Monday, 6 September 2010
Dear Harold,
I am writing to remind you that the Libertarian Alliance Conference will
be held at the National Liberal Club in London on the weekend of the 30th
and 31st October 2010. If you wish to attend this most glittering event in
the calendar of the British - No, the European! - libertarian movement,
you should register now. For the past few years, we have been overbooked,
and many people have been disappointed. Therefore, do book now, if you do
not wish to be among the unlucky few who come whining to us in the week
before the conference starts.
Here are the details:
Now to the matter of the £1000. In honour of our Founder and first
President, Chris R. Tame (1949-2006), it is our custom to give £1000 to
the writer of the best essay on a theme announced by me. Sadly, we have
not so far been able to confirm sponsorship for this year's competition.
However, the President and Director of the Libertarian Alliance have
decided to underwrite this competition from their own pockets. Therefore,
the competition is on for this year, and I will announce the title in the
next few days.
If anyone wants to sponsor this year's competition - you do get your name
mentioned by us with the greatest respect - please contact me as soon as
possible: Tim and I are not rich men! Otherwise, do stand by for details
of the essay title.
In closing, I would draw your attention to the novels mentioned in the
footer to this message. Mr Blake has been called a writer of the most
blazing and unforgettable genius, whose writings may even have increased
the number of alien abductions because of their fame beyond this planet.
If you possibly can get hold of one of his books, you will be richly
rewarded. Indeed, since there are now translations of the novels of
Richard Blake into Italian, Spanish, Greek, Hungarian, Slovak and Chinese,
I would suggest that they make the ideal
Christmas/Hannukah/Diwali/Eid/Kwanzaa/birthday present for all your
friends and loved ones.
And just for the sake of telling you, Mr Blake's next novel, "Sword of
Damascus", is now at the page proofs stage. And his "Churchill
Memorandum", a novel in an entirely different genre, is approaching
completion. Do not regard my friend Mr Blake as a one-book wonder!
Sean Gabb
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979) Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb
Wikipedia Entry:
Buy these novels by Richard Blake: "Conspiracies of Rome"
<> ("Fascinating to read, very well written, an
intriguing plot" Derek Jacobi); "Terror of Constantinople"
<> ("Nasty, fun and educational" The Daily
Telegraph); "Blood of Alexandria" <>. "Sword of
Damascus" will be published in June 2011. Buy them for your own enjoyment.
Buy them as presents for your friends and loved ones.
Posted by
Britannia Radio