Thursday, 16 September 2010

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Germany: Enhanced Patent System in Europe
From Grunecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhausser


United Kingdom: Seminar Series on Key Tax Issues
From DLA Piper


Ireland: Conducting A Takeover Bid In Ireland
From Eversheds O'Donnell Sweeney

Ireland: Financial Regulator Rule Changes
From Arthur Cox

Ireland: Ireland's Response To Demand From Investors To Move Onshore
From Arthur Cox

Ireland: Re-Domiciling Funds To Ireland - Legal Measures Giving Full Effect To The Regime Now In Place
From Eversheds O'Donnell Sweeney

Spain: Make or break time for Insolvency Law? Towards a Business Restructuring Law
From Garrigues

United Kingdom: 'Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act' Provisions of the HIRE Act
From Withers LLP

United Kingdom: A New Financial Supervisory Framework for Europe
From DLA Piper

United Kingdom: CPR Amendments - Unauthorised Tenants. Part 55 Possession Claims and CCR O.26 Warrants of Execution, Delivery and Possession
From Matthew Arnold & Baldwin

United Kingdom: Sugar Trader Found In Breach Of Obligation To Meet Margin Call
From Ince & Co

United Kingdom: Syndicated Lenders - Navigating the Legal Black Hole
From Barlow Lyde & Gilbert LLP