Wednesday, 22 September 2010

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The reader can substitute Jewish Right Wing/Nationalist/Religious terrorism for the words "Hindu Terrorism." The prevarications and distortions of Israel's Jewish Departments of the Police, Internal Security and Injustice departments, CAN NEVER CHANGE THE TRUTH.
Take strength - The Truth will Win Out!.....Bernard

--- On Mon, 9/20/10, Mohan Gupta wrote:

From: Mohan Gupta
Subject: Bogey of Hindu terrorism
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 11:26 PM

Bogey of Hindu terrorism

Sh. Ram Gopal sent the following letter to some newspapers for publication, but none published as most of the media in Bhaarat is anti-Hindu and usually do not publish any news which concerns the plight of Hindus

To The Pioneer: e.mail :

Copy to: Media_monitor, Media watch, FHRS, Mohan Bhagvat, LK Advani, Arun Jaitley,


Addressing the State Police chiefs on Wednesday, the 25th August, the Home Minister, Mr. P. Chidambaram once again raised the bogy of Bhagwa (Hindu) terrorism. The fact is that neither the Centre nor the State governments have been able to control either the fast spreading Islamic terrorism or the menace of Maoists & Naxalites’ repeated attacks on Police parties and Police posts. The public patience is running out. The Hindu activists are specially worked up on government’s failure on these fronts. In order to distract public attention and terrorise Hindu activists, government of India invented, two years ago, the term ‘Hindu terrorism” and arrested some of the Hindu agitationists, perhaps, planning retaliatory action against Islamic terrorism. They have been rotting in jails, for two years, without trial.

Hindu intellectuals and activists are very much agitated over the use of the term of ‘Bhagwa (Hindu) terrorism’ and are making angry gestures without making any impact on the government. What has, however, not been done and needs to be done is to tell the Home Minister that reading only the Constitution and law books is not sufficient and that he should read Hindu as well as Islamic scriptures or ask his lieutenants to read them and brief him about the core of the two sets of scriptures. It would be found that whereas the Islamic scriptures contain a lot to inflict atrocities on non-Muslims, but none in Hindu scriptures. Here is only one sample, namely, Sura IX, verse 5 of the Quran, “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them captive and besiege them….” The Islamic terrorists of all hues, throughout the globe, vehemently claim that they are only carrying out the injunctions of their holy book, especially the ‘Quran’, which is the word of Allah (God). Hence, while there is sufficient justificatioin for the term ‘Islamic terrorism’, ‘Bhagwa terrorism’, is nothing but a great scandal, only to denigrate Hinduism and humiliate Hindus before the entire humanity.

What Mr. Chidambaram has referred to as “Safron terrorism” or Hindu terrorism may be stray cases of Hindu retaliation against the continuing and expanding acts of Islamic terrorism from J&K to Kerala. He and others concerned should know that retaliation is an inherent right of every nation recognized by international law. Civilized modern nation States have not passed this right to individuals because they have themselves taken over the responsibility of saving and protecting the honour, life and property and righting the wrong done to him/her. But what the individual or the society is to do, if not retaliate, when the State is unable to discharge its duty for years and decades? And stray cases of minor acts of retaliation must not be stretched too far to equate them vastly deadly acts of serial bomb blasts and fidayeen attacks on huge civilian crowds. Mr. Chidambaram has acted in a highly malicious manner that not only goes against a peace loving lot of Hindus, but even against the interests of the Indian State itself.

Yours faithfully,

Ram Gopal,

A-2B/94-A, MIG Flats,

Paschim Vihar, New Delhi- 63

Tel.No. 25262642

Hindu Terror ????????? - A Must Read

The Hindu Rate Of Wrath
By Francois Gautier

Is there such a thing as 'Hindu terrorism', as the arrest of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur for the Malegaon blasts may tend to prove? Well, I guess I was asked to write this column because I am one of that rare breed of foreign correspondents—a lover of Hindus! A born Frenchman, Catholic-educated and non-Hindu, I do hope I'll be given some credit for my opinions, which are not the product of my parents' ideas, my education or my atavism, but garnered from 25 years of reporting in South Asia (for Le Journal de Geneve and Le Figaro).

In the early 1980s, when I started freelancing in south India, doing photo features on Kalaripayattu, the Ayyappa festival, or the Ayyanars, I slowly realised that the genius of this country lies in its Hindu ethos, in the true spirituality behind Hinduism. The average Hindu you meet in a million villages possesses this simple, innate spirituality and accepts your diversity, whether you are Christian or Muslim, Jain or Arab, French or Chinese. It is this Hinduness that makes the Indian Christian different from, say, a French Christian, or the Indian Muslim unlike a Saudi Muslim. I also learnt that Hindus not only believed that the divine could manifest itself at different times, under different names, using different scriptures (not to mention the wonderful avatar concept, the perfect answer to 21st century religious strife) but that they had also given refuge to persecuted minorities from across the world—Syrian Christians, Parsis, Jews, Armenians, and today, Tibetans.

In 3,500 years of existence, Hindus have never militarily invaded another country, never tried to impose their religion on others by force or induced conversions. You cannot find anybody less fundamentalist than a Hindu in the world and it saddens me when I see the Indian and western press equating terrorist groups like SIMI, which blow up innocent civilians, with ordinary, angry Hindus who burn churches without killing anybody. We know also that most of these communal incidents often involve persons from the same groups—often Dalits and tribals—some of who have converted to Christianity and others not. However reprehensible the destruction of Babri Masjid, no Muslim was killed in the process; compare this to the 'vengeance' bombings of 1993 in Bombay , which wiped out hundreds of innocents, mostly Hindus. Yet the Babri Masjid destruction is often described by journalists as the more horrible act of the two. We also remember how Sharad Pawar, when he was chief minister of Maharashtra in 1993, lied about a bomb that was supposed to have gone off in a Muslim locality of Bombay .

I have never been politically correct, but have always written what I have discovered while reporting. Let me then be straightforward about this so-called Hindu terror. Hindus, since the first Arab invasions, have been at the receiving end of terrorism, whether it was by Timur, who killed 1,00,000 Hindus in a single day in 1399, or by the Portuguese Inquisition which crucified Brahmins in Goa . Today, Hindus are still being targeted: there were one million Hindus in the Kashmir valley in 1900; only a few hundred remain, the rest having fled in terror. Blasts after blasts have killed
hundreds of innocent Hindus all over India in the last four years. Hindus, the overwhelming majority community of this country, are being made fun of, are despised, are deprived of the most basic facilities for one of their most sacred pilgrimages in Amarnath while their government heavily sponsors the Haj. They see their brothers and sisters converted to Christianity through inducements and financial traps, see a harmless 84-year-old swami and a sadhvi brutally murdered. Their gods are blasphemed. So sometimes, enough is enough.

At some point, after years or even centuries of submitting like sheep to slaughter, Hindus—whom the Mahatma once gently called cowards—erupt in uncontrolled fury. And it hurts badly. It happened in Gujarat . It happened in Jammu , then in Kandhamal, Mangalore, and Malegaon . It may happen again elsewhere. What should be understood is that this is a spontaneous revolution on the ground, by ordinary Hindus, without any planning from the political leadership. Therefore, the BJP, instead of acting embarrassed, should not disown those who choose other means to let their anguished voices be heard.

There are about a billion Hindus, one in every six persons on this planet. They form one of the most successful, law-abiding and integrated communities in the world today. Can you call them terrorists?
(The writer is the editor-in-chief of the Paris-based La Revue de l'Inde)

Venganalur Shivaram Haryharan <>

All of these Congress I are lowest class of scoundrels, the WORST OF THE WORST. The way they are selling our Desh will make all their founding fathers of the Indian National Congress hang their collective heads in shame and despair.

It is sad that the Hindus of congress are the worst Raakshas even more than the Muslims of their party. After all a Muslim will always be a Muslim and only owe allegiance to his faith... But these so called Congi Hindus...How they are rejecting their own ancestors to shamelessly sit on the Kursi and do unconscionable corruption.

Dr. VSH, 190910

Our Govt. sends the Pakis US$25 million, when it does not send any relief to the starving farmers in Orissa and Chattisgarh? This $25 million will enable the Paki. military to buy another F-16.
Mosques are barracks and not worship places. Azaan is insult of non Muslims' deities and incite communal strife. Qaba is booty. Koran is guide of criminals. Allah is robber, butcher and supporter of rape of women.
Our rulers are a perverted and degenerate lot. Forever playing to the gallery.

S kumar <> wrote:

Chidambaram owes his win in elections to Sonia and her stooge CEC Chawla, who saw to it that he was elected by manipulating the last two rounds of counting, and has to be loyal to the Italian barmaid for his "exalted position" in Government.

Who is running UPA? An unelected PM and Fin.M., HM elected through fraud of EVM-s and several others elected through such preplanned fraud of EVM-s. Jayanti Natarajan, the Congress Spokesperson categorically asserted in a TV discussion to the BJP leaders "You will never win the elections", assured by the CEC of the EVM-s under his control.

According to various sources, Government of India and its Home Minister ignore cases involving Green Terrorists – means Muslim Terrorists – because any arrests of Muslim youth will lead to loss of votes in coming state government elections in Bihar , West Bengal etc. We should demand from all our politicians and ask what they have to say.

Media should be questioned on Islamic motives in this great land Bhaarat.

Media support to Islam is making them bully.

One way Hindus should stop watching all news and stop advertisements, stop buying product who adv in these media .
