Compliments of Anglo Saxon Raannana Real Estate. Quote for the week “The truth is that there is nothing noble in being superior to somebody else. The only real nobility is in being superior to your former self.”— (Whitney Young. A good quote for the Eve of Yom Kippur we thought.) · To herald in the New Year we hail the scientists and doctors who have made their contribution to saving lives and making life more livable for those destined to suffer and here is a record of some of those achievements made public in the last two weeks: · Gila Kobo didn’t know Simmy Ventura and yet when they met for the first time there were tears of joy and an atmosphere charged with emotion because it was Simmy´s stem cell donation that gave Gila a new lease on life. During the past year, over 40,000 donors joined the Registry, and 124 life-saving transplants were performed. Altogether, since the Registry´s inception, 710 of these procedures have taken place. In the month of... Ted Belman. I was half way through writing Sarah Palin is electable when I came across this fabulous well researched ode to Sarah Palin. I have left out the attacks on her particularly by the GOP trying to shut her out and focused on her outstanding qualities. Don’t miss the part on Israel and Iran at the end.. Vetting Sarah Palin—The Assignment of a Lifetime That person is Sarah Louise Palin—and this is her vetting. SARAH PALIN—THE EARLY YEARS: Sarah Palin, a 46 year old,... Sure it is antisemitism but all those who support banning the GZM, should also empathize with the CT,locals. I can understand them not being comfortable in such an historic community with in your face Jewish symbols, not to mention a bunch of hassidim running around their town. Where is the Jewish sensitivity? My solution is: How about building the Chabad House at Ground Zero, and the mosque at Litchfield Town Square? Trial expected after federal judge finds evidence of “discrimination against Jewish people.” BB is following Sharon’s modus operandi in rehabilitating his image before the elites of the Left in Israel and abroad. Just look at Sharon today to see where that road leads. Someone should inform BB that he isn’t the State. Yamit In the midst of peace talks, Palestinians are more divided than ever By not challenging Mahmoud Abbas’s pose as the champion of overthrowing oppression, Binyamin Netanyahu has allowed him to paint Israelis as oppressors. His dovish utterances on the launching of another peace gabfest seem to have earned Netanyahu grudging, if conditional, tolerance from confirmed political maligners. It’s beginning to look familiar. It’s beginning to call to mind the abeyance of the Left’s unfathomable animus for... By Ted Belman Last week Caroline Glick delivered a telling blow against Netanyahu in The Peril’s of Diplomatic Theatre that had everyone in agreement with. One of the reasons I have been giving Netanyahu some slack was that I had confidence in Yaalon, Begin and Yishai. If they were going along, I would go along. Admittedly , I was increasingly concerned as I kept reading Netanyahu’s outrageous statements about how much he was willing to give etc. Herb Keinon writes that Netanyahu met with his Septet, which includes the three above, last week and that “it is clear that at the septet meeting diplomatic boundaries were set, beyond which Netanyahu could not stray in his talks, lest he begin to endanger his coalition.” ONE OF the most surprising elements of the first 18 months of Netanyahu’s government has been the degree to which the 74-member coalition he cobbled together has remained intact, largely impervious to the waves beating up against it. Is Israel More Isolated than Ever? Prof. Efraim Inbar – BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 114, September 14th, 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel is not nearly as diplomatically isolated as its critics from within and without would have us believe; thus, Israeli diplomacy and security policies should not be dictated by panic over such “isolation.” By ascribing exaggerated importance to the Palestinian issue, and by inflating assessments of Israel’s isolation, the Israeli (and Diaspora Jewish) left advocate an urgent deal with the Palestinians, at a heavy Israeli price. A calmer, more realistic assessment of Israel’s situation – attempted below – calms unwarranted fears and can help lead to sober positions on issues of war and peace. Introduction Many Israelis feel that Israel is once more alone and that the Jewish state is increasingly isolated in the international community. An August 2010 poll shows that on the question of Israel’s current status in the... By Ted Belman Palin was very personal and personable. She can certainly entertain an audience. Mostly she talked off script and occasionally read her notes. Her talk opened up a big window to the type of person she is. I really like her. She was not afraid to talk about how she hunts which obviously brings heaps of lame stream media scorn upon her. And she is not afraid to talk about her faith. Her testament to her faith was beautiful and beautifully expressed. I myself am a secular person but it didn’t prevent me from recognizing that. She was so articulate and passionate about how she came to embrace God and believe in him that I loved her all the more.Good News, Israel
Why I support Sarah Palin
By Christopher Massie, Canada Free Press There is a wave now clearly rising. There is a movement very definable now fully exposing itself to America. The Tea Party now has more successful wins to its credit within a condensed timeframe than any other American political movement can rightfully claim. This movement is alive, palpable, real, not to be ignored and poised to return America to its position as that Shining City Upon the Hill. And one individual is responsible for this momentum.
Litchfield, CT Citizens Outraged at Plans to Build Synagogue in Town Square
It is a commandment for every Jew to live in the Land of Israel except when the hardships are unbearable. Hassidim, if they are truly religious, must colonize Judea and Samaria rather than an American village. YAMIT “As the town’s website notes, the Rev. Dan Huntington, a Congregational minister in the town from 1798 to 1809, wrote upon his arrival here:“A delightful village on a fruitful hill, richly endowed with schools both professional and scientific, with...
Unenlightened attachments
Read HereMore and more luminaries from out in left field don’t hate Binyamin Netanyahu fully as much as they did just a while back. By a near miraculous transformation he no longer appears quite as grotesque an ogre.
Is Bibi as bad as Glick says?
Israel’s Improved Diplomatic Position
Palin’s Passion and Faith
This video may not be for everyone but I certainly loved it. On Sept 16, Palin addressed the National Quartet Convention which was comprised of mostly religious people who are into Gospel music.
Her faith doesn’t disqualify her from office (are Jewish liberals listening?). Nor is it any reason to fear her in...More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
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Britannia Radio