Oppression of Christians World Wide. Christian Solidarity Worldwide appeals to EU to investigate ...
The Underground
Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a nongovernmental organization for Christians, will send the appeal to the EU for the formation of a UN Commission of ...Iraqi Christians - even harder times ahead
An organization dedicated to persecuted Christians worldwide believes life for believers in Iraq will only get worse now that American combat troops are ...
OneNewsNowCoptic Solidarity calls on Mubarak to make peace in his country first
"We want the whole world to know the oppression, violence and attacks on ... that the Copts benefited from wide media presence monitoring the Mideast talks, ...
ikhwanWeb.comBritannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
Yahoo! Answers - Why do christians claim to be the oppressed ... Why do christians claim to be the oppressed minority, when they're obviously ... It's a big wide world with many countries and if you do not like a place . ...
Britannia Radio - http://britanniaradio.blogspot.com/Christian Solidarity Worldwide appeals to EU to investigate ...
By The Underground Staff
Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a nongovernmental organization for Christians, will send the appeal to the EU for the formation of a UN Commission of Inquiry that will investigate humanitarian crimes committed in N. Korea, according to ...
The Underground - http://theundergroundsite.com/Pray for the World – 6 September 2010 | John Mark Ministries
By Rowland Croucher
Subsequently the sentences were overthrown. But Greece became the focus of worldwide attention from the Christian community and Hellenic Ministries was well and truly on the map. 25 years later Hellenic Ministries is at the ...
John Mark Ministries - http://jmm.aaa.net.au/There Is No Seven Year Tribulation?
By Chris
Also, referring to Daniel's 70th Week (which concerns Israel) as the tribulation (which is world wide) hides the fact that Israel and the Church can't co-exist during that time. Because of this, manyChristians don't realize that during ...
Rapture Forums - http://www.raptureforums.com/forum/
Monday, 6 September 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio