“If you find stolen goods, drive out the women and children, burn their houses, and ‘thank’ the men.” A voivode or voyevode was a provincial governor, often of a border province, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It is very significant that the root of this word is voyna, the Polish word for war; voina is the corresponding Russian word. The corresponding title in Germany was Margrave(Mark = march or province, Graf = Count) and the corresponding responsibility in Scotland fell to march-wardens. Jurand of Spychów from Sienkiewicz’s “The Knights of the Cross” held similar responsibilities. The Austro-Hungarian Empire meanwhile raised special troops known asGrenzers to protect its borders from the Ottoman Empire. Many English regiments also carried the name “Borderers.” Israel’s current condition is similar to that of the... Dershowitz, NGO Monitor: Probe Amnesty’s Israel biases BERLIN – A group of prominent political, academic and Middle East commentators from the international board of the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor called on Monday for an “independent evaluation of biases in Amnesty’s activities and publications, particularly related to Israel.” The story the Tundra Tabloids broke to the English speaking world (h/t: Vasarahammer) is still continuing to boil on the surface, with the latest mention coming from the J’lem Post concerning the joint statement by Alan Dershowitz and NGO Monitor demanding a probe of Amnesty International’s anti-Israel bias. It’s high time that it happened.... By Ted Belman Israel today is nothing less than essential to us, not only because the Jewish state is located in the very region where the strategic tectonic plates collide, but because Israel is one of the few nations willing to pay a price for its survival. Here is a article, The real terrorism is the lie against Israel, written by Fiamma Nirenstein on, 3 June 2010 It really is a... Barak: Israel May Divide Jerusalem, Internationalize Holy Basin Saeb Erekat: “I am a liar” (video) Over the past few days, Israelis have been inundated with a slick advertising campaign, financed by the US and created by the left wing “Geneva Initiative,” to convince them that the current government does not want peace and that Palestinian Arabs do. Here is my take on one of the commercials, starring everyone’s favorite liar, Saeb Erekat. Click here to view the embedded video. 2nd Terror Attack on Highway 60, 2 Jews Shot Shin Bet Arrests Seven Terrorist Scum Accused of Murders, Plan to Kidnap and Behead Israeli on Tape Three others planned to kidnap a Nazareth resident and behead him on video, but did not do so. Elgrisi said that they had even dug a grave for the Christian man who “insulted the prophet Muhammad.” Seven Israeli Arabs affiliated with al-Qaida and Global Jihad have been arrested for allegedly murdering a taxi driver last year, and carrying out a series of terrorist attacks, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)... Laura: Here are photos from the funerals. The little girl crying is especially heartbreaking. Bibi needs to get home and declare an end to these farcical talks. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with genocidal sub-human jihadist monsters. Israel should have exterminated hamas while they had the chance during Operation Cast Lead and ignored the outcries of the hypocritical UN, EU and the rest of the international community, which has expressed not an ounce of outrage about the cold-blooded murder of Jews as they do when these same mass murdering jihadis are killed by Israel. It’s a sick and twisted world. I refuse to succumb to political correctness and pretend islam is a religion of peace. It is a murderous death cult and a blight on humanity. As for the NYT and the rest of the msm, these parasites regard these murdered Jewish civilians as “settlers” thereby deserving of their fate according to big media. Seeing Red: Jewish Blood on the West Bank, Its... Andrew Breitbart is a media genius. He proved it originally with his brilliant handling of the ACORN ‘hooker’ scandal which he skillfully manipulated so that the corrupt media was forced, against its will, to broadcast corruption in one of Obama’s most powerful political support groups. But Breitbart’s handing of that affair is nothing compared to his brilliant manipulation of the Shirley Sherrod ‘white farmer’ scandal. It all began last Monday, July 22, 2010. As the country watched in horror, Breitbart released a snippet of a tape on his “Big Government” site which showed an obscure black female official of the Dept. of Agriculture laughing to a roomful of NAACP members about how she’d discriminated against a destitute white farmer and refused to give him the financial aid he desperately needed. As she smirked to the room, she’d sent him instead to a white lawyer – ‘one of his own kind’ – for help. The...The Margrave’s Duty
–Prince Jarema Wisniowiecki in “With Fire and Sword”
by Bill LevinsonChairman of the Finnish Amnesty International Calls Israel a “scum state”
The head of Amnesty International’s Finnish branch, Frank Johansson, sparked outrage last week when he termed Israel a “scum state” on his blog, a statement he has since removed following The Jerusalem Post’s disclosure of his anti-Israel remarks. Read More Friends of Israel Innitiative
At the WJC meeting yesterday, I was thrilled to meet Fiamma Nirenstein who is now a Senator in the Italian Parliament. She is a author of many books and a noted journalist. She gave a very upbeat talk at the conference (I will link to it when I find it) and advised that many people in Europe are beginning to accept that Israel has been and continues to be unfairly treated. She is also a member of theFriends of Israel Innitiative that Irwin Cotler had a hand in creating. Hose Maria Azner, Spain, who is a founder of this group delivered the Keynote address, Defending Israel to Defend Ourselves
US funds left-wing, anti-Netanyahu ad campaign
Interesting!! YamitNO ARABS, NO TERROR
Fatah Renegades, Hamas Compete for Credit of both shootings
This is one of the most dangerous cells we’ve uncovered’ 7 Israeli Arabs nabbed for 2009 cab-driver murder; Shin Bet, police say Al-Qaida-inspired terror suspects planned to kidnap IDF soldiers, murder Christians “heretics” for “insulting Muhammad.”
By YAAKOV KATZ, YAAKOV LAPPIN AND JPOST.COMNYT’s Despicable Coverage of the Muslim Murder of Jews
Andrew Breitbart lays the trap for Sherrod’s fraud
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 3 September 2010
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