He informed David Cameron, the Prime Minister, on Friday night that he will resign as Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party at its board meeting in eight days' time. On Monday Lord Ashcroft will publish his verdict on the party's failure to win an overall majority in the May general election. In his analysis, the Tory life peer criticises the party for: The departure of the Tory peer, who was a tax exile in Belize for many years before returning earlier this year to live and pay income tax on his worldwide earnings in Britain, will leave a hole in the party's structure because he has masterminded the party's marginal seats campaign and its internal polling. Lord Ashcroft indicated before the election that he would stand down as Deputy Chairman, the role he has held since 2005, but his resignation will now end growing speculation over the past month that he would retain a prominent official role with the party. In Lord Ashcroft's assessment of the election campaign, seen exclusively byThe Sunday Telegraph, he highlights what he believes were the Conservative Party's tactical errors and why it failed to win the majority that many were predicting. This meant the party had to form a Coalition Government with the Liberal Democrats. He writes that in 2008 and 2009 nearly all published polls showed a "double-digit" – 10 per cent or more – Conservative lead. "Why did these figures not translate into a thumping majority? The key lies in the gap between the change people wanted and the change people thought we were offering. "Going into the election, many voters had little clear idea of what we stood for or what we intended to do in government. "At a national level, too much of our message was focused on unnecessary and counterproductive attacks on Gordon Brown and Labour, which meant that voters were not clear about our own plans. "We did not make as much progress as we should have done in transforming the party's brand, and in reassuring former Labour voters that we had changed and were on their side. "This in turn gave Labour's scare campaigns about Conservative plans more resonance than they would otherwise have had, and meant that, for many, voting Conservative was a much harder decision than it might have been." The Tory peer believes the analysis is constructive criticism and many in the party will be relieved that his verdict on the election campaign is not as damning as some political insiders have been predicting. Lord Ashcroft, 64, goes out of his way to praise Mr Cameron's personal contribution to the election campaign and says the party should feel "proud" of the result. He makes his comments in the executive summary for his 133-page book:Minority Verdict: The Conservative Party, the voters and the 2010 election, which will be published tomorrow. The Tory peer, who has donated around £15 million to the party over the past two decades, told The Sunday Telegraph: "There has been speculation as to my view of the party's performance in the election, and of David Cameron's subsequent decision to forge a coalition with the Liberal Democrats. "By putting an end to speculation, Minority Verdict sets the record straight. "This is a record of what I really thought at the time, and what I think now. And if there is to be a public debate about this subject, Minority Verdict represents my first and only contribution to it. "I do not intend to comment beyond what is contained in these pages." However, Lord Ashcroft clearly feels frustrated that the party's leadership did not offer him greater public support in March of this year when he was forced to admit – in the run-up to the May election – that he had enjoyed the status of a "non-dom" – and had not been paying income tax on his worldwide earnings. Critics tried to portray him as dishonourable and claimed he had reneged on an earlier pledge. In his interview, Lord Ashcroft said: "I think they could have mounted a more spirited defence of the situation. It did prove to me that the Labour Party attack team was much more effective than the Conservative Party defence team. "The negotiations [in 2000] with the [Labour] Government for me to join the House of Lords did not include any commitment on my part to be taxed on my worldwide income." He made it clear that he will not be donating as much money to the party as he has done in the past. "The party is actually in pretty good shape financially, which is a great credit to Michael Spencer [the outgoing treasurer] and his team. "They raised even more money than we were allowed to spend in the election campaign, so I'm not sure they need me for now," he said. The peer also believes that – in the long run – his close friend William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary and former party leader, will pursue an alternative career. "I think he will make a future career out of politics – and it will be a poorer place without him," he said. In his executive summary to Minority Verdict, Lord Ashcroft begins: "The result of the 2010 election was closer than many had expected – closer than Conservatives had hoped for. Many people, including me, were disappointed. "The Conservative Party faced a shambolic government, an unpopular Prime Minister, a recession, a huge budget deficit and an overwhelming national desire for change. "A year before the election the Conservatives were 20 points ahead in the polls, yet they failed to win an overall majority. Surely this had been an open goal. How could they come so close to missing? "Minority Verdict attempts to answer this question – both why the Conservatives did as well as they did in 2010, and why they did no better. He adds: "My motivation for writing Minority Verdict is not to condemn the campaign, still less the individuals who worked on it, whom I regard as friends and colleagues. "The book is not a hatchet job or an explosive insider account. After all, as Deputy Chairman I was part of David Cameron's team; I am not about to start criticising other members of that team who worked so tirelessly to put him into Number 10. "But it would be a pretty thin account of our campaign that did not offer some thoughts on why our result was not better than it was. "As with Smell the Coffee, my study of the 2005 campaign, I want to help learn the lessons that will lead to the Conservatives once again being elected to govern with an overall majority." The Tory peer says the party was right not to make more of an issue of immigration, but he said the televised debates "changed the narrative and rhythm of the campaign. He added: "Voters who had been reluctantly concluding that they were going to have to grit their teeth and vote Conservative now found that a more palatable alternative also seemed more credible than they had previously thought. "The impact would have been much less if we had already been where we should have been in the public mind. "The debates were arguably a tactical error which exposed a strategic problem: three weeks before the election the market was still wide open for a party of change. "Nick Clegg was only able to appropriate the territory of 'real change' because we did not dominate it ourselves." Lord Ashcroft highlights the success of the marginal seats campaign. "There is clear evidence that the Conservative Party's target seats campaign made a decisive difference to the outcome of the election. "We won 32 seats that needed a swing higher than the 4.9 per cent national average we achieved from Labour, or the 1.4 per cent from the Liberal Democrats. "Without these, Labour would almost certainly still be in government as the largest party in the House of Commons. "In our core battleground target seats we achieved swings well above the national average both against Labour and the Liberal Democrats." The Tory peer ends his executive summary with generous praise for the Prime Minister. "David Cameron's decision to form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats was the right one both for the country and for the Conservative Party. "It is only in government that the Conservative Party can complete the rehabilitation of its brand – that it can show doubtful voters that it really is on the side of ordinary people, that it is competent to run the economy, and that it can be trusted with public services like the NHS. "The offer to work with the Liberal Democrats, and the way David Cameron and his team conducted themselves in the uncertain days after the election, were dramatically at odds with the public view of politicians as childish partisans. "Of his many qualities, the one which will serve David Cameron best as Prime Minister is his judgment. "From the day he was elected leader, he has in the main made the right calls when it mattered most. In doing so he has rescued the Conservative Party. "There is more to do, but since December 2005 the party has been heading in the right direction and at the time of writing it still is. "Had David Cameron not grasped what needed to be done, the Conservative Party would be contemplating at least five more long years of opposition."Lord Ashcroft delivers tough verdict on Conservative election failings
Lord Ashcroft, the controversial billionaire Tory donor, has written a tough
public critique of what he sees as the costly flaws in the Conservative Party's
election campaign.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
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Britannia Radio