (3m 29s) Coalition calls for greater role for faith in society Daily Telegraph: Coalition: 'We will restore faith to heart of Britain’. BBC News: Baroness Warsi urges church community role. Andrea Williams comments: “Whilst we warmly welcome the government’s recognition that faith and religion cannot be ignored in public life, we urge the Coalition’s leadership to grasp that all ‘faith positions’ are not the same either in their content or in their consequence for our society. If, as Baronness Warsi claims, the government ‘understands’ faith, the Coalition must demonstrate that it recognises this fundamental reality. Guardian: Pope Benedict XVI goes to war with 'atheist extremism'. Andrea Williams comments: “The Pope’s warning against the ‘aggressive forms of secularism’ has clearly touched a raw nerve amongst the atheist humanist lobby, perhaps because his comments expose the implications of their agenda all too clearly. Mr Sanderson may wish for a ‘secular’ Britain and the efforts of the NSS and others, unless firmly resisted, may move us toward it but the fact is that we are not there yet. And we should be thankful that we aren’t. It is the Christian foundation of our society that has delivered the values that so many cherish and so benefit our common life. This should not be taken for granted. In times such as these we must stand up for it. Despite the claims of the British Humanist Association, when God is removed from the picture there is no ultimate protection against the barbarity of which we know human beings are capable and indeed the slide toward such a scenario is inevitable.” Guardian: Pope Benedict XVI flies in amid row over aide's race remarks. ABC News: Pope delivers warning against UK secularism. Daily Telegraph: Pope visit: Bellahouston homily. Christian Broadcasting Council: Catholic Cardinal right about discrimination in the UK, says CBC. Daily Mail (Comment): Pope’s critic: ‘Not all sex involving children is unwanted and abusive’. Christian Today: Bishop condemns homosexual 'rights' campaigner’s Channel 4 Pope documentary. Cape Cod Times (US): Doctor pleads guilty in 2007 abortion death. BioNews (Comment): Is the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority fit for purpose? National Post: Fertility experts caution against IVF tourism. CBN News (Video): US Court temporarily lifts ban on embryonic stem cell funding. CNN News: Embryonic stem cells: Outmoded science. ABC News: Australian TV body reverses decision to air pro-euthanasia ad. Scotsman: £5m Scottish sexual health project has failed. CNN News: UK’s advertising authority bans pregnant nun ice cream ad. Swiss Info: Swiss losing their religion are more suicidal, study finds. Washington Times: US teens report high exposure to sex education. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali on the marginalisation of Christians in UK. ABC (external link), BBC Radio 5 Live (external link), The Australian: Michael Nazir-Ali: Radical Islamism challenges notions of freedom. CCFON: Imam claims backlash if New York mosque not built. Daily Mail: Most of British Airways in-flight meals could soon be halal, says caterer GateGourmet. BBC News: Appeal lodged over Camberley mosque plans. FFPC: Muslim hacker destroys website of lawyer who helped Christian convert from Islam. World Tribune: Turkey referendum called watershed victory for Islamic agenda. Guardian: Kashmir riots over Qur'an 'burning' leave 13 dead. Brussels Journal: Commentary: Free speech, then and now. Guardian: Paper apologises for depicting Muslims at prayer on 9/11 anniversary. Associated Press: Islamists claim responsibility for Russian bombing. A list of upcoming events can be found here. Andrea Minichiello Williams Christian Concern for our Nation Andrea can be contacted at andrea@ccfon.org and 020 7935 1488 Our work depends on financial contributions from the Christian community. Find out how to support us by clicking on the link below. http://www.ccfon.org/donation.php Make an online donation with paypal CCFON Ltd : October 2009 Promotional Video : Long Version - 15minHighlights
It is Jesus Christ and the truth about Him that, historically, has so shaped our nation’s heritage and culture and provided the framework and values that are so often taken for granted. He remains the only solid foundation for a stable, peaceful and prosperous society.”Papal Visit
The response of Terry Sanderson, the president of the National Secular Society, is startling, not least for the sweeping assumptions that he makes. He boldly asserts that ‘the British people have embraced a secular identity’. On what basis does he make such claims? Constitutionally, Britain remains a Christian country. Moreover, at the last census, the majority of respondents identified themselves as Christians and many of our public institutions retain their Christian basis.Abortion, Bioethics and End of Life
Sexual Orientation
Religious Freedom
CCFON Ltd : October 2009 Promotional Video : Short Version - 4min
Saturday, 18 September 2010
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Britannia Radio