Friday, 17 September 2010

Incoming IDF Chief of Staff Galant assembles his team


The Jerusalem Post -09/17/2010 04:36

Senior military appointments made; Galant to be replaced in the Southern Command by Maj.-Gen. Tal Russo.

Syria to Get Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles from Russia

Tishrei 9, 5771, 17 September 10 12:02
by Maayana Miskin
( Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has announced that his country will sell advanced anti-ship cruise missiles to Syria, as agreed in a 2007 contract. Israel has expressed concern that the deal will endanger Israeli ships in the Mediterranean. The United States had also objected to the deal.
Syria supplies weapons to the Hizbullah terrorist army in southern Lebanon. During the Second Lebanon War, Hizbullah used weapons obtained from Iran to attack an Israeli warship, killing four soldiers and causing serious damage.
The missiles that will be sold to Damascus are P-800 Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles. They can carry a warhead weighing up to 200 kilograms, have a range of 300 kilometers, and are difficult to detect due to their ability to cruise near the water's surface.
Serdyukov said Russia sees “no cause for the concern” expressed by the U.S. and Israel. Russia does not believe that the weapons will make it into terrorist hands, he said.
“Undoubtedly, [the contract] would be fulfilled by the Russian side,” he stated.
In May, Russian officials announced that they had agreed to supply Syria with MiG-29 fighters, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-tank weapons, and short-range surface-to-air missiles. Israeli officials criticized the deal, and expressed skepticism as well, saying Syria cannot afford to pay for advanced weaponry.
At the same time, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev visited Damascus to discuss the possibility of Russia assisting Syria in building a nuclear power plant. While there, Medvedev visited Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal.
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Security and Defense: Terror nova

The Jerusalem Post -09/17/2010 12:50

OC Ground Forces Command Maj.-Gen. Sami Turjeman is preparing IDF for war on multiple fronts, and for the possibility of conflict with Hizbullah, Syria.

Hamas Terrorist Killed during IDF Arrest
Tishrei 9, 5771, 17 September 10 09:17
by Maayana Miskin
( A Hamas terrorist was killed overnight as the IDF conducted arrests near the city of Tulkarem in Samaria. Soldiers shot and killed the terrorist when he behaved in a threatening manner, running toward soldiers with his hands hidden and refusing to stop.
The man was identified as Iyad Abu-Shalabiya, 38, a Hamas member and former senior commander. He had served time in prison in Israel for security offenses, and was on the IDF's “wanted” list.
After he was shot, it was discovered that Abu-Shalabiya had not been holding a weapon. The IDF opened an investigation into the incident.
12 Hamas terrorists were arrested in the overnight operation. There were no injuries among the IDF troops.
Earlier in the week, IDF troops shot and killed two Gaza Arabs who stood near a tank holding an anti-tank RPG missile. It was later found that the two were not terrorists, but rather were shepherds who had lifted the missile after finding it in their fields.
IDF commanders said the incident proved yet again that Hamas and other terrorist groups put Gaza civilians at risk, in this case, by leaving deadly weapons in a civilian area.
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With Checkpoints Down, Weapons Flow Freely

Tishrei 24, 5770, 12 October 09 07:59
by Maayana Miskin
( Weapons are flowing freely into Shechem and other Palestinian Authority-controlled towns in Samaria thanks to the recent removal of IDF checkpoints. So reports a senior IDF source who spoke to the Hebrew-language Arutz Sheva this week on condition of anonymity.
The weapons come to Shechem from the south, the source explained. Weapons are smuggled from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt to Israel's Negev desert. From there, they are smuggled to the Hevron region, where the Judea and Samaria security barrier remains incomplete.
Once the weapons reach Hevron, they can easily be moved north to Ramallah or Shechem, where many checkpoints have been removed over the past year as a “good-will gesture” to the Palestinian Authority.
The eased security restrictions in the Shechem area have had other negative affects as well, he said. As IDF troops have increasingly stayed out of Shechem, allowing PA troops to exert their control over the city, open hostility to the IDF has increased, he reported.
When soldiers entered Shechem frequently, their presence was met with indifference by most residents of the city, he explained. However, now that the presence of soldiers in the city is a rarer event, those troops that enter Shechem are subject to frequent attacks by openly hostile residents.
Hike in Judea and Samaria Terror
Statistics released Sunday by the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) revealed a sharp rise in terrorist attacks in the month of September. While much of the increase was noted in Gaza, terrorism was up in Judea and Samaria as well.
Dozens of rock and firebomb attacks have been reported throughout Judea and Samaria in the month of October. Two women have been injured in rock attacks in the region, one seriously.
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New Technologies to Support Ground Troops

by IsraelNN TV staff
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IsraelNN TV visited the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) booth at the third annual Latrun Conference to see the new technologies supporting ground troops. Among the latest creations: a remote-control bulldozer and a missile that works without a launching crew or platform.
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