Wednesday, 15 September 2010

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Brazil’s big election: Dilma vs José , Arthur Ituassu

Brazil’s nationwide elections on 3 October 2010 will see more than 130 million voters choose a president to succeed Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, as well as governors, fifty-four (of eighty-one) senators, 513 members of the national legislature, and...

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Germany goes global: farewell, Europe, Ulrike Guerot

The long, hot German summer managed to drain the energy from the vivid debate that had preceded it regarding Germany’s role in Europe. But the related questions that had dominated the early months of 2010, highlighted in particular by Greece’s...

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A free media: Tasneem Khalil’s project, David Hayes and Timothy Sowula

The release by the WikiLeaks project in July 2010 of thousands of United States military documents relating to the conflict in Afghanistan was at once a political and security problem for Washington, and a story about the new media age. The...

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From ecocide to ecocentrism: a response , Paul Kingsnorth

I have been reluctant to write any follow-up to my essay “Confessions of a recovering environmentalist” (16 August 2010). There are a number of reasons for this, but perhaps the most fundamental is that while the essay is a very personal...

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"A lifer is better than a detainee", Jerome Phelps

The coalition government has promised Britain a new era of freedom and civil liberties. We have also been warned of the pain that spending cuts will bring. But it remains to be seen whether the coalition will take on one area of public spending...

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Could diversity be making us more civil? , Phoebe Griffith

The stalls in Queen’s Market in Newham, officially London’s most diverse borough, sell the same noisy toys from China and counterfeit ‘Calvin’ jock straps found in markets around the world. The area has been globalising for decades. In 2005...

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Hamas marginalisation from the Israel-Palestine ‘Peace Process’ , Corinna Mullin

In her opening remarks to the latest iteration of the Israel-Palestine ‘peace process’, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a not-so-veiled reference to Hamas, urged the talks’ participants to defy the ‘enemies of peace’ and remain...

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