FEATURED STORIES The second day of Rosh Hashanah: To be (in shul) or not to be
Keeping Kosher -- but just on the holidays
When the Jewish holidays roll around, many otherwise nonobservant Jews seek out kosher food and wine. JTA staff writer Sue Fishkoff, author of "Kosher Nation," examines why. Read more »
The Yom Kippur sermon that helped spur the Soviet Jewry movement
A 1963 speech by Abraham Joshua Heschel chastising American Jews for their failure to act on behalf of Soviet Jews helped launch a movement that would help cleanse their conscience of guilt over not acting during the Holocaust, writes author Gal Beckerman. Read more »EATING & SERVING Tasting a new sweetness
in Rosh HashanahPRAYING & LITURGY New Conservative machzor tries for accessibility, inspiration
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Rosh Hashanah is traditionally a two-day holiday, but attendance in many synagogues plummets on the second day. Some say it's too difficult to miss work or sit through services for two days, but others insist the soul needs the extra time. Read more »
Custom has Jews eating apples and honey together to ensure a sweet new year, but for those who want to shake things up, columnist Edmon J. Rodman offers some possibilities dripping with symbolism. Read more »
With its new High Holidays prayer book, the Conservative movement wants accessibility for beginners and spiritual inspiration for experienced worshipers. Read more »
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Britannia Radio