Spokesman Rujon Williams is a decorated Marine. Rujon saw action and has suffered a service related disability. After his honorable discharge he returned to South Carolina, where he became a family man and a community leader. Rujon is presently working on his Masters degree in Leadership through Liberty University's Graduate Program. Rujon has served as a positive community leader in Hartsville, South Carolina Head Start program and South Carolina's First Step Children's service program. Williams is a active leader in the Hartsville Tea Party, National Spokesman for TeaParty.org.
It is time to send a Package From Home. What this means is "We The People" take ownership of our military, we care and we will be responsible. It is time to be part of Restoring Honor. One of the ways is to send something important to our Sons, Daughters, Fathers and Mothers as they serve our beloved nation.
The Tea Party Vets helps fill those gaps which occur between the time a private citizen enlists to when they come home having faithfully served their tour of duty.
We work with outstanding organizations to assist them in the collection of funds, the purchase of materials, the filling of packages, the delivery of those needed packages of love to our military family.
It wasn't long ago tea party leaders worried about a GOP takeover. But after Joe Miller's stunning win over GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, sources now say it's the Republican establishment that is concerned about a grass-roots movement whose power has expanded so rapidly that it now threatens the party's political hegemony.
"Well, I don't know if 'taking over' [the GOP] is the right word," Miller said with a chuckle during an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview Wednesday. "I think the message that is being spread of returning the country back to its Constitutional foundations is absolutely something that can put the Republican Party back on track. It is something that, if embraced, could allow the Republican Party to provide the answers to a nation that is in crisis right now.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee stood with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist over Rubio in Florida, until shortly before his announcement that the Grand Old Party was no longer his cup of tea. In Alaska, NRSC chairman Sen. John Cornyn provoked a rebellion on his right when he sent the committee's chief counsel to help Murkowski in her absentee-ballot counting battle, a fight she relinquished Tuesday night when she conceded the race to Miller.
Speaking with confidence after Miller's upset he said: "We will beat you. We will win. And we will basically, systematically, over the next few election cycles, we will replace you."
Friday, 3 September 2010
"For The First Time in U.S. History A Tea Party for
Pro-Military Personnel. We Shall Restore Honor"
Rujon Williams - Tea Party Vets Spokesman
Williams answered the call of the suffering veterans and their families as our heroes serve across the globe.
"I believe it is my divine responsibility to fulfill my oath to protect my beloved nation and our Constitution when I was sworn into the Marine Corps. As a member of the American Legion, a Conservative, a Dad and Community leader I felt compelled to serve in a unique capacity as a member of the Tea Party addressing those issues which face our heroes in the Military."
Rujon Williams was part of the Tea Party entourage to the Glenn Beck 'Restore Honor" rally on the 47th anniversary of the march on Washington lead by Dr. Marin Luther King.
When asked about his most precious values, Rujon told the Tea Party Reporter:
"My God, my nation, my family, the Marine Corps Flag and a hot cup of Tea!"
Everyone can do something. The Tea Party has demonstrated time after time that we shall not back down and we shall take the responsibility of self-governance.
When someone says, "Let the government take care of the troops" they are missing several important things. First of all, WE THE PEOPLE are the government and it is every citizen's responsibility on how our nation is managed.
Secondly, those serving are not just numbers, they are people. Someone's daughter, son, father and mother, they are private citizens who have the courage to step forward and say: "America, you can count on me."
The actions of Tea Party Vets are not limited to just sending packages to our troops, but also includes protesting code pink cowards, sending educational e-mails to the public, our members, all interested parties and stimulating patriotism while building support for our troops.
Please remember that our beloved military are our sons, daughters, mothers and fathers of the Republic. WE THE PEOPLE includes our beloved friends and family in uniform.
Will you support this noble effort? The funds collected will be used for buying needed supplies to keeping the lights on and the message going forth.
Please give till it feels good.
Leading the charge: grass-roots conservatives who rocked the political landscape by propelling a relative unknown, Fairbanks attorney Joe Miller, ahead of an incumbent senator with strong GOP support. Murkowski reportedly outspent Miller 10-to-1, and her family had controlled her U.S. Senate seat for three decades.
"So really it's the option of those in the establishment, that if they want to be in a leadership position in this nation, they should look at these ideals that are being pushed by these activists, consider them, I think embrace them, and I think lead this country out of the crisis point that it's in."
Others in the grass-roots movement put it more bluntly: The tea party freight train is roaring down the track, and GOP insiders should hop aboard or move out of the way.
Miller is only the latest tea party-supported insurgent to win against the GOP's "official" candidate.
Against the national GOP's anointed favorites, the tea party has racked up extraordinary victories: Rand Paul in Kentucky, Ken Buck in Colorado, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Mike Lee in Utah, and Marco Rubio in Florida, to name just a few.
Some grass-roots conservatives have expressed frustration that even in races without an incumbent Republican, the Republican establishment has favored moderates over devout conservatives.
Miller has acknowledged the critical role that Tea Party Express played in his victory. The organization estimates it expended over $600,000 on the race.
Michael Tanner, the Cato Institute senior fellow and author of "Leviathan on the Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution," commented: "You're finding that in race after race the establishment here in Washington has put their weight behind moderate, establishment candidates, people who have a history of elective office, people who in their judgment 'can win.'
"I think they're misjudging the electoral mood right now," he said.
Getting true small-government conservatives elected is what Steinhauser does for a living. As director of state and federal campaigns for FreedomWorks, which in many ways midwifed the tea party movement in its infancy, he's seen the movement evolve from the days when it mostly organized rallies and town hall meetings.
Now the movement's activities often are less obvious - but more powerful at the ballot box.
"We learned from our mistakes and we're starting to do it better," he said. "... If we can turn out thousands of people to a protest, that's going to make an impact. But if we can actually get some phone banking and go door-to-door, we're going to win Republican primaries and we're going to win the general election."
Steinhauser said conservative activists also are discussing how to hone their message to appeal to the all-important independent voters who tend to determine electoral outcomes.
How the activism ultimately impacts the GOP remains to be seen. But grass-roots activists claim they've already essentially taken control of the party apparatus in Nevada and Utah. Steinhauser envisions that phenomenon spreading.
"I think it is happening nationally," he told Newsmax. "Attempts are being made, I guarantee it. Everywhere I've been people are saying... let's go and get involved at the precinct level, at the county level, at the committee-person level, and let's get involved here because we have to control the levers of power, the machinery."
Local party bosses are fighting back, he said, changing the rules and rewriting the bylaws to make it harder for activists to move in.
"So you're seeing a lot of resistance in some of these state parties," he said. "Many of these people have their own little niche, their own little power structure, and they're comfortable and happy. So we've got to kick out the party bosses. I told them, 'We have to take it over. We have to become the party bosses. But we can't lose our soul. We can't allow it to change us. We've got to change it.'"
Activists in Ohio and Pennsylvania, Steinhausen said, have "really had a rough time with the GOP."
He welcomes a change of heart from establishment Republicans. But he has brutally honest message for loyalists who continue to put party over everything.
"Now they're going to have a whole bunch of people who are going to look at legislation that way."
So does Miller's upset win foreshadow a day when the tea parties take over the national GOP?
Many tea party activists wouldn't want that role anyway.
The tea party would actually have to be much more organized to actually take anything over. But the reality is you're seeing a new breed of candidate, and a new breed of activist within the Republican Party, that is very different from the establishment.
Michael Patrick Leahy, author of "Rules for Conservative Radicals" and co-founder of the National Tea Party coalition, told Newsmax he believes the rising influence of grassroots activists may impact both parties, and is here to stay.
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Britannia Radio