Gerald Celente Calls Out General Petraeus On Koran Warning Hypocrisy
“You hear someone like General Petraeus saying burning the Koran could be dangerous to American troops – hey General Petraeus – how about invading Arab countries and occupying them and killing innocent people? You think that could be dangerous to American troops? Oh no no, our foreign policy has nothing to do with this – they don’t like Americans because we go to Disneyland and shop at Walmart.”
• Ground Zero Mosque Imam: If You Don’t Build It, They Will Attack
UN Blueprint: Dismantle Middle Class, Build World Government
A UN blueprint for putting the organization back at the forefront of global governance alarmingly reveals the agenda to re-brand global warming as “overpopulation” as a means of dismantling the middle classes while using “global redistribution of wealth” and increased immigration to reinvigorate the pursuit of a one world government.
• Hillary Clinton: United Nations is ‘Single Most Important Global Institution’
In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.
Many Americans may be inclined to assume that Germans were barbaric because they supported Hitler, and whatever happened there couldn’t possibly apply to the United States. But the Germans have had much more in common with Americans than we might realize.
Clean Energy Works, a coalition of 80 environmental, religious, veteran and labor groups, will phase out its operations this fall as Democratic congressional leaders abandon plans for a sweeping bill to cap greenhouse gas emissions.
AN ABRUPT command from Beijing to follow through with ”iron-fisted” energy and carbon emission cuts has thrown China’s industrial heartland into chaos.
“Blair was saying no blood for oil – it’s not blood for oil – it is blood for oil you lying sack of dog dirt, you should be ashamed of yourself. At least his wife should divorce him – Cherie – I mean the guy is worthless crap.”