- - - - - - Mideast War Threat News for 9-2-10 - LINK HERE. http://www.aoreport.com/mag/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1410&Itemid=44 - A-O Report Special Coverage: - - - - Mideast War Threat News - - - For September 2, 2010 - - - - +++++++ - Prelude To War? - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ Hamas Rejects Peace With Israel - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - +++++++ - - ++++++++ - - ++++++++ - - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About The Alpha-Omega Report The Purpose: The Founder: Mr. Coombes is an author and publisher who has spent more than 35 years in the study of theology and Biblical studies. He became something of a specialist in Bible prophecy studies since then and has spent much of his time since 1987 in studying the narrow issue of Mystery Babylon of Bible Prophecy. Mr. Coombes attended both the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Mr. Coombes also served as an advertising consultant for a number of years including local merchants as well as a Public Relations consultant for President Ronald Reagan and then Vice-President George H.W. Bush. He also provided consultations for various political candidates for Congress and state and local offices. He was also a commodities trading advisor for a short period of time, just before he began his initial research into Mystery Babylon beginning in 1987. Mr. Coombes’ career experiences as a newsman, political PR consultant and in the investments field has given him a unique viewpoint into the world of Bible Prophecy. It was this background combined with his theological and Biblical studies research abilities along with much Divine guidance enabled him to recognize and understand the Biblical Prophecies for not only Mystery Babylon but other key prophetic elements such as the Gog-Magog The Origins: This gave The Alpha-Omega Report its own independent status from the book website which also had moved from a hosting service subdomain to its own independent website address – www.americathebabylon.com Growth of the Site: Mr. Coombes has been the primary force behind the website but has had assistance from a few loyal volunteer supporters who’ve helped from time to time with the publication of the website. The website was envisioned to be an online Bible Prophecy Magazine for both news and study articles related to Bible Prophecy and its fulfillment. It was envisioned to include not only articles by its founder but by other authors and researchers specializing in Bible Prophecy. The website growth began with a handful of readers but has quickly grown in the last five years into a worldwide educational ministry. In 2005, more than a half million visitors reached the website. It is unknown as to how many of those visitors were regular, return visitors and how many were occasional visitors or simply one-time visitors. We do know that visitors come from all around the world to read the materials posted to the website. If current growth patterns are maintained, it is anticipated that The Alpha-Omega Report will have one million visitors in 2006, based in part on current Changes to A-O: Beliefs: Financial:YELLOW ALERT For War 9-2-10 Thursday, 02 September 2010
On the eve of President Obama’s Mideast Peace Conference, unfolding events by Israel’s enemies strongly suggests that an outbreak of war is imminent, perhaps within hours or days. The following information provides our readers with an overall grasp of the extremely heavy gravity of the situation.
On Monday (8/30) the Hezbollah leadership under Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah issued a “State of War Alert” to all Hezbollah militia forces. Syria is also reportedly on its highest state of alert. The alert status is reminiscent of the situation just hours prior to the start of the war in June of 1967 known more often as “The Six Day War.”
On June 4, 1967, Arab leaders of Egypt, Syria and Jordan gave final approval for plans to launch sneak attacks against Israel. Those attack plans called for surprise air strikes by Arab war planes to begin the following morning of June 5. Israeli leaders, having caught wind of the plans launched their own pre-emptive strike catching the Arab air forces on the ground by surprise at the same time as Israeli ground forces launched a sneak ground campaign against its Arab neighbors. The result was a smashing victory for Israel, which included Israel gaining possession of all of Jerusalem, as well as the Sinai Peninsula, the Jordanian West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights region.
As the first day of September 2010 rolled around, Israel finds itself in an eerily similar situation except that the identities of the key enemy antagonists have changed somewhat.
Syria remains in the roster of Israel’s enemy combatants but Jordan and Egypt have developed peaceful, even modestly cordial relationships. However, the primary protagonists for this latest crisis are Iran and her proxy forces of Lebanese Hezbollah militia and Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
According to various Western, U.S., Arab and Israeli intelligence reports, Hezbollah has been making final preparations for a large-scale sneak-attack against Israel. The only questions now amongst informed analysts revolve around the “when” and “where” of the expected attacks. As to the start date for the attacks, we understand Israel’s enemies are considering to optional timing dates. Plans under consideration include a launch date of not long after the opening ceremonies in Washington for the new peace conference whereby Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas will meet face to face to start peace talk negotiations under the sponsorship of President Obama.
Many sources out of the Mideast hypothesize that a surprise attack could come late Thursday evening or perhaps more likely on Friday, September 2, 2010. Why Friday?
Friday is the last day of Ramadan which concludes with a festive, celebratory feast that ends the holy period of Ramadan. It is also known as “International al Qods Day” or “Jerusalem Day.” It is a day of Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people in their quest to secure Islamic control over all of Jerusalem. This day of consecration to that endeavor was conceived originally by the leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. It is part of Iran’s master plan to be the leading nation of the Islamic world.
A-O Readers should note that an attack by Iran’s proxy forces in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip on al-Qods Day would seem very much appropriate to that day. The real question is whether the attack would technically begin during the day, before Ramadan’s final feast at night or in the twilight hours of the feast or shortly thereafter. Technically by Islamic law, no military endeavors should be permitted during any point of the Ramadan period. No doubt, Iranian clerics could find a loophole excuse for a sneak attack as early as the night before or during the pre-dawn hours of “al Qods Day.” Such an attack would be viewed as a holy consecration to the task of retaking Jerusalem from Israel as well as destroying Israel. It would likely be viewed as the opening day of a war that Islamists would hope to conclude by the Jewish holy days of Rosh Hashanah (9/8/10) and Yom Kippur (9/18/10).
2nd Optional Attack Date:
The second optional time point for launching a sneak attack against Israel would be on the eve of Rosh Hashanah which begins on the evening of September 8, 2010. This date marks the end of a 62 year period since the UN declared a homeland for the Jews back in November of 1947. Some Bible prophecy watchers suggest that this coincides with the Prophet Daniel’s prediction of a 63 year period that precedes a 7 year period of Tribulation. It should be noted that from this year of Rosh Hashanah forward for three and a half years would see “signs” in the heavens – namely lunar and solar eclipses during Jewish holy days in 2014 and 2015 including Passover. Such astronomical events are perceived by some as coming fulfillments of Biblical prophecies relating to signs in the sun and the moon.
While we find these timing hypotheses to be highly intriguing but we prefer to not make dogmatic assertions that such coming events are indeed to the “the” prophetic fulfillments of those prophecies, but we do admit to such possibilities.
Now returning our focus to unfolding events of the past few days, let’s look further at what has recently transpired that suggests an imminent attack by Israel’s enemies.
Indicator #1.= Israeli Troop Deployments
First of all, there are numerous reports from within the Islamic media outlets of the Middle East claiming that Israel has deployed an additional full armored division along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon and Syria.
Indicator #2. = Iranian – Hezbollah War Councils
U.S., Western and Israeli intel reports note that Iranian leaders have been pressuring Hezbollah leaders to launch attacks against Israel. Various Iranian military commanders have made numerous visits to meet with Hezbollah leaders in both Lebanon and also the Syrian capital of Damascus.
Indicator #3. = Hamas Drive-by Terror Strike
Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip claimed responsibility for a terror attack in the West Bank where 4 Israelis were shot dead in a drive-by shooting.
Indicator #4. = Hezbollah Troop Movements
All of Hezbollah’s full-time troop forces are now at forward positions along the border with Israel in violation of UN agreements.
Indicator #5. = Hexbollah Reserve Call Up
Hezbollah has issued a call to duty for all of its part-time troop reserves.
Indicator #6. = Hezbollah Commando Forces Positioning
Hezbollah has placed its entire Commando Forces into special ‘strike’ positions for:
a. amphibious beach landings rapidly moving inland into central Israel
b. commando rapid strike forces from the border into northern Galilee
Indicator #6. Iranian officers activities
The Iranian commander of its “al Qods” (Jerusalem) Brigade – foreign division for Iraq, Gaza and the Palestinian Authority has spent the last 12 days in Damascus (since 8/19)
Along with the chief general of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps conducting War Councils with Hezbollah and Syrian officers.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Lisason Field Commander assigned to Hezbollah is Hassan Mahdavi. According to western intelligence sources, he has been shuttling around the region monitoring events in Lebanon, meeting with Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. He has reportedly pressured Nasrallah to order a large scale surprise attack against Israel as part of Iran’s strategic response to President Obama’s attempt to forge a Mideast peace agreement from the current peace talks in Washington.
Hezbollah’s chief, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is reported by Western intelligence sources to be nearing a decision on when and where his forces should strike initially. Reports indicate he has been somewhat reluctant to strike, in part because he detests the idea of being an Iranian puppet doing Iran’s bidding. At the same time however, one of Iran’s primary selling points for persuading Nasrallah to go ahead and attack is the notion of the honor and glory of initiating a war that takes back Jerusalem and destroys Israel. In Islamic understanding there would be great glory and prestige in being the leader which obtains the victory.
The Hezbollah chief is not the only one being lobbied by the Iranians. Iranian officials are also lobbying other Shiite groups in Lebanon that are rivals to Hezbollah. Such lobbying efforts are urging the factions to unite together in common cause against the enemy and to also remain united to greet Iran’s President under a common battle flag of Hezbollah, when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes a state visit to Beirut, Lebanon later in September. Debka.com reports its sources understand the visit is tentatively scheduled for September 10-12 during Israel’s holiday period. It is believed the trip is designed to be a victory trip, celebrating the recapture of Jerusalem and the destruction of Israel.
Tehran’s war goal is intended to not only destroy Israel and recapture Jerusalem but to also strike at American prestige and standing in the world of geo-politics. Iranian leaders gauge that a Israel’s destruction will result in a humiliation of America and those Arab leaders which have aligned with America. It would underscore the impotence of America
and point out Obama’s incompetence as a leader. Arab nations would question the wisdom of aligning themselves with American foreign policy.
The Iranian war strategy is also timed to launch a civil war within Iraq in order to install a puppet government subordinate and subservient to Iran, much like Hezbollah. Iran has been waiting for U.S. combat forces to exit Iraq in order to more easily accomplish the mission. At the same time, an Iranian take-over by its proxy Shiites in Iraq would serve as a historic parallel to the world portraying America as having suffered a defeat equal to its withdrawal and defeat in Vietnam.
Hezbollah has also set up a liason for joint command of forces with Syria. This arrangement will enable Syria to remain abreast of the battlefield situation and provide strategic support as needed. We’ll have more the battlefield strategies in separate A-O Report coverage.
Meanwhile, Iran is fully prepared for any Israeli air strikes targeting Iranian nuclear faclities. Iranian strategy calls for a quick response with swift missile strike counter-attacks designed to level Israeli cities and take out key targets in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Arab targets in the Persian Gulf as well as American bases in the region. Iran intends to confront U.S. naval forces in the region as opportunities allow. Such moves would likely result in Iran sealing off the Strait of Hormuz. In doing so, such a development would halt the flow of 40% of the world’s oil shipments from the Persian Gulf. Such a development will spark a skyrocketing of oil prices and refined products such as gasoline and diesel fuel.
Our A-O Report analysis expects that Hezbollah will not launch any attacks until after the Ramadan period concludes on Friday night. It may coincide with the final night feast on Friday night. Such an attack at the end of “International al-Qods Day” would still have significant symbolism for the Muslim world without violating Islamic law concerning Ramadan itself. With that in mind, we anticipate that by American time zones, word of an attack would not begin to be picked up by U.S. news media until mid to late Friday afternoon at the earliest.
We’re more inclined to think it militarily prudent to wait until the eve of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah on September 8 for the launch of an attack. This date would give Hezbollah the cover of a new moon to allow amphibious commando landings a better likelihood for success without premature discovery that a moonlit night might afford. A Rosh Hashanah attack might also provide a better element of surprise as it would catch the Jewish nation in a bind as it tries to celebrate the arrival of a Jewish New Year.
An alternative date for a surprise attack would be the high Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur which comes on September 18. Such an attack would not be the first time Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur. Back in 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a sneak attack on Israel triggering what is now often times referred to as the “Yom Kippur War” of 1973.
Would Iran, Hezbollah and Syria opt for a second Yom Kippur War? It might well be a possible “back up” date should the situations for September 3 (al Qods Day) or September 8 (Rosh Hashanah) not be favorable for an attack.
At the moment, given the indicators we’ve noted, we’d place the likelihood for an attack
by Hezbollah to be at probably 70%.
A final note of caution is appropriate, as always in such cases. God is sovereign and can quite easily halt and prevent Hezbollah and Iran from doing anything that does not fit with God’s prophetic time line. Therefore, if a war does not mesh with God’s prophetic timeline, there will be no attack. Some way, some how, God will see to it that an attack does not take place, if the timing does not mesh with the Divine timeline and God’s will.
There are some prophecy watchers who are convinced that Rosh Hashanah of 2011 is THE time when God’s timeline kicks off – including at that time, the Rapture of the Church. At The A-O Report, we distance ourselves from any attempts to peg a precise date for the Rapture of the Church but we do acknowledge that various Rapture timing theories involving various Jewish festivals and feasts provide intriguing reasons for such theories and acknowledge the possibilities exist that one of those theories may be correct.
Even so, we prefer to keep an open mind and anticipate His Return for the Church could come at any time, any day of the year.
The A-O Report will provide ongoing updates of the Mideast war situation when urgent developments warrant. Some of our updates may post to the public section of our website while other postings may be reserved to the Donor’s section and available only to those who donate to The A-O Report. Either way, stay tuned for continuing coverage of the situation.Mideast War Threat News 9-2-10 Thursday, 02 September 2010
A-O Report Intelligence Update
According to intelligence reports coming out of the Middle East, Hezbollah forces are now poised to launch a pre-emptive, sneak attack against Israel. The A-O Report has published a special Intelligence Digest edition which is being published in our open sector for all A-O Readers and not merely in the usual Donor's Section known as The A-O Insider Report.
This latest intelligence report features an overview of the developing events and an intelligence analysis of the situation and the prospects that a war might actually break out in September. Read our coverage, LINK HERE.
President Obama's efforts to forge an historic Middle East peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians kicked off in Washington Thursday (9/2) with opening ceremonial greetings and statements from all participants.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama greeted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as a prelude to direct, face to face negotiations for peace in the Middle East.
As the talks get underway, Iran's proxy forces in the region are hard at work attempting to derail any peace agreements. Hamas terrorists have conducted two terror attacks in as many days in the West Bank region of Israel. Along Israel's northern border, intelligence reports indicate Hezbollah troops have moved into strike possitions ready to spring an attack into northern Israel. in an effort to sabatoge any peace accords between Palestinians and Israel.
For more news on the opening of peace talks in Washington, LINK HERE. For an Arab media view of the peace talks, LINK HERE to Al Jazeera coverage.
Tropical Hurricane Earl is churning its way towards America's eastern seabord as the opening ceremonies of the Mideast peace talks get underway in Washington.
Hurricane Earl is heading towards the outer banks of North Carolina where it is expected to turn more northerly and hug the Atlantic coastline of America. The predicted storm track suggests the storm will make a near-miss of Washington, D.C. but the city will still feel strong effects of the monster storm which is now rated as a Category 4 storm. Any slight deviation of the storm's track could put the city into a bolls eye for a direct hit on the city.
We find it more than just a bit ironic that such a monster storm would show up just as Mideast peace talks get underway. Every time the U.S. tries to stage peace talks something very negative happens to the USA as if God is sending a signal to the United States.
For more details on Hurricane Earl -- LINK HERE. Hurricane Center Advisory - LINK HERE.
Drive by Shooting Near Hebron
The Hamas terrorist organization, which also controls the Gaza Strip flexed its muscles inside Israel on Monday night (Aug 31).
Hamas claimed responsibility for a 'drive-by' shooting attack killing 4 Israelis on the West Bank area which Hamas does not control
The attack was intended to show that its rival, the Palestinian Authority and its Fatah Brigade no longer controls the West Bank. It also serves as a challenge to hezbollah to not wait for Hamas to start the war, but to take appropriate action soon or else face the reality of the honor of striking the first blow of a war to destroy Israel.
For more on the attack, LINK HERE. Tensions Rise - LINK HERE.
IDF Will Bring Hamas To Justice
In the wake of the Hamas terror strike in Israel's West Bank, Defense Minister Ehud Barak (head of Israel's liberal Labor Party) warned Israeli settlers to not attempt to seek justice but instead let Israel's military bring about justice. Barak pledged that the IDF will do everything it can to bring Hamas to justice. His statement implies that Israel is about to go to war with Hamas even on the eve of peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority in Washington, D.C.
The Defense Minister's comments hinting that war was imminent should be underscored by the fact that Barak is the leader of the liberal, Labor Party which has historically been thought of as "The Peace Party" always willing to appease the Arabs. His remarks suggest a sudden, radical shift in strategic thinking that has now tilted towards military conflict as being necessary. His shift in thinking may be dues to expectations that this latest development will swing Israeli public opinion overwhelmingly in favor of war and against any further peace negotiations. We suspect that this is not quite yet the case, but if the IDF chief suspects an Hezbollah attack is imminent, that will certainly tirgger Israeli public opinion for not only war but "all-out" war with no-holds barred action by the IDF, including if necessary the use of nuclear weapons should a worst case scenario emerge. I suspect we're seeing the beginning stage of a sea-change shift in Israeli public opinion supporting war and truly torpedoeing President Obama's peace talks. For more on the Defense Minsiter's remarks - LINK HERE
Our intelligence sources report that the attack was instigated by Iran as a preliminary action that will culminate with a massive military attack by Hezbollah along Israel's northern border with Lebanon. This may well be viewed by historians as the start of the Magog War as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Why? Hezbollah's main area of operations is in the terrain described by Ezekiel as the battleground area - the Bekaa Valley which will become a burial ground for the forces of Magog. Some Rabbinical scholars in Israel have noted ancient rabbinical writings indicate that Ezekiel's assistant scribes wrote that Ezekiel had explained to them that the prophecies referred to the people living in the Land of Magog which Ezekiel described to them as being what is today the far eastern provinces of Iran as well as western Pakistan and western Afghanistan. IF true, this means that Magog is Iran, and not Russia which is thought by many conservative Christian prophecy "experts" to be Russia.
Israel Prepared To Give Up
Parts of Jerusalem For Peace
In an interview with Israel's Haaretz Daily Newspaper, Defense Minister Ehud Barak revealed that Prime Minister Netanyahu is prepared to give up parts of Jerusalem in exchange for peace. Barak noted that Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods will become part of a Palestinian state with a "special regime" to govern the holy sites in Jerusalem.
This is a stunning revelation because Netanyahu campaigned on a promise to never give up an inch of Jeruslaem to the Arabs. Netanyahu claimed that Jerusalem - all of it - belongs to Israel and the Jews, not the Arabs. It may well be that Netanyahu is prepared to negotiate such an idea with the subtle understanding that the talks will amount to nothing because they will be derailed by a war in which Israel will be victorious or utterly destroyed. Either way, his peace talk negotiating points will become a moot issue once the bullets start flying and thus whatever is being negotiated will be inconsequential in the long run.
The bottom line is that such a statement may reflect a PR position designed to give Israel international support as being reasonable while the Arabs are viewed as unreasonable - once Hezbollah and Iran start the shooting, which may come as the peace talks begin making the comments about Jerusalem a moot point.
For more on the Defense Minister's remarks - LINK HERE.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu met with President Obama on Wednesday morning as part of the prelude to the opening of peace talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. More details, LINK HERE.
200 Hamas Suspects in Hebron Attack
In an effort to display support for the upcoming peace talks in Washington, which begin Thursday (9/1) the Palestinian Authority has rounded up 200 suspected Hamas members that may have been involved in the drive-by shooting attack near Hebron that killed 4 Israelis.
Hamas claims responsibility for the attack and is seen by some analysts as perhaps a strategic move synchronized by Iran as a prelude to a surprise attack by Hezbollah against Israel. Intelligence sources in Washington and the Middle East are reporting ominous movement of Hezbollah forces along Israel's northern border with Lebanon. Hezbollah appears to be preparing for a major military assault against Israel including commando operations deep inside Israel.
The Palestinian Authority and its Fatah military wing have become bitter enemies with Hamas since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a tumultuous election two years ago. The PA and Hamas have become embroiled in a near civil war battling for control of the Palestinian people. The latest PA round up is bound to stir more militant action between the two groups, especially as the PA leadership begins a new round of peace talks with Israel in Washington starting on Thursday (9/1).
For mroe on the PA round up of Hamas members in the West Bank region, LINK HERE.
The Hamas Drive-by shooting attack in the West Bank has shocked, stunned and triggered a national sense of rage and anger as well mourning.
The attack is bound to have political consequences within the Israeli political arena. From what we're picking up in Israeli media, there seems to a developing consensus that not only is war inevitable but that Israel must not hold back this time and once and for all put an end to her enemies on her borders.
For more on the national mourning - LINK HERE.
As Attempt To Torpedo Peace Talks
A View From Israel
Israel's Defeat in the
Summer War of 2006
Was Divine Judgment on Israel
For Israel's "Distance from God"
If Turkey Rejects Israel
A Turkish daily newspaper is reporting that the Obama Administration has threatened to shun a joint military exercise with Turkey if Turkey bans Israel from the joint military exercises.
The Obama Administration's move is viewed as a warning to Turkey that a rejection of Israel could lead to Turkey being ostracized from NATO and cut-off from economic ties with the West. Such a development would leave Turkey no choice but to join in a proposed economic union with Iran as Iran seeks to establish an Islamic Economic Union much like the basis for the EU.
Such a move would also align Turkey with the alliance prophesied by Ezekiel concerning a Magog alliance that leads to the Magog War against Israel. Yes, seem to be lining up for the fulfillment of Ezekie's prophecies in the near future.
For more on this story, LINK HERE.
Mideast Peace Within a Year
President Obama's Mideast Peace Envoy, George Mitchell now thinks that the new direct talks that start in Washington on Thursday (9/1) will lead to a comprehensive peace deal within 1 year.
More details, LINK HERE.
The Iranian government predicts that the Washington peace talks, sponsored by President Obama will fail. Details, LINK HERE.
The World Wants Israel Annihllated
Except for USA & EU
An article on Iran's semi-official PressTV website features an article about an Iranian group claiming that most of humanity wants Israel annihilated. The group claims the only exceptions to this opinon come from the EU nations and the United States. All other nations and people want to see Israel destroyed.
The article begins with a quote from the Iranian Association ofr the Liberation of the holy al-Quds which states:
"The US and European Union, as staunch allies of the occupying Zionist regime (Israel), and certain Arab and Muslim governments are openly and covertly supporting the illegitimate Israeli regime and its extensive crimes, particularly the oppression of the Palestinian people," the association said in a statement on Wednesday, two days before the International Quds Day."
You've gotta see this to believe it. Catch this crazy article - LINK HERE.
According to A-O intellegience sources, Iraqi Kurdish leaders are seeking a military alliance with Israel as fears mount that a Mideast War could result in an attempt by Iran, Syria and Turkey to annihilate Iraqi Kurds in any upcoming war.
Our sources indicate that such talks have been kept hush-hush to avoid starting a civil war between the Iraqi Kurds and Iraqi Shiites aligned with Iran. Even so, as back-channel talks have developed, Kurdish leaders have quietly begun a PR campaign among the Kurdish population to accept Israel as not only allies but as true friends of the Kurdish nation. In fact, there is even discussion and talk that perhaps the Kurds are in fact, the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel or at least close cousins via Abraham.
One public indicator of this public relations effort is a Kurdish magazine that is promoting Israel as a friend to the Kurds. It is promoting the idea of close economic and cultural relations with Israel and hoping that some day the Kurds can have an independent nation which encourages Israeli tourism and economic development as a summer vacation nation. For more on the Kurdish efforts to ally with Israel, LINK HERE.
The public relations effort makes sense. Our latest A-O Intelligence Digest report (published in our A-O Insider Report, Donor's Section) provides an broad analysis of the likelihood for civil war in Iraq once a larger war breaks out between Iran and Israel. With that report as background it should come as no surprise to A-O Digest readers that the Kurds would seek an alliance with Israel, if for no other reason than to let Israel know that they are not Israel's enemies.
For more on the Kurdish efforts to ally with Israel, LINK HERE.
From a Radical Muslim TeacherAbout Us
The Alpha-Omega Report is an online website providing educational information pertaining to the study and analysis of Biblical Prophecy and current events that may be related to Biblical Prophecy and its eventual fulfillments. The website information is designed to edify Christians and provide encouragement, in the Body of Christ in what we believe are the last days before the fulfillment of “the last days of the age of gentiles.”
The founder of the website is R.A. Coombes who began the website as a follow-up educational resource for his book “America, The Babylon” which was first published in 1998. Mr. Coombes wanted an outlet for further updates regarding his research into the subject of Mystery Babylon as well
as general information and news pertaining to all aspects of Biblical Prophecy.
Illinois and Calvary Bible College located in Kansas City. After his schooling, Mr. Coombes became involved in radio broadcasting as both an announcer and a news reporter and news anchor for stations in the American Midwest.
War as well as the ongoing efforts by the New World Order to bring about the empire of the Antichrist.
The origins of The Alpha-Omega Report date back to 1998 when the concept of a Bible Prophecy Studies and News Updates was first published as part of
a website for the book. When the book became out of print, the author temporarily discontinued the website until a unique domain name and website was created in June of 2001 under the URL – www.aoreport.com
The site began to grow in popularity after September 11, 2001 because of its unique approach to covering news pertaining to Biblical Prophecy. At that time there were few websites devoted solely to covering Bible Prophecy news
coverage and those that did often lumped insignificant news items with a marginal relationship to significant prophetic events.
visitor projections.
In the spring of 2006, a new upgraded program was established, thanks in large measure to the generous contributions of loyal A-O readers. The Alpha-Omega Report has been assisted by TLC Services company whose staffers have helped implement the needed technical changes. Why? The old website design had become vulnerable to lapses of security and needed stabilization. It also needed changes to enable the website to grow in a more manageable fashion and provide a greater reach to future visitors. AO also needed a more streamlined website design that offers readers exciting, new features, tools and benefits that are now coming into place as the new changes are completed and new features added.
You can find our Doctrinal Statement of Faith at this link. We would add though, that this website is a Dispensationalist, Pre-millennial, Pre-tribulation rapture website. We do however note that the doctrine of the rapture is somewhat controversial regarding the timing elements and we do not maintain the rigid doctrinal 100% absolute view that the rapture will be
a pre-tribulation event. We do accept the slight possibility that the rapture may occur at a later point in the prophetic timeline after the tribulation begins. We also do not think that various rapture timing theories should be a source of rancor or fractionalizing of the Body of Christ. Indeed, timing of many prophetic elements is at best theoretical and dogmatic assertions on such elements must be realized as improper. Such aspects must always be remembered as being theoretical and not absolute.
The Alpha-Omega Report was funded by the private financing of the founder until the Spring of 2006 when circumstances necessitated that the publisher accept donations from loyal readers who wished to see the website continue its mission of providing news, information and education to those
stopping to visit the website. It is hoped by the Founder that the website can be supported by donations only and not require subscriptions to some added
special features that raise the cost of maintaining the website but provide
greater informational and educational benefits. For those wishing to donate
financial support to this website publication, click here.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Grave Situation in Mideast
Prelude to War?
Mideast Peace Talks Begin
Hurricane Earl Threatens Peace Talks
Hamas Launches Terror Strike
Second Terror Strike Fails
Israeli Defense Chief Vows
Defense Minister Reveals
Netanyahu Meets With Obama
UN Chief Denounces Terror Strike
Palestinian Authority Arrests
Hamas Rally Celebrates Attack
Israel in Shock After Attack
Hamas Terror Attack Viewed
Israeli Rabbis Warn
U.S. Threatens Turkey
Obama's Top Peace Negotiator:
Iran Predicts Peace Talks To Fail
Iranian Group Claims
Iraqi Kurds Seek Israeli Alliance
An Alarming Video
Posted by
Britannia Radio