(Israelnationalnews.com) Israeli officials expressed concern Saturday night after U.S. President Barack Obama called on Israel to extend the building freeze in Judea and Samaria beyond its expiration date later this month. Speaking at a White House press conference Friday, Obama said that it was to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's “credit” that he had imposed the freeze in the first place. The freeze, he said, has significantly reduced settlement construction in the region. And that's why now the Palestinians say: "You know what; even though we weren't that keen on it at first or we thought it was just window dressing, it turns out that this is important to us.”\
The freeze was responsible for getting the PA to the negotiating table, and it has held the talks “move forward in a constructive way,” Obama claimed, "so it makes sense to extend that moratorium so long as the talks are moving in a constructive way, because ultimately the way to solve these problems is for the two sides to agree what's going to be Israel, what's going to be the state of Palestine; and if you can get that agreement, then you can start constructing anything that the people of Israel see fit, in undisputed areas.” Addressing PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, Obama added that he needed to help the process along as well, by showing the Israeli public “that you are serious and constructive in these talks.”
Israeli officials were divided on the significance of Obama's remarks, with some accusing him of excess interference in Israeli affairs, while others expressed satisfaction at his call for Abbas to undertake confidence-building steps.
National Union chairman MK Ya'akov Katz (Ketzaleh) called Obama a “racist,” because he was pressuring only Israel. “A man who strives to be a spokesperson for the third world, the downtrodden, and the minorities of the world, is pushing the Prime Minister of Israel to continue a racist policy which denies 400,000 Jews their basic rights as human beings. Freezes like this are similar to the ones that froze the lives of Jews in Europe and Muslim countries. What would Obama say about a freeze order prohibiting building by blacks in the U.S.?,” Ketzaleh demanded.