TWO CONTRASTING VIEWS: Guy Bechor Vs Martin Sherman Is Hamas takeover so bad? What’s so bad about the new situation created in the Gaza Strip, which has almost no ties to Israel? If they fire at us from there, we fire back at them. If they don’t shoot, we don’t shoot either. Overall, the Hamas state provides Israel with stability: There is a master of the house there that can be presented with demands, just likeHezbollah in Lebanon, and the stability we get is much cheaper than... By Ted Belman Foreign Policy reports on a talk Pres Clinton gave on peace prospects. Here’s a few things he got wrong; -The “most pro-peace Jewish Israelis” are the Sabras, who he described as native-born Israelis whose roots there date back millennia,because they have the benefit of historical context. “They can imagine sharing a future.” - But if there’s a deal on the table, that would create enough pressure for an election in Gaza that President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party would win, Clinton argued. - He pointed to the fact that two-thirds of Israelis trust Netanyahu to make a peace deal, - he has faith that the current Palestinian Authority leadership is serious about reaching a settlement. - Because of the high Palestinian birth rate, Israel will become... “Two activists have exposed a disturbing phenomenon that they say is an open secret within the “peace camp”: female “peace” activists are routinely harassed and raped by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria with whom they have come to identify. They say the phenomenon has gotten worse lately and that many foreign women end up as wives of local Arabs against their will, but cannot escape their new homes”. B”H OK, so the “Poor Palestinian People” are raping and sexually harassing young women who come to “help” them, and when the young women are raped or forced into converting to Islam and marrying a “Palestinian Freedom Fighter,” the women are told to not report the crime because they will hurt the “cause.” So, please, tell me . . . what EXACTLY is this “cause” that the women “peace activists” are promoting? Do they want peace? By Amb Michael Oren (address to American Jews on Yom Kippur) Yet this same everyman, this Jonah, is tasked by God with a most daunting mission. He is charged with going to the great city of Nineveh and persuading its pernicious people to repent for their sins or else. Laura: Israeli officials MUST start asserting Jewish rights to ALL of Israel. They must stop allowing the perpetuation of the lie that Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are “illegal settlements”. Those responsible for crafting resolution 242 such as Eugene Rostow are themselves on record as stating that the Jewish communities are legal. Israeli officials also must stop using loaded terms like “occupation” “settlers”, “settlements”, “West Bank”. These are the terms created by her enemies. And finally, the Jewish presence in Israel goes back thousands of years before the Arab conquest and thousands of years before islam existed. The claim that Jews are “usurpers” of Arab land and that Arabs are the indigenous people is an obscenity. When Israel doesn’t stand up for itself, it is no surprise that other countries disrespect its sovereign rights. Dutch local authorities turn backs...Is Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria So bad?
Israel has much to gain by allowing Hamas terrorists to take over Judea and Samaria
Guy Bechor
In the Israeli-Palestinian-American discourse, Abbas and the Palestinian Authority are presented as the last resort before the worst happens: A Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria. This is the reason why both the Americans and Israelis cling to Abbas and to the talks with him. Yet would a Hamas takeover really be worse than the Palestinian Authority’s tricks and schemes against Israel?US support of PA undermines compromise
- “I believe if there were an election in Gaza today, Fatah would win because of the greater prosperity and the greater security produced under Abbas and Fayyad,” Women “Peace Activists” Raped, Silenced by Leftists
Then they shouldn’t support terrorists...The perils of leadership
On Yom Kippur we read the Book of Jonah, one of the Bible’s most enigmatic texts. It is also one of the Bible’s shortest texts, weighing in at a page and a half, which is quite an accomplishment for this holiday. And it features one of our scripture’s least distinguished individuals. Jonah–a man whose name, in Hebrew, means dove–not dov, as in Hebrew for bear, but dove as, in English, pigeon.
Not such an unusual task, you might think. Twenty-first century life is rife with people who warn of the catastrophes awaiting us if we fail to modify our behavior one way or the other. Today we call them pundits, commentators who, if proven correct, claim all the credit but who, if...Israel Needs To Assert Its Rights
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 24 September 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:40