Also: Tune into the Epicenter Conference Radio Special on the Moody Network, Friday, Sept. 24, at 9pm eastern/8pm centra
Imam al-Mahdi is another name for the "Twelfth Imam" or the "Hidden Imam." Shia Muslims believe this Islamic messiah will come at the End of Days to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization as we have known it, force infidels to convert or be executed, and will set up a one-world Islamic government known as the "caliphate." Ahmadinejad believes the way to "hasten" the Twelfth Imam's coming is to annihilate the U.S. and Israel. This would bring about the "victory" that Ahmadinejad prayed for on American soil.
The speech went downhill from there. Ahmadinejad accused the U.S. government of masterminding the 9/11 attacks in order to save Israel. Few in the West, including our leaders, understand what Ahmadinejad and his colleagues in the Iranian government believe. And that's the problem. Unless the leaders and the people of the world wake up, war is coming. The leaders of Iran, including the Ayatollah Khamenei, believe it is their job to hasten the the apocalypse and the end of the world.
What should we do in response? We need to get ready and be prepared (Ezekiel 38:7). We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and mobilize others to pray, too. We need to travel to Israel to do pray walks and to encourage Israelis that we are standing with them. We need to care for poor and needy Israelis and Palestinians with unconditional love and unwavering support. We need to stockpile humanitarian relief supplies in Israel and build the infrastructure to distribute even more emergency aid when the next war comes. We need to strengthen the Church in the epicenter in real and practical ways. We need to help our brothers and sisters throughout the region preach the gospel and make disciples and plant churches and show that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace and the only hope of reconciliation. Time is short. But our path forward is clear.
More details on weblog. Also on weblog:
> Details on how to help The Joshua Fund bless Israel and her neighbors with food, clothing, medical supplies and other relief aid, and our Israel tour next May which we would love for you to join!
> Details on "Inside The Middle East Crisis Conference" in Chicago on October 1-2.
> Details on the Greg Laurie evangelistic "Harvest" events in Chicago this weekend.
> Details on an Israeli family that needs your help to receive justice.
> Details on the "Epicenter Radio Special" tonight on the Moody Radio Network.
[To visit our weblog, please go to http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/]
STEP INTO THE STORY: Please pray about coming with us on The Joshua Fund prayer & vision trip to Israel next May, and attending the 2011 Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem. Many people might think that's crazy in light of the growing regional tensions, but I believe we as followers of Jesus Christ should be praying for, going to, and standing with Israel because of the growing tensions. As the rest of the world turns away from the Jewish State, let us move closer to our Israeli and Palestinian friends with the courage and compassion the Lord gives us.
Purchase a DVD set of the presentations at the 2010 Epicenter Conference.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio