Friday, September 03, 2010
EU Foreign Affairs Chief Seeks Stronger China Ties
Emboldened by Obama, Arabs Aim at Israeli Nukes
Showing up in Full Military Uniform, Fidel Castro Again Warns of the Dangers of Nuclear Conflict
Tony Blair: Radical Islam is the Greatest Threat
Islamic Cleric Calls for Beheading of Dutch Politician
The Story Behind China's Monster Traffic Jam
Iran Repeats Threat Against Israeli Nuclear Reactor
Washington Post Promoting Dissolution of Israel
China's Big Banks Reporting More Risky Loans
China Helps North Korea Evade Sanctions
Hamas Vows New Attacks on Israel
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Read the news here--tip of the iceberg.
The Obama administration has not-so-secretly encouraged the Arab states to target Israel's presumed nuclear deterrent.
What does it all mean?
God bless Tony Blair!
The former UK Prime Minister has called radical Islam the leading threat to world peace, condemning its "regressive, wicked and backward-looking" ideology. Click here for the story.
Consider Blair's comments in contrast with U.S. President Barack Obama's odious outreach to the so-called Muslim world--itself a concession to Islamist ideology as it presumes a global Muslim (not an Arab) nation united by the Koran in ways that supersede national boundaries and laws and transcend all ethnic and racial differences. For those who believe in the Muslim world idea, the Koran is the constitution, and the only acceptable form of government is an "Islamic republic" in which barbaric sharia is the law of the land.
Regarding radical Islam, Blair dares to tell it like it is, while Obama, who was born a Muslim according to sharia (which traces religion through the father), validates and gives currency to Islamist lies and myths.
Put differently, Blair is our Churchill; Obama, our Chamberlain.
Question: will fanatic Muslim clerics call for Blair's beheading?
Seriously. Dutch politician Geert Wilders dared to condemn Islam's inherently violent and repressive nature (the religion, which has never reformed itself, remains mired in the Middle Ages), and a Muslim cleric comfortably residing in (suicidally) socialist/liberal Australia called on Muslims to "chop off" Wilders' head. The French first lady dared to condemn Islamonazi Iran for torturing an innocent woman and sentencing her to die by ... stoning ... and an Iranian newspaper that serves as a government mouthpiece responded by branding the wife of the French president a "prostitute" deserving to die.
Where is the outrage?
Not in the White House. That's for sure. There, a post-American President presides over the downfall of the world's greatest democracy and last best hope for humanity, appeasement of radical Islam is the order of the day, and America's Judeo-Christian heritage is targeted for extinction.
Dutch politician Geert Wilders asserted that Islam is inherently violent; as if to prove the point, an Australian Muslim cleric called on Muslims to "chop off" Wilders' head.
Wilders--arguably the bravest man in Europe--is already under 24/7 protection by Dutch security services as a result of repeated death threats stemming from his steadfast support for Israel and outspoken opposition to Islamism and the Islamizing of Europe.
Click here and here also for the story of the barbaric beheading threat, which recalls the 2004 murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam--in broad daylight. A Muslim fanatic, 26-year-old Mohammed Bouyeri, shot van Gogh eight times with a handgun, then slit his throat in an attempt to decapitate him with a knife before stabbing him in the chest with another knife. The assassin, whose family migrated from Morocco, left both knives in his victim's body along with a note threatening Western countries, Jews, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali feminist activist and writer and prominent critic of Islam (now living in the United States).
Bouyeri, who was born in the Netherlands but holds dual Dutch and Moroccan citizenship, was a member of an internationally linked Islamist terrorist network. He is serving a life sentence for the murder of van Gogh.
Mainstream media outlets have generally ignored the assassin's terrorist ties.
A must-read essay--over here--about China's monstrous, on-again-off-again traffic jam. The illegal coal angle is fascinating.
Again, Iran has vowed to attack Israel's nuclear reactor if Israel attacks Iran. Click here for the report.
The media war is intensifying.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu--a foreign leader who genuinely loves and appreciates America--has no idea of the forces that are arrayed against his courageous little country and the people it represents. In order to appease radical Islam, the globalizing liberal elites have teamed with traditional isolationists and anti-Semites to delegitimize, isolate--and ultimately destroy--Israel, a nation miraculously reborn, against all odds, through blood and sweat--and fire--in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
Like the left wing of the antidemocratic Democratic Party, the Washington Post has turned viciously against Israel, ignoring its incredible democracy--maintained in spite of more than six decades of constant warfare--and rejecting also its strategic importance to the United States (whose power and prestige the liberals and left-wingers regard as a liability and an embarrassment and the root cause of the world's ills).
Click here to read about the so-called special mention loans that are giving Chinese bankers and regulators sleepless nights.
Like lips and teeth.
Chinese state-owned companies are helping North Korea--a vassal state that is totally dependent on China--to get around the global ban on North Korea's illicit nuclear/arms trade. Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts add that China has no intention of ever pressuring North Korea into scrapping its nuclear arsenal. A nuclear-armed North Korea serves as both a buffer and a potential sword against the United States, which China views as a dying--but still dangerous--hegemon.
Click here for the BBC report, which, in line with liberal idiocy and mainstream media madness, insists on referring to the terrorists--people who deliberately seek to slaughter civilians for political and religious purposes--as "militants."
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Britannia Radio