Is “Never Again” Just a Slogan? From Baha’i woman recalls imprisonment in Iran This looks almost exactly like what Nazi Germany did to Jews during the late 1930s. Perhaps Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is now placing orders for Zyklon B… Baha’i blood is “mobah,” which means members of the Baha’i faith can be killed with impunity, the report says. Iranian authorities view Baha’is as “heretics” who may face repression on the grounds of apostasy. Since 1979, the Iranian government has executed more than 200 Baha’is and more than 10,000 have been dismissed from government and university jobs, the commission’s report says. Baha’is may not establish places of worship, schools, or any independent religious associations in Iran. In addition, Baha’is are barred from the military and denied government jobs.• Looking at our situation objectively; For Israel to have even a modicum of security and so called secure borders it is obvious that Israel needs to expand her territory not contract them. Yamit Click here to view the embedded video. Jews Wake Up! We Are All Targets And Under Attack! Start connecting the dots. Yamit According to a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s report, on the evening of August 26th three men, now identified as local Iranian Jews, were found murdered inside their apartment located on the 600 block of North Kings Road in West Hollywood. The victims, who were found by Sheriff’s deputies shot to death, were identified as Pirooz Moussazadeh, 27; his brother, Shahriar Moussazadeh, 38; and Bernard Khalili, 27, said Craig Harvey, chief of investigations for the Los Angeles County coroner’s office. Read More Four Jews Murdered in Arab Terror Attack Near Hevron Terrorists murdered four Jewish civilians in a shooting attack at the Bani Naim junction just south of Hevron Tuesday evening. Emergency service paramedics could do nothing to save the victims whose bodeis were riddled with numerous bullets. The terrorists reportedly... By Ted Belman Recently I was surprised to learn that not all right wingers accept the New Demographic Study. In my recent post, An expanded Israel will be both democratic and Jewish , I challenged Gadi Taub’s who also didn’t accept it. In response he wrote I saw your remarks on my NYT op-ed piece. And I agree that arguments – mine as yours – are only as good as the facts they rely on are. But the demographic studies you rely on, with which I am familiar, are considered highly unreliable by professional demographers. The One Million Person Gap is a politically motivated study, rather than a scientific one. I’ve quoted some professionals on this very briefly here. I forwarded this response to Mike Wise who wrote, I read the article and the Yediot OpEd. I would be delighted to sit down with Gadi and explain to him our demographic work. He might be shocked! The work has been updated based on several factors including dramatic further declines in Arab... By Ted Belman In any imagined deal, except for Israel possibly accepting a token amount of “refugees”, everyone assumes they will resettle in the new Palestine. This may seem doable but in reality it would prevent a peaceful two-state solution from emerging. Israel now has about 6.0 million Jews including those living east of the greenline and 1.5 million Arabs. Gaza and the West Bank have about have about 1.4 and 1.6 million Arabs respectively. In total there are 4.2 million Arabs in the combined territory. The total number of Arab refugees including their descendants exceed 4.2 million located as follows; 400,000 Lebanon, 400,000 in Syria, 2 million in Jordan some of whom have been given citizenship and the rest in Gaza and elsewhere. The press and media are our enemy and must be monitored and called to order when caught manipulating and distorting the facts and our narrative. Honest Reporting, Camera, and our Charles Martel are all doing a credible job but others must do their part as well. The photo below symbolizes everything that is wrong in the media’s biased and distorted coverage of the Arabs’ war against Israel.Yamit Boycott Coca Cola Poster used the photo of Grossman . Regarding your picture on page A5 of... By Joel Gilbert, FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS Laura: How perverse is it that the president of the United States, the freest, most open and tolerant nation in the world, is placing Arizona before the UN Human Rights Council, to be judged by some of the world’s most vile human rights abusers, terrorist states and dictatorships which control it. This borders on treason. Did you ever think that we would have a president who deliberately acts to surrender America’s sovereignty to our sworn enemies? Can there still be any doubt that Barack Hussein Obama hates America? Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council Ben Johnson, Floyd Reports Apparently Barack Obama is not content to make a federal case out of his immigration feud with Arizona; he just made it an international one. The president’s first-ever report on U.S. human rights to the UN Human Rights Council contains a rich vein of offensive material. So far, one aspect has not been reported: our petty president used the situation to... “When the pursuit of peace becomes the entire objective of foreign policy, it becomes a weapon in the hands of the most ruthless. It produces moral disarmament.” —Henry Kissinger Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent announcement that peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians, which are set to resume on Thursday, “should resolve all final-status issues within one year” indicates such a profound misunderstanding of the complexity of the issues, the history of what has occurred until now, the fragility of the situation on the ground, and what actually lies at the heart of the disagreement, that it would be almost comical, if it weren’t so lethal. A bit of recent history is in order. On July 25, 2000, the Israelis, led by Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and under the cajolery of President Bill Clinton, made a maximalist offer to Yasser Arafat in the summit known as Camp David II. That offer included up to 97 percent of the West...Iran = Nazi Germany with Baha’is as the Jews
In light of a widening range of threats to Israel’s security, for the first time a group of senior Israeli generals has come together to outline the basic principles of a defense policy – rooted in a consensus spanning past and present Israeli governments – which is focused on Israel maintaining defensible borders.
The crisis over the Hamas flotilla to Gaza illustrates how some of Israel’s critical alliances in the Middle East are changing, especially its relationship with Turkey, and the importance of designing a defense policy that takes into account the uncertainties that Israel faces with many of its neighbors.
Recent events only underscore that it is critical... Three Iranian Jewish men murdered in West Hollywood
Time for Jews to Behave Like Madmen,Ettinger is right on demography
Another reason to reject the Two-State solution.
Now if 2 million “refugees” return to the New Palestine, there will be over 6.5 million Arabs compared to 6.0 million Jews in the combined territories. This influx of Arabs will cause civil unrest in the New Palestine due to income and...The Photo that Started it All
On September 30, 2000, The New York Times, Associated Press and other major media outlets published a photo of a young man — bloodied and battered — crouching beneath a club-wielding Israeli policeman. The caption identified him as a Palestinian victim of the recent riots — with the clear implication that the Israeli soldier was the one who beat him.
The victim’s true identity was revealed when Dr. Aaron Grossman of Chicago sent the following letter to the Times:Obama’s Fictitious “Moderate Muslim Majority”
Though lacking a shred of evidence, President Obama insists there exists a “vast majority” of “moderate Muslims” who do share Western values. After all, part of the “story” is that “radical Muslims” are just a small group of former “moderate Muslims” who have been “radicalized,” as one can become a “radical Muslim” only through brainwashing.
A more accurate description of political loyalties in the Islamic world is that the majority of Muslims are either active or passive supporters of the movement of Islamism. The movement for Islamic Revival or “Islamism,” is an indigenous, grass-roots movement championed by both poor and educated Muslims throughout the Muslim world. “Islam is the solution!” is the Islamist call to action against Westernization and secular governments in the Muslim world, which provide the masses with little hope or future....The true Israel
Obama Further Cedes American Sovereignty to the UN
Here We Go ’Round the Cactus Bush
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
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Britannia Radio