hursday, September 02, 2010
N. Korean Congress May Anoint Dictator's Successor
North Korea--a country-sized concentration camp--is holding its biggest political gathering in three decades, which could yield a successor to Dear Leader Kim Jong Il.
Japan Approves News Sanctions on Iran
Russia's extended, 12-month grain export ban is raising fears of a return to the recent global food supply shortages that resulted in riots across the developing world. Gold Futures Approach Record High
Iran Urges All Citizens to Attend Anti-Israel Rallies
As direct peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian Arab leaders begin in Washington, Islamist Iran plans to stage huge, nationwide demonstrations--for the "liberation" of Jerusalem--as reported here.Foreign Firms Losing Market Share in China
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
US, European Communists and Liberal Idiots Intensify International Disinformation Campaign Against English Defense League and Geert Wilders
As shown by this article, the International Left and its fellow travelers, including former Communists and Communist sympathizers who have found refuge in all sorts of non-profit agencies and the media, are determined to libel and slander sincere defenders of democracy, pluralism, and modern, secular society.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Click here to read all about the rubber-stamp congress and the mystery son it may anoint.
Not one photograph of the heir apparent is known to exist.
Nightmare without end. Lunatics leading a ... nuclear-armed ... nation.
No wonder some of the smartest and richest people on the planet are investing heavily in farmland....
Click here for the important and alarming story--almost certain to be a one-day wonder in much of the mindless, mainstream media.
While the world seems mired in senseless religious (mainly Muslim) fanaticism and ultra-nationalism, while Americans (on the verge of bankruptcy) dream of inefficient and non-existent alternatives to the "fossil fuels" on which modern civilization depends, while politicians pander and appeal to lowest common denominators, while the media (especially in the United States) descend deeper into the depths of so-called celebrity journalism and mind-numbing gossip, a whole host of crises, to use a pet Obama expression, loom, including, incredibly, food and fuel.
The sad situation: the world has a surplus of politicians, and a shortage--to put it mildly--of statesman and stateswomen.
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of the nuclear-arming, missile-mad mullahocracy, which seeks a "world without Zionism" ... and America.
The Financial Times reports that foreign companies are losing market share in China because of discriminatory regulatory practices. Click here to read the article.
Left-wingers and liberal idiots of appeasement are apparently bent on advancing sharia in a cynical, stupid attempt to ride the Islamist/Islamonazi tiger without being devoured by it. Like the German Communists who convinced themselves that they would follow Hitler to power--that Nazis could be used, effectively, to crush capitalism and pave the way for Bolshevism (i.e. Stalinism)--like the failed Nihilist revolutionaries of Czarist Russia who adopted anti-Semitism in the hope of pushing the peasants to revolt and overthrow the government, today's Left/liberal parties and groups believe they can exploit right-wing political Islam--and anti-Zionism--to bring America to its knees.
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Britannia Radio