Nouriel Roubini writes that…
“The reopening of the fire hoses of credit and capital that occurred during the bubble years will happen again and intensify the boom-and-bust cycles. Driven by ever-more- desperate policymakers in the U.S., Europe and Japan, these cycles will both shorten and magnify. Political, policy and regulatory uncertainty will increase, and as a result, financial crises will become more frequent and costly, while risk aversion, volatility and uncertainty will rise.”
Guido is a betting man, yet he would never have put money on hearing Castro finally concede that Cuba’s revolution was a failure. He also never imagined Denis Skinner could open his arms and embrace a Blairite. But it seems socialist pigs do fly…
With Castro telling a journalist this week that “under ‘the Cuban model’ the state has much too big a role in the economic life of the country,” the Beast of Bolsover, not wanting to feel left out has endorsed Blairite David Miliband for leader. Is the long march finally over?
While the Mirror and the Guardian try desperately to breathe air into the phone hacking scandal, lets take a look at why it isn’t really about evil Murdoch and his newspapers. A little evidence based research, with the help of the Information Commissioner’s Office, shows how all the papers were up to dirty tricks and “blagging” - pretending to be someone you are not in order to gain information you are not entitled to or worse still bribing phone company, HMRC and DVLC employees to obtain information.Who do you think had the most recorded offences?
So where is Watson’s call to have the Mirror and the Mail hauled up before Parliament to answer questions, or does that not fit the attack strategy?