Kissinger caught loitering outside Number 10
From Downing Street on Tuesday morning came a deep, almost subterranean rumbling.
Was it the Underground? Was the plumbing playing up again? Or had it come from
he direction of little Florence Cameron’s nappy? No.
It was simply Henry Kissinger paying a call. Mr Kissinger, whose voice is even
deeper than Ruth Kelly’s, dropped in on the Chancellor, George Osborne for a
private meeting. Failing to ring the changes: Henry Kissinger gets no reply
when using the doorbell to No11 Downing Street Kissinger fails to ring the
changes By Quentin Letts - Daily Mail - 18th September 2010 ....
I am told the two men are firm friends. ‘They have known each other for a while
and meet quite a lot,’ says the Treasury. How George can understand a word the
old grunter says, Heaven knows. Mr Kissinger makes the late Lee Marvin sound
like Aled Jones. He arrived in Downing Street not long after the start of a
Cabinet meeting. News photographer Alan Davidson, in Downing Street for the
weekly Cabinet ‘walk-up’ shots, was about to leave when he saw a big, black
limousine. It stopped at the door of No 10 and out stepped an elderly gent.
It was Kissinger. Given that he was there to see Mr Osborne, he approached the
front door of No 11 rather than No 10. This was understandable, but a schoolboy
error. The door of No 11 is seldom used. Visitors for No 11 habitually enter via
No 10 and use a connecting corridor. Mr Kissinger rang the bell. No reply.
Seconds passed. Glumness colonised his face. ‘He stood there for about four
minutes,’ reports Davidson. ‘Eventually he rang again and he was finally let in.’
I understand Messrs Kissinger and Osborne developed their friendship at the
Bilderburg Group, a discreet knitting bee for global brahmins. Mr Kissinger,
sometime U.S. Secretary of State, was a stalwart of the Nixon White House back
in Watergate days. Only a knave would suggest that he and the PM’s press
ecretary, Andy Coulson, might have things in common.
Kissinger urges regional engagement in Afghanistan (AP) – Sep 10, 2010 GENEVA —
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said Friday that Afghanistan's
neighbors need to be engaged in order to find a long-term solution to the conflict
there. Pakistan, Iran, China and India all have an interest in preventing a Taliban
victory and al-Qaeda from establishing itself in Afghanistan, Kissinger told an
international security conference in Geneva. "The presence of a terrorist,
drug-producing state in that geographic location will affect every country,"
Kissinger said. "For Pakistan it will undermine whatever order exists today,"
he said, adding that Shiite-majority Iran would also be threatened by a
fundamentalist Sunni regime in Kabul. "In many respects India will be the most
affected country if a jihadist Islamism gains impetus in Afghanistan," said
Kissinger. "Even China, with its problems in Xinjian, cannot be indifferent,"
he said, referring to China's northwestern province which has recently seen
increased Muslim unrest. The 87-year-old, who negotiated U.S. disengagement
from the Vietnam conflict, said "an essentially unilateral American role cannot
be the long-term solution" for Afghanistan. Kissinger's speech prompted protests
outside the conference venue by Chilean and Argentine groups angry at his support
for military dictatorships there during his time as secretary of state in the 1970s. _________________ +44 (0)7786 952037 "Capitalism is institutionalised bribery." _________________
are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial
and political power they wield?
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World.
They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their
on thenuclear button!
Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their
clutches, at least that's my considered opinion -
Sunday, 19 September 2010
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Britannia Radio