The following is research published today from MEMRI’s Special Dispatch Series, the MEMRI TV Project, Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, and the MEMRI Iran Media Blog ( Special Dispatch No. 3214—Syria/U.S. and the Arab and Muslim World The editor of the Syrian government daily Al-Thawra, As'ad 'Aboud, calls on the Iraqis to unite all their forces and capabilities, and fight for the independence of their country until the last U.S. soldier leaves, along with the "spies, occupiers, swindlers, and thieves [who are plundering] Iraq's oil and all its resources," because Iraq's independence is measured by its ability to take independent decisions without consideration for U.S. interests. To read in full, visit Special Dispatch No. 3213—Hizbullah/Saudi Arabia/Lebanon/Inter-Arab Relations In response to a series of belligerent statements and speeches by Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah about the international tribunal for the Al-Hariri assassination, Khaled Aal Humail, a columnist for the Saudi daily Al-Watan, wrote that Nasrallah himself should be brought to trial before an international court for taking over Beirut in May 2008. Conversely, Aal Humail praised the Syrian regime for its restraint and responsibility in its dealings with the international tribunal. To read in full, visit Special Dispatch—Urdu-Pashtu Media Project/Taliban/Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project In a recent interview, Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban's shadow government), rejected the possibility of peace negotiations with the U.S. and its allies to resolve the Afghan problem, arguing that "negotiations under the shadow of occupation lead to continued occupation." He also refused to answer a question as to whether the Taliban will again welcome Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan if they return to power. The Taliban spokesman noted that the "reason for the U.S. war" against the Taliban is the Taliban's "insistence to apply the Shari'a of Islam, and to follow an independent policy that does not take its orders from Washington or any of its agents in the region." Ahmadi also rejected a call from 350 Afghan religious scholars for the application of Shari'a in Afghanistan, saying: "The application of Shari'a cannot take place under the forces of the occupation. The basic aim of Shari'a is to secure the safety of a Muslim society in a Muslim state." The interview was published by the London-based newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, and raises questions as to how realistic are the so-called U.S.-backed secret talks between some militant commanders and the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Ahmadi spokesman answered a range of questions on various issues in Afghanistan, noting that U.S. troops have not made any progress in Afghanistan recently, including in the town of Marjah where the U.S. troops launched an army operation early this year. In answer to a question about the situation in Kandahar, Ahmadi said: "Kandahar is not the only Taliban stronghold. All of Afghanistan is their stronghold, and all the people are members of the Taliban movement." To read in full, visit On September 1, 2010, Mauritanian cleric Abu Al-Mundhir Al-Shinqiti issued a fatwa permitting the targeting and killing of Egyptian Christians. The fatwa, published on Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi's website, was an answer to a question submitted on the website regarding the recent case of Camilia – the disappearance, alleged kidnapping, and forced conversion to Islam of a an Egyptian Coptic Christian woman. To read in full, visit¶m=IDTA. To view these reports, you must be a paying member of the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Project (JTTM). For membership information, send an email to with "Membership" in the subject line. You can also subscribe to a year of the JTTM Weekly Digest for $200.00. The Digest includes a selection of material from the JTTM. To subscribe to the JTTM Weekly Digest, visit (Sign up today - subscription price is set to increase in September) Note to media and government: For the full reports send an email with the title in the subject line to Ayatollah Khatami In Tehran Friday Sermon: Peace Talks Only A Reprieve For Zionist Regime, Doomed To Failure; Zionist Regime Would Occupy Mecca, Madina If It Could Tehran Interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said that the Israeli-Palestinian talks have for over a year been serving only as a reprieve for the Zionist regime. For more than 60 years, he said, peace talks have only provided the Zionist regime with a chance, giving a reprieve to this tyrannical and murderer regime. To read in full, visit Mehr Report: 'All Israel Is Within Range Of Our Firepower; We Hope That We Will Not Be Obliged to Strike Dimona' The Iranian news agency Mehr reported today, in an article headlined "All Israel is Within Range Of Our Firepower; We Hope That We Will Not Be Obliged to Strike Dimona," that a Mehr reporter asked Iranian Armed Forces Joint Chief of Staff Hassan Firouzabadi, on the sidelines of the Qods Day rallies in Tehran today, "If the Zionists do something stupid, how will Iran react?" To read in full, visit Ahmadinejad In Qods Day Address: Israel Fabricated By The West To Promote Their Colonialist Scheme; The Zionists And Their Masters Cannot Attack Iran In his address in Tehran marking World Qods Day today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Qods Day, which is against Israeli hostilities in the Middle East, has paved the way for Tel Aviv's collapse. He also said that the Zionists and their masters would not dare to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran, and that the nations of the region can wipe Israel off the world map. To read in full, visit Iranian Website Presents Gaza Rejoicing, Celebrations Over Terror Attack Near Hebron The Iranian website Qodsna yesterday published photos from the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip showing the residents' celebrations and rejoicing over the September 1 attack near Hebron by Hamas' 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, that killed four Israelis. To read in full, visit Iranian Protest Leader Karroubi's Home Attacked The home of Iranian Green (Protest) Movement leader Mehdi Karroubi was attacked by regime supporters today. To read in full, visit Basij Commander: Israel Has At Most 15 Years Left Mohammad Reza Naqdi, commander of the Iranian Basij paramilitary militia, said at a ceremony that the scenario according to Iran was that the Zionist regime would survive another 10-15 years, perhaps even less. To read in full, visit Son Of Woman Condemned To Death By Stoning Writes Open Lettter To Human Rights Activists To read in full, visit Marking Qods Day, Iranian Judiciary Chief Says Israeli-Palestinian 'Compromise' Talks Aimed To Safeguard Zionist Regime; Palestinian Ambassador Calls Israel 'Western Project'; Rally Photos Iranian judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani today said that the U.S. has advanced Israeli-Palestinian peace talks to save Israel, because its being is threatened by the Palestinians. He added that World Qods Day the Islamic Ummah's secret to counter the usurpers of the Palestine. To read in full, visit The MEMRI Daily: September 3, 2010
*Special Dispatch Series
Editor of Syrian Government Daily: The Iraqis Must Keep Fighting until the Last Soldier of the Occupation Leaves
Saudi Columnist: Bring Nasrallah to Trial before an International Tribunal
Taliban Spokesman Qari Yousaf Ahmadi Rejects Peace Negotiations, Says: 'Our First and Last Demand is the Expulsion of the Occupation [Forces from Afghanistan]; Application of Shari'a Cannot Take Place Under… Occupation; We are Determined to Continue Our Jihad; Loss of Lives… is Cheap for the Sake of Islam'
*From The MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor
A Call to Kidnap and Kill Tourists and Christians in Egypt
*From The MEMRI Iran Media Blog (
The son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, has written an open letter to human rights activists. Sajjad Ghaderzadeh also expressed concern about the possibility of a setup in which evidence had been planted and files were altered.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
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Britannia Radio