Friday, 10 September 2010

Nigel Farage Takes On Unelected José Manuel Barroso

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The Real George Bernard Shaw – Fabian Socialist and Hitlerian Advocate of Mass Murder!

'Scanning through the Irish papers this morning I came across this piece on George Bernard Shaw in both the Irish Times and the Irish Examiner. These are supposedly competing publication but both carry word for word this sickening tribute to an evil monster who’s been mythologised and portrayed as one of Ireland’s finest.

This disgusting creature was in his day an ardent supporter of Mussolini and Hitler and a founding member of the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society would claim that they are a purely socialist organisation. They were co founded by Shaw’s friend Lady Astor. David Cameron, the ‘con’servative leader and Prime Minister of Britain is also a member as well as being as being related by marriage into the Astor family. Coincidence?'

Read more: The Real George Bernard Shaw – Fabian Socialist and Hitlerian Advocate of Mass Murder