The War on Peace: Just a question of timing? When Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently spoke in Washington and publicly condemned the killings of four Israelis by Hamas terrorists near Hebron, it generated a feeling of cautious optimism: “What happened yesterday and what is happening today is also condemned. We do not want at all that any blood be shed, one drop of blood, on the part of the – from the Israelis or the Palestinians,” Abbas said. After years during which glorifying terror and honoring terrorists has been a backbone of PA culture, was this statement heralding real change? Unfortunately, an examination of the internal PA responses to the attack, when not under the watchful eyes of Barack Obama, Binyamin Netanyahu and the world media, quickly erased hope that the PA had distanced itself from terror. It appears that Israel is losing the Arms race big time. Since Russia’s main exports besides Gas and oil are Arms, Israel has no leverage with the Russian who need the income from their ME sales unless we begin to compete with the Arabs and begin to buy from Russia. That’s one of the main reasons I oppose Israels purchase of the F-35. It ties Israel tighter than ever to the American umbilical cord. That tie is the exact opposite of what should be Israels long term defense and political agenda. Saudi Arabia is about to make the most expensive arms deal in history – $60 billion for 84 new F- 15 fighters and upgrades for 70 older models plus nearly... Who by water and who by fire, who by sword, who by beast, who by famine, who by thirst, who by storm, who by plague, who by strangulation, and who by stoning. Who will rest and who will wander, who will live in harmony and who will be harried, who will enjoy tranquillity and who will suffer, who will be impoverished and who will be enriched, who will be? degraded and who will be exalted. On Rosh Hashanah will be inscribed and on Yom Kippur will be sealed how many will pass from the earth and how many will be created; who will live and who will die; who will die at his predestined time and who before his time;? This song is taken from a Hebrew poem called Untaneh Tokef read on Rosh Hashanah.: Who by fire Click here to view the embedded video. Eleven Sons of kibbutz Beit Hashita fell in the Yom Kippur War. The melody to this poem recited on Rosh Hashana was written and dedicated to the eleven who Fell in the Yom kippur War. Performed here by Beit Hashita Choir. Belman. Evidently the demand for a three month freeze was to enable borders to be agreed upon.. If that is the case what difference does the freeze make? What can you build in three months? Barak may use legal loopholes to impose de facto settlement freeze. If he does, his authority doesn’t extend to Jerusalem as annexed. Perhaps it is the government plan to fight Barak in the courts for the next three months thereby extending the freeze.In this article, Clinton said the Saudi Plan “holds out the very promise we seek.” Arab League says peace talks pointless unless Israel extends building freeze in settlements. Clinton: Peace talks are ‘complicated,’ will ‘take time’ Despite considerable pressure from both the US and Egypt to continue the settlement construction moratorium for another three months, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s senior ministers, a forum known as the septet, decided this week not to extend the... By Ted Belman I agree with every word in Theatre of the Absurd by Martin Sherman. On the other hand, I find Alan Dershowitz to be in dream land in his article What the White House Has to Do to Keep the Peace Talks Going unless the Israelis can be persuaded that a peace deal is really in the offing, the Knesset will not vote to continue a full fledged housing freeze and the Palestinians will refuse to engage in peace talks. He says that the White House can change this dynamic by pressuring the Palestinians to make concessions. (That will be the day) These concessions could include ending the incitement against Israelis and Jews that appear daily on official Palestinian television (the Palestinian Authority promised this in earlier peace negotiations, but has failed to live up to this promise.) It could also include ending Palestinian efforts to delegitimize Israel in international forums such as the United Nation and the International Criminal Court. Finally it... Turkey: Islamism’s Consequences for the West by Steven Simpson, HUDSON NY The “good times” between Turkey and the West seem to be over. As the Erdogan years in Turkey have attempted to turn Turkey from a once-secular country into a de facto Islamist country, the West and Turkey seem to be on a collision course, or at best, an impasse. The questions now to ask include: What to do about an Erdogan-ruled Turkey that appears intent on reshaping the Middle East in its own Islamist and nationalist image and agenda; the response of America and the West (particularly NATO) if Turkey breaks diplomatic relations with Israel; and what how to adjust the US-Turkish relationship in light of Turkey’s friendly relationships with the dictatorships of Iran and Sudan. Also of paramount concern is how Turkey might react toward an autonomous Kurdistan in the north of Iraq. Turkey has constantly rattled its scimitar against the PKK guerillas, and crossed the border into northern... Belman. This guy is saying Obama is a great campaigner but a lousy president. He says he is thin skinned and obsessed over FOX NEWS. He is self-obsorbed rather job obsorbed. He also says he is not so smart. Neverheless, he says Obama will crush Palin in 2012 White House Insider on Obama: “the President is Losing It.” A longtime Washington D.C. insider, and former advisor to the Obama election campaign and transition team, speaks out on an administration in crisis, and a president increasingly withdrawn from the job of President. 2008 gave America an incredibly charismatic candidate for President of the United States. Speech after speech showed a candidate with increasing momentum as primary race after primary race concluded. And then came the nomination, more speeches, culminating in an election night victory. According to the person sitting across from me, those were incredibly exciting times, even for one who had been a participant with three previous... Laura: Liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer implies that globalization should hinder the First Amendment rights of Americans. He suggests koran burning is not protected by the First Amendment, comparing it to shouting fire in a crowded theater. So in other words, the free speech rights of Americans must be tempered in order not to provoke violence from seventh century savages who liberals obviously believe cannot be expected to be held responsible for their own behavior. If islamic jihadis go on a violent rampage, its our fault. This is why I supported the koran burning, because we are on a slippery slope. Eventually any criticism of islam will be seen as inciting muslims to violence and thus be banned. These are very frightening ideas coming from a Supreme Court Justice. CNS via Atlas ShrugsKilling of Israelis must be timed just right, says PA
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
A comparison by Palestinian Media Watch ( of the PA response to the murders of four...Why is Israel Silent On The Mega Saudi Arms Deal ?
What is obvious America bribed Israel to keep her mouth shut, so the deal would go through without much protest from congress and to have no negative backlash in the coming elections. Yamit Unetaneh Tokef
No formal extention of freeze
By HERB KEINONThe Peace Process
The problem with Turkey
An empty suit with a teleprompter
Published by UlstermanSC Justice Thinks America Should Succumb To Sharia
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 18 September 2010
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Britannia Radio