Friday, 10 September 2010


1. WikiLeaks To Publish Massive Cache Of Iraq War Documents

A massive cache of previously unpublished classified U.S. military documents from the Iraq War is being readied for publication by WikiLeaks, a new report has confirmed. The documents constitute the “biggest leak of military intelligence” that has ever occurred, according to Iain Overton, editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a nonprofit British organization that is working with WikiLeaks on the documents. The documents are expected to be published in several weeks. A leak of this sort would vastly dwarf the cache of about 75,000 documents that WikiLeaks published in July from the Afghanistan War. That cache involved field reports from analysts who compiled information from informants and others on incidents and intelligence. Overton said that his group is working on the new cache of documents with major television networks and print-media outlets in several countries, including the United States, to produce documentaries an d stories based on them. The collaboration is similar to what was done in July when WikiLeaks worked with three news outlets — The New York Times, the Guardian and Der Spiegel — to simultaneously publish stories on the Afghan War logs.
Kim Zetter, Wired

Julian Assange Case Setting Off Major Civil Rights Alarm Bells

Swedish Prosecutor Marianne Ny, badly compromising
civil rights by refusing to swiftly investigate case

(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
The news that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was suspected of rape echoed around the globe. So strange that the woman filing the complaint did not herself claim she'd been raped. After the case was dismissed and then reopened, the case dossier - which is not public information - was published in the tabloid press. Chief prosecutor Marianne Ny, on special assignment to develop new methodologies for sex crime cases, has explained that this case can take a long time, possibly months. This is remarkable considering that in March of this year in a DN interview she stressed the importance of handling matters swiftly for sex crime cases. That a prosecutor goes public with a suspicion and then neglects to swiftly investigate the suspicion must be in conflict with fundamental principles of civil rights. The Assange case should set off alarms. Is there an attitude about this type of crime which leads to fundamental civil rights being pushed aside? To swiftl y investigate the case should be simple. This is reasonably a matter of interrogating the parties, reviewing mail correspondence, things like that. Maybe a few hours work. Interrogations must obviously be held swiftly as people's memory is influenced and altered, particularly when the interrogations are published in the tabloids. Assange is being hung out as a suspected rapist and he's harmed by it. But this doesn't seem to bother Marianne Ny.
Carin Stenström, Rixstep

Flu Vaccine Not Ruled Out Of Toddler's Death

An influenza vaccine may have played a part in the death of a toddler found in her cot after receiving the jab, a Queensland coroner says. Brisbane coroner John Lock began an investigation after two-year-old Ashley Jade Epapara was found dead in her cot on April 9, just 24 hours after receiving the seasonal flu vaccine, Fluvax.
Mr Lock on Friday advised he had finished his investigation and could not rule out a link between the drug and the unexplained death.
AAP, Sydney Morning Herald
Related Links:
Toddler Ashley Jade Epapara, 2, Dies After Flu Vaccine
Suellen Hinde, Sunday Mail, Australia
Fears Grow As Toddlers Hospitalised From Untrialed Flu Vaccine
Debbie Guest & Natasha Bita, The Australian

4. Stunning Vaccination Graphs, The Awful Stats In Action

Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D
Figures I through I0 graphically illustrate that in North America, Europe and the South Pacific, major declines in life-threatening infectious diseases occurred historically either without, or far in advance of public immunization efforts for specific diseases as listed. This provides irrefutable evidence that vaccines are not necessary for the effective elimination of a wide range of infectious diseases. Figures 11 through 19 graphically illustrate that immunization is not by any means a proven and foolproof measure for protection from various infectious disease conditions. It is often inconsequential epidemiologically, and in some cases it is shown to actually worsen health-care outcomes. Figures 20 through 29 graphically illustrate that increases in the number of government mandated vaccines correlates with significant increases in death rates for children under the age of 5 and that the practice is linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); vario us degenerative diseases, including diabetes and appears to cause general immune system impairment in infants and children. Evidence also points to the practice of immunization as a principal factor in the recent massive increases in neurodegenerative conditions such as autism in children. One Click Note: The
Immunization Graphs and the Synoptic Overview are a MUST READ. They vividly portray in pictures and words the vaccination statistics that the pharmaceutical industry and governments conjoined simply don't want you to see.
Information Release, Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D
Related Links:
Immunization Graphs
Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D
The Synoptic Overview: Issues In Immunization Theory And Practice
Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D