Sometimes, the BBC bias is not just overt but also mired in deceit. Such is the case with this story. Yes, I know that the quote comes from Michael Gove but how often has it been repeated on Today this morning with relish..."Rich thick kids" getting on to the detriment of "poor bright kids". Humphyrs banging the drum this morning for the radical egalitarians that see our schools as little more than laboratories for social engineering. Apparently there is a BBC2 documentary on the topic tonight and I am sure that Humphyrs will use it to further pillory those awful "middle class" parents who seek to buy their kids a decent education leaving those with no cash (ie on benefit) to cope with the scrag ends of our Education system. This is, literally, class warfare and it is a great way for the BBC to start a new week of unrelenting bias. (Or, if your name is Helen Boaden, pure unbiased professionalism that just happens to always swing left) Listen to John Humphyrs doing everything possible to suggest that the British Army is running away from Sangin in this interview with Major General Gordon Messenger. I find it repulsive listening to the mocking and hectoring tone from Humphyrs and his ilk knowing the gallantry and self-sacrifice that characterises our Armed Forces. The Taliban must tune in to Today regularly for this Brit-bashing Taliban worship. I'm not an expert on oil spills, and do not feel qualified to decide whether the Deepwater Horizon well leak was a "disaster". There was loss of life, and some damage to the environment, and a major negative effect on BP's balance sheet, and therefore it was a serious incident; but all the indications are that the impact has been much less than had been forecast.To the BBCl, of course, it's still a "disaster", even when the good news is reported that there is confirmation that the well has finally been capped. That's because they love Obama and hate oil production, and everything to do with it, and because they are involved in a major eco-camapign to force us to shift to other forms of energy. Helen Boaden is Director of BBC News and here she is telling us that"impartiality is in BBC genes." In what universe is this lady living? She singles out the likes of Flanders and Easton, not forgetting Robinson, as models of professional impartiality. Is she mad or is she so removed from real feedback that she lives in her license-tax funded ivory tower? In a sense her bland arrogance confirms our suspicions,
It's no wonder that Parishioner Barbara O'Driscoll has felt motivated to write a letter of complaint to Mark Thompson. In many regards she may as well write to Santa since I am sure Thompson will simply dismiss her concerns about the atrocious behaviour of Pigott. However it's a great example of how the BBC is an active protagonist rather than an impartial reporter of important events. In this case, it is all about advancing a liberal agenda aimed at subverting Catholic opinion.
What say you?"RICH THICK KIDS.."
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
As I see it, what we have here is BBC Religious Affairs Correspondent, Robert Pigott, using his bully pulpit to back those liberals pushing for reform of the Roman Catholic Church, disguising his campaign as genuine canvassing of the beliefs of ordinary Catholics as part of the BBC poll of Catholics in the UK ahead of the Pope's visit, and then lying in the process.
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Britannia Radio