Further to Robin's post, The Sunday Programme, presented by pouting Suzanna Reid, further puts the boot into the Roman Catholic Church by asking the question"Is the Catholic Church obsessed by sex"? Surely it would be more accurate to ask if the BBC is obsessed by sex? It strikes me that the BBC is up in arms about any Institutions which promote Christian values and which, gasp, might even take the view that homosexuality is not the ideal life-style. Now I am not a Roman Catholic, and I am well aware of the imperfections of that Church and the tragic failures that surround serial child abuse, but the BBC is using this to advance its own insidious agenda which is about removing Faith and substituting it's own secular anything goes agenda. The BBC would like to see the Pope arrested for "crimes against humanity" as one of the studio guests demanded, and I am certain that during the Papal visit the BBC will cheer-lead for the lunatic anti-Church fringe. Can you imagine what would happen if the BBC greeted a visit by a leading figure from the Muslim world with a poll about whether the teachings of the said imam were relevant, believed or liked by a sample of 500 UK Muslims? What would the questions be? Do you believe that those who become human bombers are granted access to an endless supply of virgins? Or, should Iranian women who conduct adultery be stoned, hanged or flogged? Should we treat women equally? Should all Muslims in Bradford compulsorily join next year's Gay Pride march in Leeds? I'm sure you'll all be sorry to hear that our old friend Scott Matthewman of luvvie paper The Stage has just about had enough of us: James Delingpole’s Telegraph article about Fidel Castro’s unexpectedabout-turn set me thinking.IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OBSESSED BY SEX?
Now I know there are thousands of Muslims who maintain that their faith isn't like this - it's the religion of peace and enlightenment, don't you know - but the point is that the BBC would not dream of it. They know if that happened, they would be howled down with protests. So why, when the Pope comes to Britain for only the second time, do the BBC feel it neccessary to give themselves a carte blanche licence to lecture us about Catholicism? Putting aside that a poll of 500 people is not a properly representative sample (that number was no doubt chosen to keep down costs), and though I am not myself particularly religious, I do know enough people who are to respect that their faith is not something that can be probed or dissected or analysed by crude, mechanistic one-liners. The reality is that the boys and girls of the BBC hate - as a fervent tenet of their own secularist religion - Christianity of all shades, and they feel that any device that challenges the authority of the Church is fair game. Their opinion-poll approach reduces their coverage of Christianity to a moronic,agent provocateur, embarrassing charade.Exit Stage Leftie
Well Scott, nutty as it can sometimes get here, at least we don't look at Islamofascist terrorists and think, "Hmm, fancy a bit of that!"
"Do me like I'm hundreds of innocent New York civilians, Faisal. And then cut my throat like the bitch I am."
Shame they arrested him eh Scott? Still, there's always Greg Gutfeld's barto look forward to.9/11 - NEVER FORGET
Not all British Institutions failed to honour the fallen on 9/11, and the following short video makes the point well
The magnitude of recent events - Hezbollah’s ominous 15,000 rockets,Jeremy Bowen’s cosy chat with Gideon Levy, the rape/race case that was rape not race, the Al Quds march, various portentous happenings that BBC viewers were spared from troubling themselves with, some annoying personal things - dodgy internet connection, insomnia, work-related stress, hiccoughs, a huge bluebottle flying near me in the kitchen and a sneezing attack - have amalgamated to form an insurmountable obstacle to a piece.
So instead, I’m going to fantasize that the ludicrous juxtaposition of angry (what else) Muslims burning the US flag because a preacher might burn some Korans, will bring the Beeb to its senses.
Will he, won’t he? Who cares? The Muslims don’t, for one. All they need to set them off is the thought. Muslims know a lot about burning things, books, flags, effigies. Are they claiming sole prerogative on burnings? The irony couldn’t be more in yer face, yet apparently some can’t see it. Surely they’re pretending? Angelina Jolie said she was speechless, but oh no she isn’t. Hillary Clinton and William Hague are appalled.
How long can the BBC keep on keeping a straight face? Auntie will have to cave in. “Uturn if u wnt 2, “ she’ll text “ “now the ladyz 4 trning 2.”
Then we can all go home and live happily ever after. Atishoo pass the fly swatter.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
I know this is not a political blog as such, since it is BBC bias we oppose, but I didn't want the 9th anniversary of the Islamist attack on the USA to go without comment. You see not only is it nine years ago since that dreadful day, but B-BBC readers will remember that just a few days later, BBC Question Time reached a new LOW with the baiting of the clearly upset US Ambassador Philip Lader. Just as we do not forget what Islam did on 9/11, neither do we forget how the BBC behaved 48 hours later, as the dead still lay where they fell. Greg Dyke said he "regretted" it - I was revolted by it. Even then, as the rubble of the Towers burned, the BBC put the boot in. Is it any surprise that nine years on, they lead their rotten news with the idea that Islamophobia is at an all time high in the States and that a foolish Pastor from Florida is the biggest threat to global safety? The BBC surrendered to Islam years ago. Never forget that. It explains why garbage like the 7.49am item on Today gets broadcast.
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