Thursday, 16 September 2010


by D Sherman Okst
15 Sep 2010
In 2008 I came across a disturbing article about 401k and IRA confiscation. The article appeared in the Carolina Journal Online. I’ve been following this closely. In fact as recently as February 1, 2010 I became the 93rd person to provide “...

Market Observation

Chris Puplava's picture
15 Sep 2010
Back in August there was a host of data that suggested an intermediate low was in for precious metals, which was the case made in an earlier article (Intermediate Low in Precious Metal Stocks?). Since that time the easy gains in precious metals have..
by Julian Phillips
14 Sep 2010
There is palpable anger in the U.S. over the current ‘peg’ of the Yuan against the Dollar. Despite promises that the Yuan will rise, it remains close to where it was before China commented on its impending rise. Accusations of currency...
by Chris Vermeulen
13 Sep 2010
In short, Gold is in a strong up trend and will remain in one for a long time. Commodities have higher percentage of going parabolic. That means there’s a small chance that gold continues to move up quicker and quicker surging hundreds of dollars in...
by Antal Fekete
10 Sep 2010
Paul Krugman, writing in The New York Times on September 5 under the title ”1938 in 2010”, chastizes president Obama’s economists once more for doing what they have promised not to do: to repeat the mistakes of president Roosevelt’s economists in...
by D Sherman Okst
9 Sep 2010
We are in the midst of a rat infestation of epidemic proportions -- an ‘Economic Black Death’, a plague, spread by Xenopsylla cheopis (rat-fleas). These are no ordinary rats. No. Our infestation consists of 900-hundred pound, grotesque,...
by Kieran Osborne CFA
8 Sep 2010
In an environment with historically low interest rates, fixed income investors have been pouring money into longer-duration securities, substituting 3 and 6 month T-Bills with 10-year Treasures or bond funds. To an extent, this should not be so...
by Monty Guild Tony Danaher
7 Sep 2010
Recent research by UBS economist Jon Anderson illustrates how trade is being reshaped in the developing world. It will probably not surprise you to learn that between 1998 and 2008 six developing nations recorded an increase in exports (as measured...
by Darryl Schoon
6 Sep 2010
When younger, Alan Greenspan wondered if he could have prevented the Great Depression had he been Fed chairman during the 1920s. Fate, however, was to give Greenspan a far different future than he expected; instead of preventing a depression, he...
by Warren Bevan
4 Sep 2010
Ahhh, the curves life throws at you sometimes still amaze me! I’d worked all summer in anticipation of taking a two week I was set to sail through the fabled Northwest Passage on a luxury icebreaker but six hours to the northern...
by Puru Saxena
3 Sep 2010
BIG PICTURE – Global stock markets are in a multi-year bull-market and nominal prices are likely to appreciate for several more months. In our view, we are currently amidst a normal multi-week consolidation phase and most stock markets are likely...